TMHA and TRERC – ‘Texas Manufactured Housing Production Up But Still Outpaced by Demand’ – Wacky Wednesday Look at #1 Manufactured Housing ‘Lone Star State’ Remarks and Analysis; plus MHVille Market Updates


The Texas Manufactured Housing Association (TMHA) and the Texas Real Estate Research Center (TRERC) have been collaborating for some time on a monthly report on the manufactured housing industry in Texas. Several, but not all, of their reports have upon closer examination proven to be controversial. For example, there are times that the TRERC monthly reports have provided “sentiments” that were apparently contradicted by actual manufactured home production or shipment data. In fairness to TRERC, they have at various times admitted there is a validity to such factual concerns, which they said they would attempt to clarify in future reports. So, fact checks and analysis, like this one, may have proven to be useful in causing stakeholders and observers to approach TRERC information more carefully.  But it may also cause some to realize that if questionable information is being produced about manufactured housing industry occurrences in Texas – the number one production and shipment state for HUD Code manufactured housing in the country – it may be occurring in other states or with the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) ‘news’ too.



With those thoughts in mind, Part I of today’s report will be the TRERC-TMHA report for October.

Part II will provide more information with MHProNews analysis and commentary in brief.

Part III is our Daily Business News on MHProNews macro-markets and MHVille connected equities report, along with left (CNN) and right (Newsmax) headlines news. The headline news feature gives ‘at a glance’ insights that can shed light on economic, political, social or other events that are impacting equities and the manufactured home industry.


Part I

Texas manufactured housing production up but still outpaced by demand  

COLLEGE STATION, Tex. (Texas Real Estate Research Center) – After adjusting to last year’s monetary-policy tightening, manufactured housing activity has accelerated through the first three quarters of 2023, according to the September edition of the Texas Manufactured Housing Survey (TMHS).

Production increased for the sixth straight month but failed to keep pace with new orders, leading to higher backlogs.

“Although mortgage interest rates continue to climb, they don’t seem to be dampening retail manufactured housing sales,” said Dr. Harold Hunt, research economist at the Texas Real Estate Research Center at Texas A&M University (TRERC). “However, the impact of higher rates may be felt in manufacturers’ cost of capital and restrain new investment.”

The TMHS capital-expenditures index has hovered above zero this year, but the forward-looking measure decelerated after spiking in August.

“One benefit of debt capital is that interest payments are usually tax deductible, so the cost of higher rates is partially offset by the reduction in taxable income,” said Hunt.

“It’s too early to tell how retail sales of manufactured housing did in September, but the hard data through August has retailers’ placement of homes outpacing shipments received for every month thus far in 2023,” according to Rob Ripperda, vice president of operations for the Texas Manufactured Housing Association. “The September TMHS indicates continued growth in new orders, suggesting retail demand has remained strong and that inventory levels have been reduced from their peaks one year ago.”

Labor constraints and material shortages may be contributing to manufacturers’ inability to keep up with new orders.

“While still subdued relative to pandemic disruptions, global supply chain pressure is showing signs of picking up,” said TRERC Senior Research Associate Wes Miller. “Survey respondents, however, expect conditions to smooth as we head into next year.”

The six-month outlook remains favorable for Texas’ manufactured housing industry with a consensus of elevated activity and decreased uncertainty propping up optimism for the start of next year.  ##


Part II – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary 

The hard numbers for manufactured housing production and shipments nationally, including the specific totals for the month and year-to-date in the state of Texas, are found in the reports linked below.


Tipster Provides ‘Secret’ ‘For Members Only’ Document-But Why? Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Monthly Economic Report for August 2023 – Data Released in October 2023; plus MHVille Markets Update



We will further unpack the TRERC remarks by topics of interest. In no particular order of importance, the first subject will be the DOE energy rule, followed by interest rates and other issues.


