The late Ronald Reagan, a one-time Democrat turned Republican sometimes compared to former and future President Donald J. Trump, famously quipped “Trust, but Verify.” That remark was made in President Reagan’s dealing with the U.S.A.’s old communist rival, the now defunct Soviet Union. According to left-leaning Wikipedia: “Trust, but verify (Russian: доверяй, но проверяй, romanized: doveryay, no proveryay, IPA: [dəvʲɪˈrʲæj no prəvʲɪˈrʲæj]) is a Russian proverb, which rhymes in Russian. The phrase became internationally known in English after Suzanne Massie, a scholar of Russian history, taught it to Ronald Reagan, then president of the United States, who used it on several occasions in the context of nuclear disarmament discussions with the Soviet Union.” The incoming Trump Administration’s members should keep that “Trust, but Verify” advice in mind every time they deal with something in the field of housing, perhaps particularly so with manufactured housing, as this article will aim to detail. Russell Vought is the Director-Designee for the Office of Management and Budget by the incoming Trump-Vance (R) Administration. As was previously reported by MHProNews, “Eric Scott Turner Named by Trump Transition to be HUD Secretary.”
MHProNews requested on 12.2.2024, and the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) promptly provided, copies of their FedEx delivered letters sent to Vought and Turner.
By contrast, the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) after years of praise more recently fails to respond to requests for information from MHProNews.
Perhaps something like the now vanquished Biden-Harris (D) Administration that MHI curiously praised even when it seemed harmful to several manufactured housing interests, MHI could credibly be accused of posturing, paltering, propaganda and the periodic use of the Big Lie.
At a time when Team Trump won with the promise that “Trump will fix it” affordable housing in the U.S. is near a multi-decade low after almost 4 years of Biden-Harris (D) and Democratic policies.
The only thing that’s broken about this country is the failed leadership of Kamala Harris.
Kamala Harris broke it. Donald Trump will fix it.
— JD Vance (@JDVance) October 29, 2024
Donald Trump will fix it.
— JD Vance (@JDVance) November 3, 2024
Kamala Harris broke it. Donald Trump will fix it.
— JD Vance (@JDVance) October 29, 2024
America’s Housing Market is the LEAST AFFORDABLE it has ever been in 2023.
With the Income Needed to Buy a House surging up to $111,000 this year. 🏠📈
That’s the highest level on record. And way higher than America’s $78k median income.
Simply put: people can’t afford it.
— Nick Gerli (@nickgerli1) October 27, 2023
“I don’t mean to be overly dramatic, but this housing crisis has shattered the American Dream for a lot of middle and low-income families.”
— KMOV (@KMOV) November 27, 2024
What MHI emails to their members, per numerous fact checks, routinely fails to be published on their own website. More on such matters in the added facts and analysis found in Part IV as this article will compare and contrast the two communication approaches between MHI and MHARR. The former of those two national trade groups even left-leaning Bing’s AI powered Copilot faulted for ‘lie, false and deceiving’ messaging even while Copilot has routinely praised MHARR‘s consistency and lack of troubling controversies that has plagued MHI for years.
Parts I and II today are the letters from MHARR to recently named Trump Administration department leaders Vought and Turner.
Part III is the belated post by the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) on Turner.
As a disclosure, MHI, several MHI members, and MHARR have all been at various times sponsored MHProNews. As MHI and MHARR both know, we are independent and demonstrably didn’t let advertising dollars influence our reporting and analysis of purported corruption involving various parties in the manufactured housing industry.

Facts, evidence, and analysis are among the ethical and journalistic guideposts for this publication. We don’t mind detail, in fact, at MHProNews we demonstrably embrace it. To properly expose the contradictory behaviors at work one needs to lay out the known facts, evidence and then connect the dots.

