
NAHB Survey Indicates Stability in Housing Market

The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) reports a total of 80 housing markets in their First American Improving Markets Index (IMI) monthly survey for August. Identifying areas based on housing permits, employment statistics, and house prices for six consecutive months, the index noted 75 markets that have remained on …

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Economy Muddles Along

greenvilleonline reports trade group Institute for Supply Management (ISM) says its manufacturing index edged up from June over July 49.7 to 49.8, but still shy of 50, which indicates the economy is contracting. Any reading below 43 would indicate recession. The report notes job growth has stalled and manufacturing activity …

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Non-profit States Affordable Housing Financings Rise

The National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCHSA), a national non-profit that advocates before Congress on behalf of Housing Finance Agencies (HFAs) for affordable housing, reports the number of single-family homes financed by HFAs increased 41% in 2010 over 2009. mortgageorb says according to the 2010 NCHSA Factbook, HFAs financed …

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Study: Energy Efficient MH would Improve Economic Stability

mortgageorb reports a new study by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) estimates energy-efficient manufactured homes could save consumers $4.6 billion over the next 20 years, which would also improve residents’ economic stability. “Mobilizing Energy Efficiency in the Manufactured Housing Sector” states average household incomes in manufactured homes …

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House Price Index Shows Modest Gain

OriginationNews reports after a rise of 1.8% in April, the first increase in seven months, the 20-city S&P Case Shiller house price index (HPI) rose 2.2% in May, for the second consecutive month. While the HPI is down 0.7% from a year ago May, all 20 cities showed positive gains …

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In Western North Dakota, Finding Housing is the Challenge

Yahoo! Finance reports while most of the U.S. is still reeling from the effects of the housing downturn, the shortage of housing in western North Dakota is so great due to the Bakken Formation oil fields, the challenge is often finding a place to live. An 1,800 square foot house …

In Western North Dakota, Finding Housing is the Challenge Read More

Interest Rates Keep Dropping—But is it Good?

MHProNews has learned from HousingWire 15 and 30-year fixed rate mortgages (FRMs) are continuing to drop to historic lows. While last year at this time a 30-year FRM was at 4.55, as of Thurs. July 26 it had dropped to 3.49% from 3.53% the previous week. While the 15-year FRM …

Interest Rates Keep Dropping—But is it Good? Read More

Housing Industry Edges Up

According to SFGate, Federal Reserve data indicates owners’ equity in household real estate fell from the end of 2005 through the last quarter of 2011 by seven trillion dollars, about half of its value. However, it increased by $400 billion in the first quarter 2012, the quickest rate of growth …

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Low Inventory of For Sale Homes Raises Prices

azstar reports home sellers are benefiting from the reduced inventory of homes for sale. The drastic drop in availability has reached 50 percent in some areas of California since last year, and has dropped 53 percent in San Diego since last summer. Los Angeles has seen a decrease of 49 …

Low Inventory of For Sale Homes Raises Prices Read More

Foreclosure Rate for Seniors Rising

In a study by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) written up in SeniorHousingNews, seniors have taken a big hit in foreclosures since 2007, with those 75 and older having a rate of 3.2%, higher than younger members of the 50-plus age group. The foreclosure rate on prime loans …

Foreclosure Rate for Seniors Rising Read More

Home Values Inch Upward

CNNMoney says according to Zillow, home values rose +0.2% year-over-year in the second quarter to a median of $149,300, the first annual increase since 2007. The real estate listing site also said prices increased 2.1% from the first quarter. Even though overall home prices continue to be 24% down since …

Home Values Inch Upward Read More

Bad News, Good News

As an indication the housing market may take longer to recover than hoped, CNNMoney reports new home sales fell 8.4% in June to a seasonally annual-adjusted rate (SAAR) of 350,000, following sales in May that hit a two year high, according to the Census Bureau. Housing market analysts expected sales …

Bad News, Good News Read More

Borrowers Lose by not Refinancing

DailyFinance tells MHProNews Credit Sesame says last year 35 percent of the 50 million U.S. mortgages qualified for refinancing but only 4.5 million borrowers did. Why? One reason, according to Kelli Dudley of DePaul University in Chicago, is “The mortgage foreclosure fiasco has had a major mental health cost for …

Borrowers Lose by not Refinancing Read More

“House of the Immediate Future”

In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Seattle World’s Fair that featured a modular home built by the U.S. Plywood Association termed the “American Home of the Immediate Future”, mothernaturenetwork says Habitat for Humanity is constructing a 1,400 square foot modular home incorporating the newest in green technology for …

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Green Labeling of Homes Adds to Value

MHProNews has learned from azstarnet study by researchers at UCLA in California have determined that after studying 1.6 million homes sold in California from 2007 to early 2012, all other variables constant, a green certification label on a house adds nine percent to its selling value. In areas where there …

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Rents Rise, Vacancies Drop

MHProNews has learned from NBCBayArea average monthly rent in Oakland, California increased 14.4 percent over the past year, in San Francisco by 12.9 percent, and in San Jose 10.1 percent. As rents get more expensive due to improvements in the job market, and affordable housing budgets are slashed, low-income residents …

Rents Rise, Vacancies Drop Read More

Existing Home Sales Fall in June

HousingWire reports the seasonally annual adjusted rate (SAAR) of existing home sales dropped from 4.62 million in May to 4.37 million in June, a decline of 5.4 percent, although sales in June topped the 4.18 units sold in June 2011. The lower inventory of available homes and increased demand managed …

Existing Home Sales Fall in June Read More

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