The Texas Manufactured Housing Association (TMHA) and the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) teamed up in the legal action that delayed the implementation of the Department of Energy’s (DOE) ‘harmful and destructive’ manufactured housing energy rule. Yet, TMHA and TRERC didn’t mention the latest on that case in the October 2023 monthly report above. More information about that case is found in the report linked below.


Federal Attorneys Move to Dismiss Manufactured Housing Institute-Texas Manufactured Housing Assoc (MHI-TMHA) Lawsuit-DOE’s Legal Arguments and CEO Lesli Gooch Ph.D. Exposé; plus MHStocks Update


In the MHI ‘news’ emailed to their members about William Bill Boor’s remarks to Congress on July 14, 2023, MHI said the following, quoting their association’s then vice chairman.

“The typical cost-benefit analysis looks at whether that money will get paid back to the homebuyer over 10 years,” Boor said. “Using DOE’s analysis which we do think is somewhat flawed, but we didn’t change it, we just updated it for current costs, for the vast majority of our homes, it would not get paid back, and the bigger point is that $7,000 for a customer [would be cost prohibitive].” Given that the context for Boor’s remarks on behalf of MHI was framed against DOE and other federal regulatory challenges, why didn’t TMHA or TRERC mention the still-pending DOE rule at all? After all, Boor is the CEO of Cavco, and Cavco has production and shipments into the Lone Star State.

Again, quoting MHI’s statement to their own members about Boor’s remarks to Congress.

“We’re really uncertain where we’re going to be heading from the requirements, given two overlapping but very different regulators if the DOE process continues,” Boor said.

He noted that the industry will continue to move the ball forward on energy efficiency. “We’re talking about doing it in a holistic fashion where the impacts are thought through,” he said. “And we can make great strides. I think they are on a path right now where they’re going after ‘E’ at the expense of ‘S.’”

In June 2023, TMHA said: “The industry had to navigate through most of May with the uncertainty of whether the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Energy Conservation Standards for Manufactured Housing were going to take effect on the last day of the month as scheduled,” according to Rob Ripperda, vice president of operations for the Texas Manufactured Housing Association. “The DOE published a proposed rule back in March asking for input on delaying the implementation, but confirmation of a later compliance date was not announced until May 19th, just 12 days before the changes were supposed to take effect.”

The attorneys for MHI and TMHA previously mused that there would be “irreparable harm” if the DOE energy rule proceeds. Again, the oddity is if there is such harm poised to hit the industry, then why didn’t TMHA and TRERC update that topic?


‘Irreparable Harm,’ ‘Public Interest,’ ‘Legal Defects,’ ‘DOE Seeks to Avoid Judicial Review’ Cited by MHI-TMHA Attorneys v Dept of Energy – Pleadings and Developments; plus MHVille Stocks Update


Financing and Interest Rates

Quoting the above from TRERC’s October 2023 report, with bold emphasis added. “Although mortgage interest rates continue to climb, they don’t seem to be dampening retail manufactured housing sales,” said Dr. Harold Hunt, research economist at the Texas Real Estate Research Center at Texas A&M University (TRERC).

From the September 2023 TRERC report, Wes Miller, TRERC senior research associate said: “The industry’s optimistic outlook outweighed these obstacles, prompting preparations to increase capital expenditures despite the higher interest rate environment.”

From the August TRERC 2023 report: “Wes Miller, senior research associate at the Texas Real Estate Research Center at Texas A&M University (TRERC). “Business activity has rebounded despite ongoing interest rate increases that shocked demand last year. In addition to new hiring, average employee workweeks have picked up over the last few months.””

Also from the August 2023 report: “Retailers sold more homes than they received during the first half of the year,” said Rob Ripperda, vice president of operations for the Texas Manufactured Housing Association, “and that trend should extend into July as manufacturing plants typically close for a week to celebrate Independence Day. Last year there wasn’t a single month when retail sales beat shipments. Solid consumer demand for affordable housing continues to drive new orders and has brought manufacturing production rates back to where they were during the last calendar quarter of 2022.”