One week ago President Trump made the greatest comeback in history and by his side was the secret weapon @LaraTrump. She turned the RNC around, shattered fundraising records, and poured her heart into every single state. Lara was the true rocket fuel for this campaign. ❤️🇺🇸
— Mehek Cooke🇺🇸 (@MehekCooke) November 13, 2024
Donald Trump Jr. explains the difference with this presidency
— TaraBull (@TaraBull808) November 17, 2024
LARA TRUMP: “Today is the day that we send the message to the mainstream media, to the establishment, to Hollywood, to the swamp.. that it is not them. It is we the people who get to choose our president.”
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) November 5, 2024
Trump Transition Chairman @howardlutnick had this to say about a second Trump administration:
“Last time he was a freshman… Now — complete experience… What’ll happen is, you’re going to see the greatest set of talent EVER walk on the field on January 20th. You’ve never seen…
— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) October 16, 2024
‘IT’S GONNA BE INCREDIBLE’: @LaraLeaTrump offers a glimpse into what a second Trump administration might look like, highlighting her father-in-law’s deep passion for America and predicting that Trump could achieve “one of the highest approval ratings of any modern president.”
— Fox News (@FoxNews) November 11, 2024
Lara Trump talks about what a shock it was to live through the media backlash after Trump announced his run.
I can’t even imagine what this family has had to endure these last nine years. They are all just warriors because the amount of unhinged crazy that has been thrown their…
— Insurrection Barbie (@DefiyantlyFree) October 9, 2024
Trump says a second term would be different now because he knows ‘the good, the strong, the weak, the stupid’
— Fox News (@FoxNews) October 31, 2024
Forewarned is forearmed. Trust, but verify. Buckle up if you are serious about changing the culture and performance of important federal agencies, the revolving door, regulatory capture, the Iron Triangle – and if successful – Make America Great Again (MAGA). It is time to end the kakistocracy, which left-leaning Wikipedia defined as follows.
A kakistocracy (/kækɪˈstɒkrəsi/, /kækɪsˈtɒ-/) is a government run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens.[1]: 54 [2][3] The word was coined as early as the seventeenth century.[4]
Australian lexicographer Peter Bowler has noted that there is no word for the opposite, a government run by the best citizens,[a] but that aristarchy may be the correct term for that. Still, it conceivably could be a kakistocracy disguised as an aristocracy.[a]

Dr. Ben Carson on President Trump: “He knows WHO they are. He knows WHAT they do. And they’re DESPERATE to get rid of him.”
— Leah Rain ✝️🇺🇸🎸🏝️ (@LeahRain77) October 23, 2024
CNN — huge swing in his favor in Trump’s transition net approval from 2016. The majority of Americans are ‘excited or optimistic’ about a second Trump presidency.
This is a historic mandate regardless of what the copers and seethers say.
— Bad Hombre (@joma_gc) November 25, 2024
Tulsi Gabbard: Trump’s second term “will be the most disruptive, transformative CHANGE in our government that we have EVER seen in our lives.”
“He doesn’t play their game. He’s not there kissing the rings of the powers that be in Washington.
What he didn’t have then that he is…
— Holden Culotta (@Holden_Culotta) October 26, 2024
This is a HUGE SHIFT in mainstream culture!
Let’s GOOOO 🇺🇸
— Diligent Denizen 🇺🇸 (@DiligentDenizen) November 15, 2024
According to Dr. Ben Carson the only cure for TDS is a 2nd Trump term.
— Anthony Galli (@RallyWithGalli) November 1, 2024
According to Dr. Ben Carson the only cure for TDS is a 2nd Trump term.
— Anthony Galli (@RallyWithGalli) November 1, 2024

Trump experienced the duplicitous, sweet talking while backstabbing, the limp or inept, and the entire range of Washington, D.C. and Establishment Swampy Elite behaviors. He, his family, and top people say he is ready this time.

Note that in some devices and browsers certain images, like the one below, can be opened or downloaded to reveal a larger size. Generally, click the image and follow the prompts.

