Town Meeting Votes in Rent Control

SouthCoastToday reports from Acushnet, Massachusetts the town meeting voted 43-33 to institute a three person rent control board for the local MHCs in the community. Proponents say rents have increased much more quickly than in the past, making it tough for seniors on fixed incomes. One MHC owner, saying he just spent $500,000 for a sewer upgrade, says the increased cost of living means it’s more expensive to provide necessary services for the communities. Denis Tetrault of Bay State Mobile Home Park, calling it “a pretty inexpensive way to live,” states a rent control board can “…start telling a small business what they can make and what they can’t make. It’s not fair to the business.” reported yesterday on a ballot initiative at the other end of the nation, in Oceanside, CA where citizens voted to retain rent control.

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