July 2023: “There was real concern from manufacturers about overstocked inventory on retail lots and the headwind of rising interest rates throughout the back half of 2022,” said Rob Ripperda, vice president of operations for the Texas Manufactured Housing Association. “Demand for housing, however, remained resilient, and retailers posted strong sales so far this year.”

June 2023: “Higher interest rates impact industries differently,” explained Dr. Harold Hunt, senior research economist at the TRERC. “For example, higher mortgage rates reduce housing affordability, and some prospective buyers leave the site-built market and enter the manufactured-housing sphere.”

Put bluntly, the monthly TRERC-TMHA reports have been inconsistent at best in how they have described the impact of rising interest rates. For instance. While it is true that rising rates reduces conventional housing affordability, there is little sign based on state or national numbers that manufactured housing has benefited from the rising interest rate environment, even though historically, there often was such a benefit.



Recall the exchange from last May 2023 between Boor and stock analyst Gregory Palm. Palm politely but pointedly questioned the narrative on why the manufactured housing industry production wasn’t performing better?


AnalystGregPalmtoCavcoWhy is Manufactured HomeIndustry ProductionSo WeakParadox DevelopsLower Expectations MoreSinglesIn Q1-2023CavcoIndustriesQrtly FactsTrendsMHVilleAnalysisMHProNews


There is also no mention of the fact that some manufacturers have idle plants that may be able to ship into Texas.  For instance.


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When it comes to apparent disconnects between the various narratives (e.g.: TMHA-TRERC, MHI, Cavco) and more sobering realities, there is this page from a Cavco 2023 investor relations pitch deck page. While the information below is broadly ‘true,’ it leaves out the important point that manufactured housing in the 21st century has by historic standards been badly underperforming.


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Put differently, when the TRERC-TMHA information is compared to other sources that have interconnected ties, and information from those sources are laid out ‘side by side’ or even with respect to the same source’s prior remarks, inconsistencies begin to emerge.  There appears to be an effort to create illusions of industry performance that if taken at face value from TMHA-TRERC, MHI, and corporate (for example, Cavco) information yields disconnects. Analyst Palm’s remarks to Cavco’s Boor mentioned above underscore that point.  Comparing information between publicly traded companies’ pitches further illustrates disconnects in how corporate presentations to investors may differ in a manner that could be described as “paltering.” A look at Cavco’s page (the first of the two graphics above) vs. the graphic below from Skyline Champion (MHProNews has added the orange arrow below) highlights the ‘spin’ on information that should cause investors and stakeholders to lean in.


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Zoning and Placement

There is an odd silence in the TRERC and TMHA monthly reports for at least a year on the harms caused to the manufactured housing industry by zoning challenges. Yet Texans have sounded off publicly on this issue, including TMHA executive director D. J. Pendleton.

To illustrate that point about zoning and TMHA’s Pendleton, MHProNews asked Bing AI tool this question. The highlighting in the AI response from Bing is added by MHProNews for emphasis.

> “What has TMHA’s D. J. Pendleton said about zoning hurdles for manufactured housing?”

BingsAIchatAnswerImage-MHProNewsD. J. Pendleton is the executive director of the Texas Manufactured Housing Association (TMHA), which is a trade association that represents the interests of the manufactured housing industry in Texas1. He has been vocal about the challenges and opportunities that his industry faces, especially regarding zoning and land use regulations.

According to Pendleton, zoning hurdles are one of the biggest barriers to the growth and development of manufactured housing in TexasHe says that many local governments have outdated or discriminatory ordinances that restrict or prohibit manufactured homes from being placed in certain areas, or impose higher standards or fees than site-built homes23. He argues that these regulations are not based on objective criteria, but rather on negative stereotypes or misconceptions about manufactured housing and its residents.

