In jolly old England, what’s starting to get its footing is the PreFab Museum.
“Opened for one month in March 2014, it is now supposed to last for a few years!” says their commentary under the YouTube video, below.
“Founded and curated by photographer Elisabeth Blanchet, the Prefab Museum celebrates post-war prefab life through art, by sharing memories, archive, stories and by reviving the sense of community of the Excalibur Prefab Estate,” states the museum.
Moving PreFab Museum Events 2017
The website touts the fact that they are celebrating the history of prefabricated homes, for a proper understanding of the terminology, see this linked article here.
“In May 2016 we embarked on our prefabs roadshow which marked 70 years of post-war prefabs,” says the PreFab Museum website.
The movement in England, Europe – indeed, globally – to a greater acceptance of modular, prefab, container and other forms of prefabricated home building is bound to spawn a renewed interest in the history of prefabs.
Here in the U.S., manufactured homes lead modular building in total volume.
But there are so many emerging building technologies, any of them could over time upend how all of on-and-off site building is done.
The video provides a snapshot of the PreFab Musuem, as told in their own uniquely British way.
For those who’ve missed it, the British growth in modular home building by an international insurance giant, is linked here. ## (The lighter side, flashback, historic report).
(Image credits are as shown above, and when provided by third parties, are shared under fair use guidelines.)