
Boomers Head into the Sunset Pinched

According to Senior News Weekly, the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) reports Baby Boomers 45-64 are experiencing high mortgage and health care expenses while their retirement and savings dwindle, leaving them short of sufficient income to retire. Real incomes for those middle-aged to older have stagnated in the last …

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Housing Permits on the Rise

The Daily News reports housing permits for Gloucester County, Virginia on the Chesapeake Bay from Aug. 2011 to Sept. 2012 increased to 128, including 97 single-family, 14 multi-family and 17 manufactured housing permits. The previous 12 months total was 108 permits, with the Gloucester County Planning Commission issuing 79 single-family, …

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Fewer Entrepreneurs Equals Fewer New Jobs

In past years, start-up companies have generated three million new jobs annually, but that number has fallen below 2.5 million since the beginning of the recession. According to CNNMoney, Economist Tim Kane of the Hudson Institute states in the 1980’s and 1990’s 11 jobs were created by start-ups per every …

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Lending Industry Adds Employees

Friday’s jobs reports from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows mortgage lenders have added a total of 18,400 employees since January, 2,800 (full-time) of them in August 2012, bringing the overall total to 280,500 jobs in the mortgage banking and brokerage sector. According to nationalmortgagenews, this marks the sixth …

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Housing Market Inching Back

The National Association of Home Builders tells MHProNews the NAHB/First American Improving Markets Index (IMI) indicating positive movement in the housing industry rose four notches from last month to include 103 metropolitan markets. Measuring housing permits, employment and house prices for at least six consecutive months, the Oct. reading marks …

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HUD Code Homes Continue Adding Up

The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform tells MHProNews the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Affairs (HUD) has released figures indicating August becomes the thirteenth consecutive month of growth for the production of manufactured homes. Statistics indicate HUD Code manufacturers produced 5,580 homes in Aug., an increase of 7.5 …

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Housing Market not Strong, but Stable

Encouraged by a variety of signs, fourteen economists surveyed by CNNMoney believe the housing market has finally turned the corner on its way back to health. Only three months ago half of those surveyed did not believe the turnaround would come until next year, or later. The economists cite three …

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August Home Prices Leap above Last Year

HousingWire reports CoreLogic says in its Pending Home Price Index home prices in August rose 4.6 percent over a year ago, the biggest increase year-over-year since July 2006, but only 0.3 percent over July, 2012. When distressed sales are excluded, August home prices rose 4.9 percent over a year ago. …

August Home Prices Leap above Last Year Read More

Indianapolis Home Sales Rise

IndyStar reports the sale of existing homes in the greater Indianapolis metropolitan area rose 12.3 percent in August over August, 2011, according to the Metropolitan Indianapolis Board of Realtors, although the sales pace was slower than the period of April through July. August 2012 sales totaled 2,593 versus 2,308 last …

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Investors Look for Single-family Properties

Research firm Capital Economics tells HousingWire investors seeking to cash in on single-family rental properties best move quickly. Economist Paul Diggle with Capital says early buyers found prices 30 percent below peak, with potential yields of 8-12 percent. Noting it is likely a one-time opportunity, Diggle says as house prices …

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Housing Recovery? It’s Going to be a While

RealtorMag says home prices may not return to their peak of 2007 for ten years, especially in Nevada, California, Florida, and Arizona, according to analytics firm Fiserv. Noting average prices fell a full one third from 2007 to 2012 across the nation, Fiserv predicts prices will rise 3.7 percent a …

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New Home Sales Stabilized in August

The National Association of Home Builders reports the pace of new home sales held steady in August at the seasonally-adjusted annual rate (SAAR) of 337,000 units, virtually unchanged from July, according to data from HUD and the U.S. Census Bureau. NAHB Chief Economist David Crowe says, “This latest report indicates …

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Housing’s Lost Decade

Financial columnist Craig Steiner sounded off on Townhall that conventional housing has far from recovered. He says recent headlines are an effort at media spin, just before the election, to make it sound like housing is on the rebound. Its not. The chart shows the reality of home prices. Steiner …

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U.S. Economy Improving in Fits and Starts

A mixed picture of the U.S. economy emerged, suggesting the economy is not growing fast enough to hasten much job growth, according to The Republic. The Commerce Department said orders for long-lasting goods fell by 13.2 percent in August, the biggest drop in over three years, largely influenced by a …

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Consumer Spending Rose in 2011

According to data released by the federal government, CNNMoney reports consumers spent an average of 3.3 percent more on household expenses in 2011 than in 2010. The average for annual spending increased to $49,705, the first yearly rise since 2008. It must be noted that inflation, however, rose 3.2 percent, …

Consumer Spending Rose in 2011 Read More

Pending Home Sales Rise in California

As HousingWire reports, the pending home sales index rose 2.7 percent from 115.8 in July to 118.9 in August even with available inventory levels falling, according to the California Association of Realtors (CAR). However, the pending sales index in Aug. 2011 was 121.4. The decline, says CAR President LeFrancis Arnold, …

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Consumer Confidence: Moving Up

CNNMoney reports consumer confidence rose in Sept. to 70.3, well above the 63 reading many economists expected, and higher than the 61.3 August number. The Conference Board, a business research firm, says consumers who expect more jobs in the days ahead rose from 15.8 to 18.5, and those saying jobs …

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Housing Prices Rise

HousingWire reports an increase in home prices June to July 2012 according to the Standard & Poor Case-Shiller 10-city and 20-city indexes. The 10-city composite reveals a 1.5 percent rise. The 20-city composite grew 1.6 percent, registering the third consecutive month of growth in those cities. Dallas and Washington, D.C. …

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Underwater Loans Drop

HousingWire tells MHProNews the shadow inventory dropped by 1.2 million troubled mortgages in the first six months of 2012. Although those numbers could double by the end of the year, four million underwater loans would remain, down from a high of six million in 2010. According to JPMorgan Chase, of …

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Foreclosures Nudge up August over July

CNNMoney reports foreclosure filings increased one percent in August over July as lenders slogged through a backlog of delinquencies and defaults. Scheduled auctions, default notices and bank repossessions were filed on 193,508 properties in August. Despite the increase, filings fell 15 percent from a year earlier. Foreclosures are rising in …

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