Pendleton believes that manufactured housing can provide a viable and affordable solution to the housing shortage and affordability crisis in Texas, as well as contribute to the economic and environmental sustainability of the state. He says that manufactured homes are built to high quality and safety standards, offer a variety of design and customization options, and can be energy-efficient and resilient13He also says that manufactured housing can create jobs, generate tax revenues, and support local businesses and communities1.

To overcome the zoning hurdles, Pendleton advocates for a more balanced and fair approach to land use regulation that recognizes the benefits and potential of manufactured housing. He says that TMHA works with its members, stakeholders, policymakers, and consumers to educate them about the facts and myths of manufactured housing, and to promote best practices and policies that support the industry’s growth and development. He also says that TMHA collaborates with other organizations and coalitions that share similar goals and values, such as the Texas Association of Builders, the Texas Association of Realtors, and the Texas Affiliation of Affordable Housing Providers13.

Pendleton hopes that by raising awareness and understanding of manufactured housing, he can help create a more favorable environment for his industry and its customers. He says that he is optimistic about the future of manufactured housing in Texas, as he sees more opportunities and demand for this type of housing in the market. He says that he is proud of his industry’s achievements and contributions, and he looks forward to continuing his advocacy and leadership role for TMHA13.

Learn more:

  1. 2. 3.


In the follow up inquiry by MHProNews to Bing AI, the bold is added for the sake of our readers. Highlighting is added by MHProNews in Bing AI’s response. Keep in mind that Pendleton is an attorney.

> “Useful. But can you find any record of the TMHA’s D. J. Pendleton making mention of the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act (MHIA) of 2000, and its enhanced preemption provision as a means of getting local zoning boards to comply with federal law that could benefit the industry by opening up new placement opportunities?”

BingsAIchatAnswerImage-MHProNewsI’m glad you found my answer useful. I searched the web for any record of D. J. Pendleton’s comments on the MHIA of 2000 and its enhanced preemption provision. Here is what I found:

  • According to a document from the U.S. Congress1, Pendleton testified before the Subcommittee on Insurance, Housing and Community Opportunity of the Committee on Financial Services on February 1, 2012. He said that the MHIA of 2000 was a landmark legislation that established a balanced consensus process for the development, revision, and interpretation of federal construction and safety standards for manufactured homes. He also said that the enhanced preemption provision was a critical component of the law, as it gave HUD the authority to preempt state and local regulations that discriminate against manufactured housing or are not consistent with the federal standards.
  • According to a website from the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI)2, Pendleton submitted a proposal to HUD in July 2021, urging the department to implement and enforce its enhanced preemption authority as mandated by law. He said that for years, MHI has argued that HUD has a congressional mandate to play a much greater role in opposing state and local regulations that are inconsistent with congressional intent. He also said that HUD’s failure to exercise its preemption authority has resulted in lost placement opportunities and reduced consumer choice for manufactured housing.
  • According to a website from HUD3, the MHIA of 2000 significantly amended the Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act by creating new mandates for manufactured home installation and dispute resolution. It also stated that HUD has not issued any formal guidance or regulations on how to implement its enhanced preemption authority under the law.

These are the most relevant records that I could find. I hope this helps you with your research. 😊

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So, one clear takeaway is that the TMHA’s Pendleton – who as noted herein is an attorney – is quite aware of the “enhanced preemption” issue.
But that begs the question. Given his knowledge of how federal preemption under the MHIA could benefit industry growth in sales and production, then why hasn’t TMHA – perhaps in conjunction with MHI – sued to get federal preemption under the MHIA enforced? After all, MHI and TMHA teamed up to sue the DOE. Why haven’t they teamed up and sued to get enforcement of manufactured housing to boost sales and production, which was a key purpose of the MHIA of 2000 law and its enhanced preemption provision?
Both Mark Weiss, J.D., President and CEO of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR), and Danny Ghorbani, MHARR’s senior advisor and founding president and CEO, have repeatedly made similar points that legal action is long overdue.


