Word was heard yesterday that on “The Five” on Fox News would have a professional with a personal connection to the manufactured housing industry.
That proved to be accurate, but that story can wait for another time. It’s time for something inspirational for manufactured home professionals to consider.
It’s Holy Week for over 2 billion Christians around the world. Hundreds of millions of Christians of various stripes and hues are found in North America alone. The Daily Business News on MHProNews has for years taken a moment to celebrate a holiday and holy days of various faiths.
Kathie Lee Gifford recently announced she is leaving NBC. She has done her first directing project with this video. Here’s what the YouTube page says, “Kathie Lee Gifford & Nicole C. Mullen’s modern oratorio telling the stories of Hagar, Ruth, David, and Mary and the promises God made to them.”
It’s visually rich, well narrated, with soul stirring music and song. It is personalized at the end, connected directly to the viewer.
God, Personal, and Business Ethics
Our twelve-year-old son, Tamas Kovach (pronounced like Tah Mash Co Vatch) – who goes to trade shows with the family and does this and that for the family business – was talking this morning to his father about a conversation with another actor in a play he and the other boy both had a role in.
The production was all about the lead up to and the events of Holy Week.
Tamas’ dad asked him as they prepared breakfast, “How do you know that God exists?”
“If I can crook [i.e.: bend] my little finger, then I know there is a God,” replied Tamas. That’s true, his father replied, but that’s a pretty high-level philosophical argument. How would you explain it more basically to someone?
“Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” – answered Tamas. How does that prove there is a God, came his dad’s retort. “Because, God made the chicken, and the chicken produced the egg,” Tamas said.
“What other example could you give?” asked his dad. “Which came first, the acorn or the oak tree? God made the oak tree, and the oak tree made the acorn.”
There are ultimate truths, believed or not, grasped or not.
One can deny gravity exists. But it is safer to declare your disbelief in gravity than it is to step off a cliff to found out the truth of the matter. While all of us mortals are hypocrites at times, the question is what happens after a slip or fall, or after a hypocritical discovery is made. The mature adult that discovers an error makes amends the best as possible, and then make the effort to change course.

We are all like the souls described in the video posted above at some time or another. We all have times of isolation, concern, or even despair. When it seems like no one else is around, there is. There is the God who sees, you. Happy holy week. “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)

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Where I Come From
Where I come from – faith, flag, and freedom aren’t words twisted to elect. Where I come from – a gentleman opens a lady’s door. Where I come from – dishonesty is something to abhor. Where I come from – people try their best, seeking better day-by-day.