Let’s be clear, the Daily Business News on MHProNews believes in correct terminology and many points that have been shared over the years.
That said, this column recently spotlighted an “epic” mobile home commercial. That prior, recent report, is linked via the text/image box below.
New Year’s Respect for Those Who Get It Done, Epic, Honest, Mobile Home Professional’s Plug
In the wake of that report, Kavan Simon and a colleague at Brigadier Homes, in Waco TX sent two video embed codes. We are not hereby endorsing or recommending this, but rather, reflecting how the sense of humor of some in our industry can shine through via their marketing.
They sent two versions of this video. Each are shown below. We like the longer version better. But check out both, and let us know what you think?
Long Brigadier Homes Video
Short Brigadier Homes Video
Humor is Grand, But Good Service Shines Through
It should be noted that this Texas operation, per reports, sells a lot of new manufactured homes. The drone footage of the sheer size of their manufactured home retail center’s inventory suggests that too.
Here is their Better Business Bureau (BBB) rating, from this date.
These videos were just posted yesterday. So, it will be interested to see how this will compare to the videos posted by the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) to ‘promote’ the industry after a year. Stay tuned. That’s the lighter side of manufactured housing industry news and views. “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)

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Details Emerging on Amazon’s Plans for Plant PreFab Modular Home Investment
Ford and Toyota Teach Manufactured Housing Professionals and Investors
The “Need For Quality Affordable Housing Has Never Been Greater,” Says LT – manufacturedhomelivingnews.com
The headline is missing two words from the original that was provided to MHLivingNews by Lending Tree (LT), via a news media release. Those missing two words? ” In Miami.” While that was accurate, it is equally accurate for the vast majority of the U.S. today, thus our edit of those two words.
MHI Allies Respond, Provide Confirmation to #NettlesomeThings, Facts, and Clayton/Berkshire Exposés