An irony in this is that MHARR has consistently credited Will Earle, a prior TMHA leader, for his role in supporting the enactment of the MHIA of 2000, in order to obtain enhanced preemption. The late Earle was also an attorney.

To frame this discussion, MHProNews asked Bing AI the following interconnected questions.

> “Was the Texas Manufactured Housing Association’s (TMHA) Will Earle an attorney? Did Earle play a role in the enactment of the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (MHIA)? Is there information on the TMHA or Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) website about enhanced preemption under the MHIA?”

One must keep in mind that umbrella trade group’s (like the TMHA or MHI) are supposed to do three things, summed up by the acronym P.E.P.

Protect (the manufactured housing industry and its members). Educate (about the industry). Promote (the industry).

MHI’s recently refreshed website puts it this way on the home page.


That’s P.E.P. in TMHA’s own words.

Yet, oddly, a key law that MHI and TMHA were keenly involved in with MHARR to get the MHIA of 2000 and its enhanced preemption provision enacted are not mentioned by MHI? Nor is it mentioned by the TMHA, which MHI considers to be an MHI affiliate?

To go back to this article’s headline point, isn’t it rather wacky to go to all the trouble and expense of getting a new law passed (i.e.: the MHIA with its enhanced preemption provision over local zoning), spending more time and money trying to get that law enforced, and then you don’t even mention it on your own website? How wacky is that?

MHProNews, in its engagement with TRERC has raised these issues and topics. So, they too, along with the TMHA, MHI, and their corporate leaders, ought to be aware of such matters.


Wacky Wednesday?

What this exercise in unpacking past and more recent remarks by TMHA and TRERC, or MHI and their prominent publicly traded members like is this. It is almost as if comments are made without reference to past remarks, often by the same organization or personality. It is also as if these organizations are posturing for their intended audiences certain stances. But when the bigger picture is reviewed, what emerges are apparent errors. Again, how wacky is it to spend over a year to get a new federal law passed, spend over 20 years trying to get that federal law enforced, and then fail to mention it on their own websites?

Nor is this a recent discovery. MHProNews has been documenting this vexing pattern of behavior for some years now.  With respect to MHI, for instance, see this prior website search for enhanced preemption on the previous version of the MHI website.


ManufacturedHousingInstituteWebsiteSearchForEnhancedPreemptionScreenshot 2022-11-20 004404 MHProNews Fact Check Analysis Commentary


That lack of use of enhanced preemption by MHI is from 2022. The screen capture below by MHProNews is from 2020.



So, this pattern of missing information on a key issue could have several practical and legal ramifications.  MHI and TMHA are both pitching to current and potential members that they are a ‘trusted partner’ seeking to grow the industry in the U.S. and Texas respectively.  Yet, a key piece of information is missing from their websites?

To further illustrate how ‘wacky’ this revelation is, MHI about 2 decades ago had this item on their website. Apparently, as some point in time, they removed it and/or hid it behind a member only login.  Note that neither MHI, TMHA, or their attorneys have responded to multiple inquiries about these and other vexing issues.

While the arrows and notes by MHProNews can be useful, go back in time in your own mind to the period when this document and the one that follows were first issued. That was 2003. 2 decades have elapsed. The second MHI document linked here clearly indicates that MHI was working with MHARR to make “enhanced preemption” and better financing options for manufactured housing a reality. What derailed that era of cooperation between MHI and MHARR? Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report and others on MHProNews can be clicked to expand. Click the image and follow the prompts. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts.

Like Houdini, industry members are told via email about certain things (the monthly TRERC-TMHA report above is emailed).  But when the details are carefully examined, key information is missing. Now you see it, now you don’t. But that implies that deception appears to be the goal.  Or as MHARR’s attorney and CEO, Weiss put it in an Issues and Perspectives, it is an “illusion of motion.” Members here their leaders talking about or emailing about certain issues, but then, those same issues – financing, DOE/energy rule, enhanced preemption to overcome zoning and placement barriers – poof! The evidence of that on their own MHI or TMHA websites are gone.

