Disney’s theme parks are part of a larger conglomerate. It includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following companies.

Put differently, consider Disney as one of those giants that are steadily building their moat, rather akin to Berkshire Hathaway.
Our publisher L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach has periodically said that you either define yourself, or others will define you – and if others are defining you – that may often be to your detriment.
We don’t believe in boycotts, for several reasons, including legal ones. But we do believe that information can prove to be powerful. Information can be accurate, misleading, mixed, or weaponized. Thus the rise of the term, across the political spectrum, of “fake news.”
Disney and the Future of Retail
Some say retail is dead. Some claim that manufactured housing independent retailers days are numbered too. That may be true for some, but not for others. Some will not accept the death or insult of their profession without a proper fight.
But in a battle against a giant, one must pace. This #DisneySprings struggle – and the broader one it represents – is best understood as a marathon.
As a part of a conglomerate, Disney has access to some of the keenest minds in science, technology, marketing, and branding.
One can learn – and should – learn from anyone, but not necessarily what a given source thinks they are communicating.
The photos and videos are from Disney Springs. It’s open to the general public. It’s their freemium version of Disney’s theme parks.
Disney makes tons of money for themselves – and their retail partners – by attracting a crowd.

Part of their strategy? They hire talented performers, many who are hoping for that ‘break’ that will take them to the next level beyond where they currently hang out. The Disney stage or street performances are arguably a far better venue for many talents than a dark club that attracts people whose aim is to get drunk.
“Manufactured housing professionals and investors have much to learn from Disney, for good and ill,” says Tony Kovach. “On all things, prudent professionals should approach it with a wheat and chaff mindset. What’s the good? What’s wrong? What can we learn from this? What can be done about what’s wrong?”
MHProNews verified that Disney have still kept their problematic signage in place. We’ve also learned that they have other modular offices on the same property, kept behind fences draped by a plastic material meant to hide them from public view. Interesting.
Neal Haney, one of the co-founders of NAMHCO – the National Association of Manufactured Housing Community Owners – is the most recent to weigh in on the Disney controversy. Neal – via NAMHCO’s Executive Director Susan Bretton – said this, below.
We will be forwarding this article to Disney management, and ask them again to correct the public slur and misinformation about factory-built homes and modular structures.

See the related reports, linked immediately below as well as after the byline and notices further down this post for more details and information on how this matter has evolved.

In the Lakeland-Winter Haven, FL area where MHProNews is based, one estimate puts the population of manufactured and mobile home residents at every fourth person. Statewide, it is about 10 percent. Nationally, over 6 percent.
Disney understands math. Industry pros must too. There is power that our industry has failed to exercise, due to years of failed leadership.
That is changing.
Food, Folks, Fantasy, Fun, and Flubs – Disney’s “Trailer” Slur Update
A Disney spokesperson that the Daily Business News has been communicating with declined to say to MHProNews if the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) has weighed in, or not, on this #nettlesome issue. But either way, it’s revealing that Berkshire Hathaway backed MHI has taken no public position on a matter that impacts the image of our industry, and the tens of millions of our home owners and residents.
Retail is not dead. Here, we don’t just mean manufactured housing’s independent retailers, but also, retail stores and shopping centers. We won’t do a deep dive today, but merely note that Disney has demonstrated the art and science of becoming a destination. Thousands flock there daily. Manufactured housing has much to learn, good and ill, serious, smiley, and sobering, from Disney.
Our leadership team has several next steps in mind for Disney, until they correct this public misinformation and slur. Stay tuned.
But in the meantime, “wheat and chaff.” Disney has good examples, and problematic ones. They have talented performers, and others who are less so.
Bryan Malpass below, and Nicholas Marks are two of those talents. Malpass, below, has the voice. Live, it is far better, but this gives you a clue.
Marks, if you watch the entire video, is one of the most amazing guitarists you will likely see. Marks is the definition of performance art.
Will MHPros Accept the Fate of Sears?
There is nothing changed until it’s challenged. When the industry is in apparent retreat, when MHI is doing – and not doing – what they do – battles must be fought. Haney and NAMHCO – or MHARR, over the course of many years – plus others are among those fighting for what’s right.

There are a variety of legitimate ways to patiently win battles like this one with Disney’s arguably misguided management. It may take weeks, months, or longer. But victory is assured only for those who enter the fray with a ‘never quit’ – pursue all avenues until success is obtained for a just cause – mindset.
This is all part of the manufactured housing industry’s wake up call. MHI has apparently failed the industry again (see further below).
Disney is arguably insulting the factory-built housing industry, and its 22 million plus residents in the U.S., plus millions more in Canada. There is no need to call a boycott, because better ways are available. Stay tuned, or join in the fun of the fray. That’s “News through the lens of manufactured homes, and factory-built housing,” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
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MHARR, ROC USA, Canadian Association Weigh-In On Disney “Trailers” Controversy
Former Manufactured Housing Institute President, Manufactured Home Owners, Urban Institute, and You – manufacturedhomelivingnews.com
” During my time at MHI, I was often asked the same question, “What must happen for business to return – for manufactured housing to begin growing again? ” My stock answer would usually start with ‘financing’ and end with a general comment about the need to bring ‘value’ to our customers.”