
Small Biz: Adding Workers

BusinessWire reports from Cleveland, Ohio the CBIZ Small Business Employment Index (SBEI) says hiring trends grew by 1.38 percent in June, contrary to weakening reports from the federal government’s statistics for the same period. A barometer for hiring trends of businesses with fewer than 300 employees, and provider of payroll …

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Congressional Hearing Set on Dodd-Frank Impact

The Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) will testify before the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Capital Markets July 11 concerning the impact of Dodd-Frank on residential mortgage reforms. Clayton Homes General Counsel Tom Hodges, representing MHI during the hearing, will address the measure’s unintended consequences that limit credit …

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30-year FRM Keeps Falling

NationalMortgageNews reports Freddie Mac says ten out of the last eleven weeks the average fixed-rate 30-year mortgage (FRM) has set new lows, with the week just ending July 5 marking another one at 3.62 percent. The average 15-year FRM fell to 2.89 percent. The average five-year hybrid remained at 2.79 …

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Employment Figures not Expected to be Robust

Anchorage Daily News states weekly unemployment benefit applications fell 14,000 to a seasonally-adjusted 374,000 according to the U.S Dept. of Labor, the fewest in six weeks. While economists predict only 90,000 jobs were added last month, payroll provider ADP counts 176,000 jobs added in June. ADP only measures private sector …

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Rents on the Rise, Home Prices on the Fence

CNNMoney says Trulia reports rents in the U.S. rose an average of 5.4 percent June 2011 to this past June, as foreclosed former homeowners and would-be homebuyers turned away by lenders drive up demand. Asking prices on for sale homes only increased 0.3 percent for the same period. In metropolitan …

Rents on the Rise, Home Prices on the Fence Read More

Will the Job Market Rise to Fuel Housing Recovery?

HousingWire reports an article in The Hill notes with barely four months before the presidential election, the Obama administration has a lot riding on employment figures. With tepid manufacturing numbers in June, a slowdown in China’s economy, and the European debt crisis still festering, analysts anticipate the jobs report due …

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Housing Market Poised for Recovery

Bloomberg News states while construction shrank and mortgage approvals declined in May in the United Kingdom due to economic uncertainty there, 4.6 million homes changed hands in the U.S. in May at a seasonally-adjusted annual rate, according to a report from the National Association of Realtors (NAR). The average 30-year …

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Oil Boom Repercussions

While business may be good for housing suppliers to the oil and energy field projects in north central U.S., increasing populations of mostly single men in North Dakota are drawing a mixed reaction, Ohio tells With a population grown from 12,500 to over 20,000 in four years, primarily due …

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MH Shipments Rise Again

According to the Manufactured Housing Institute’s (MHI) monthly report, shipments of manufactured homes rose to 5,211 for May, an increase of 16.7 percent over May 2011, as well as an increase over the 4,630 manufactured homes shipped in April 2012. has learned this marks the tenth consecutive month of …

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Pace Quickens for New Home Sales

RealtorMag reports the Commerce Department says new, single-family home sales rose to 7.6 percent in May, the best pace since April 2010, and up 20 percent year-over-year. New home prices are rising as well: Prices increased 5.6 percent over last year, and are now at a median price of $234,500. …

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Home Prices Nudge up in May

OriginationNews states the CoreLogic House Price Index (HPI) notched its third consecutive monthly increase as house prices rose 1.8% in May, an increase of two percent over May 2011, and is expected to rise another 1.4% in June. Anand Nallathambi, president and chief executive officer of CoreLogic says the limited …

Home Prices Nudge up in May Read More

Domestic Mfg: Rearing it’s Lovely Head?

In a New York Times article by John Markoff about Google’s “American Made” production of its wireless home media player, Harold L. Sirkin of Boston Consulting Group said in April one third of American companies with revenue over one billion are planning/considering returning their manufacturing operations to the U.S. The …

Domestic Mfg: Rearing it’s Lovely Head? Read More

Housing Price Index Finally Bumps Up

OriginationNews reports, although it is down two percent from April 2011, Standard & Poor’s Case-Shiller housing price index (HPI) rose 1.3% in April in 19 of the 20 cities it surveys, the first increase since August. Detroit is the only city where prices fell, dropping 3.6% in April. Published by …

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Renting Vs. Buying

MarketWatch reports the U.S. Census Bureau says American homeownership fell from 66% to 65% in Q1 2012, the lowest point in 15 years, especially noteworthy because historically spring marks the home buying season. At its peak in 2004 it was 69%. Dan McCue of Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing …

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New Addition for Modular

Virtual-Strategy reports as an alternative to assisted living for an aging relative, Connecticut-based PALS Built offers  handicap accessible modular additions attached to the primary home at a cost lower than that of assisted living. The modular units are manufactured by Practical Assisted Living Solutions, LLC. The newly appointed president and …

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Housing Market Rebounding this Year?

While some analysts predict the housing market will not turn around until later next year, Seeking Alpha‘s Mike Kapsch lists several reasons it may return yet this year: More building permits were applied for in May than in the past 3 1/2 years, and the U.S. Department of Commerce upwardly …

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Household Formation Decline Lowers Demand for Household Goods

The Washington Post reports the number of adults sharing households spiked 11.4 percent from 2007 to 2010, representing an increase from 17 percent to 18.7 percent of all U.S. households, reversing the empty- nester trend. According to the Census Bureau, during that period the number of young adults living in …

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Freddie Mac Speaks

WorldPropertyChannel reports Freddie Mac’s vice president and chief economist, Frank Nothaft, says due to rental demand by people postponing homeownership, rental activity has produced some good numbers in the housing market. The GSE’s U.S. Economic and Housing Market Outlook for June 2012 says for the year ending March 2012, the …

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Moody’s Adversity Index Pinpoints Weak Areas

MSNBC reports the Adversity Index from Moody’s Analytics says the economy improved in all regions of the nation, and though not one state remains in recession, 44 of the 50 are recovering at a snail’s pace. Two states, Alaska and North Dakota are in steady recovery, but five—Rhode Island, Wisconsin, …

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