It is a bit reminiscent of the “memory hole” in George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel, 1984 (or Nineteen Eighty Four).  With that in mind, the following question to Bing AI.

> “Bing, explain what the memory hole was in George Orwell’s 1984.”

BingsAIchatAnswerImage-MHProNewsThe memory hole was a device used for destroying any evidence that contradicted the official version of history in George Orwell’s 1984. It was a slit in the wall that led to an incinerator, where documents, photographs, and other records were thrown away and burned. The memory hole was part of the Party’s system of censorship and propaganda, which aimed to control the past and manipulate the present12

The main character of the novel, Winston Smith, worked at the Ministry of Truth, where his job was to revise old newspaper articles and other documents to make them align with the Party’s current policies and claims. For example, if the Party changed its ally or enemy in a war, Winston had to change all the previous references to reflect that. He also had to erase any mention of people who had been “vaporized” by the Party, meaning they had been killed and their existence denied. Whenever Winston made these changes, he had to dispose of the original documents in the memory hole, where they would be forgotten forever12

The memory hole also symbolized the Party’s power over people’s minds and memories. By destroying any trace of the true past, the Party made people dependent on its version of reality and history. The Party also used techniques like doublethink and Newspeak to make people accept contradictions and lies as normal and logical. The memory hole showed how the Party wanted to create a “memory hole” in people’s brains, where they would discard any inconvenient or rebellious thoughts that challenged the Party’s authority123

I hope this explanation helps you understand the concept of the memory hole in 1984. 😊

1: Memory Hole in 1984 Explained | Book Analysis 2: Memory hole – Wikipedia 3: Big Brother and Other Terms from “1984” – Center for the Arts

Learn more:

In the case of MHI, they seem to have an opportunity to use the “memory hole” method because they email ‘news’ to their readers, but routinely do not post those same messages on their own website. Past events and comments are effectively erased. If not for MHProNews establishing a growing body of articles that quoted MHI’s emailed news at length, that content indeed could become a method of “…propaganda, which aimed to control the past and manipulate the present12
Orwell didn’t mean for his writings to become a ‘how to’ manual on manipulation. Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm were supposed to be warnings. It would be positively wacky to claim that MHI could have innocently simply forgotten to post their own emailed news items for the past decade or so. But if they or TMHA leaders have somehow dropped the ball by failing to put enhanced preemption on their own websites, then this is their reminder and wake up call. Their leaders are per informed sources readers of MHProNews.
If they want their remarks via email to be memorable, then why not post them all publicly on their website to keep them accessible and thus accountable?
MHProNews will continue to report and review the work of MHI and others in the MHI orbit. We will also keep as many items as possible before stakeholders so that they don’t fall into an MHVille version of an Orwellian memory hole.
To learn more now, click here for insights on the Bryan, TX example, linked above. That is one of several such cases MHProNews has exclusively exposed in manufactured housing trade media.


Some prior fact checks of TRERC items are found linked below.



Part III – is our Daily Business News on MHProNews stock market recap which features our business-daily at-a-glance update of over 2 dozen manufactured housing industry stocks.

This segment of the Daily Business News on MHProNews is the recap of yesterday evening’s market report, so that investors can see at glance the type of topics may have influenced other investors. Thus, our format includes our signature left (CNN Business) and right (Newsmax) ‘market moving’ headlines.

The macro market move graphics below provide context and comparisons for those invested in or tracking manufactured housing connected equities. Meaning, you can see ‘at a glance’ how manufactured housing connected firms do compared to other segments of the broader equities market.

In minutes a day readers can get a good sense of significant or major events while keeping up with the trends that are impacting manufactured housing connected investing.

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