Time will tell. But there are reasons for hope. With no further adieu, it’s time to pivot to Parts I, II, III, and IV.
Part I – Per MHARR document linked here is the following to MHProNews.
November 25, 2024
Hon. Russell Vought
Office of Management and Budget
C/O 1100 S. Ocean Boulevard
Palm Beach, Florida 33480
Re: Impending Destructive Manufactured
Housing Federal “Climate Change” Regulation
Dear Director-Designee Vought:
On behalf of the manufacturer members of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR), please accept our congratulations on your nomination to serve as Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
MHARR is a Washington, D.C.-based national trade organization representing the views and interests of producers of manufactured housing subject to comprehensive federal regulation by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) pursuant to the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5401, et seq.) as amended by the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (2000 Reform Law). MHARR’s members are independent businesses located in all regions of the United States.
As you may already be aware, HUD Code manufactured housing is the only type of residential construction that is directly and comprehensively regulated by the federal government. In the unique instance of manufactured housing, which is routinely transported across state lines, federal regulation – resting on a three-part structure of robust federal preemption, uniform federal standards and uniform federal enforcement – is critical to maintaining both the availability and affordability of HUD Code homes for moderate and lower-income American families.
In this regard, we are writing to bring to your attention an urgent regulatory matter affecting both the manufactured housing industry on a nationwide basis, as well as American consumers of affordable housing in a market where affordable homes are millions of units below existing demand. Specifically, DOE is on the verge of implementing extreme “energy conservation” standards for manufactured homes based on “climate change” alarmism that would undermine the inherent affordability of manufactured housing and decimate the national manufactured housing market and the lower/moderate-income consumers that it primarily serves.
As the attached materials, already provided to President-Elect Trump and his transition team make clear, these standards lack any reasonable basis and are little more than a sop to “climate” special interests which seek to insinuate their extreme positions in the multi-billion dollar housing market by first insinuating them in the federally-regulated manufactured housing sector. As a result, they should be withdrawn and/or repealed, just as OMB did with an earlier iteration of the same standards in 2017.
Accordingly, we ask that OMB, under your leadership, take immediate steps to withdraw these destructive standards before they can further undermine the already struggling housing market.
Again, congratulations on your nomination. We look forward to meeting with you soon.
Thank you.
Mark Weiss
President and CEO
Part II – per MHARR document linked here is the following to MHProNews
November 25, 2024
Hon. Scott Turner
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
C/O 1100 S. Ocean Boulevard
Palm Beach, Florida 33480
Dear Secretary-Designee Turner:
On behalf of the manufacturer members of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR), please accept our congratulations on your nomination to become Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
MHARR is a Washington, D.C.-based national trade organization representing the views and interests of producers of manufactured housing regulated by HUD pursuant to the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5401, et seq.) as amended by the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (2000 Reform Law). MHARR’s members are independent businesses located in all regions of the United States.
As you may already be aware, HUD Code manufactured housing is the only type of residential construction that is directly and comprehensively regulated by the federal government. In the unique instance of manufactured housing, which is routinely transported across state lines, federal regulation – resting on a three-part structure of robust federal preemption, uniform federal standards and uniform federal enforcement – is critical to maintaining both the availability and affordability of HUD Code homes for moderate and lower-income American families. Moreover, sound judgment in the exercise of this authority is essential not only to the health of the industry – which provides tens of thousands of much-needed manufacturing jobs across the country – but also in meeting the needs of consumers who rely on the industry and its homes every day.
In this regard, we wish to bring to your attention an urgent regulatory matter that could have a disastrous impact on both the industry and the availability of affordable housing in a market that is already millions of units short of needed supply. Specifically, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) as part of its extremist “climate change” agenda, is about to issue destructive manufactured housing “energy conservation” standards (with a parallel regulatory component at HUD) that would wholly undermine both HUD’s superintendence of the manufactured housing industry as well as the historically inherent affordability of manufactured housing. We have already brought this matter to the attention of President-Elect Trump and his transition team (see attached document). For the reasons explained in those materials, this impending rule should be withdrawn and/or repealed in all its aspects at both DOE and HUD.
Beyond this immediate regulatory matter, we look forward to working with you and your staff to complete the full and proper implementation of all the reforms legislated by Congress in the 2000 Reform Law. Toward that end, we will contact your office following your confirmation to arrange an introductory meeting and the start of a constructive dialogue regarding the federal manufactured housing program and the positive role that it can play under your leadership during the Trump Administration.
Again, congratulations on your nomination. We look forward to meeting with you soon.
Mark Weiss
President & CEO
Part III – According to the Manufactured Housing Institute website’s ‘news’ section
Date Published
November 23, 2024
News Type
Industry News
Late Friday, President-elect Trump announced Scott Turner as his pick for Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
“We are thrilled about the nomination of Scott Turner as HUD Secretary,” said MHI CEO Dr. Lesli Gooch. “We appreciated his engagement and attention to innovative housing solutions in his previous role at the White House during President Trump’s first term. We look forward to working with him again to elevate innovative housing and expand attainable homeownership.”
Turner visited three manufactured homes on the National Mall in 2019 and complimented MHI and the manufactured housing industry for its innovation and creativity. View his full comments in the video clip below.
Scott Turner served as the inaugural Executive Director of the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council (WHORC) during President-elect Trump’s first term. Collaborating with former HUD Secretary Ben Carson, Scott oversaw 16 Federal Agencies in implementing over 200 policy measure to advance economic development.
Following his NFL football career, Turner transitioned into politics and won a State House race in his home state of Texas. He is now the CEO of his family’s foundation, Community Engagement & Opportunity Council (COC), which aims to rejuvenate communities across the country through initiatives centered around sports, mentorship, and economic empowerment.
If you have any questions, please contact MHI’s Policy Department … ”
Part IV – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
1) The Trump Administration, and President-Elect Trump himself, should be clear-eyed about the history of several of the key members of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) dating back well before Trump became a candidate in the 2015-2016 election cycle. As but a few examples for now, Warren Buffett-led Berkshire Hathaway (BRK) is the parent company to controversial corporations that are longtime outsized players at MHI and on their board, including Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage Corporation and Vanderbilt Mortage and Finance (VMF). Buffett reportedly is among those who have funded the Clinton Foundation. Buffett backed Hillary Clinton against Trump in the 2015-2016 election cycle. Another high-profile MHI member is anti-Trump “resistance” leader Nathan Smith, who “served” as an MHI chairman and still serves MHI in several other ways.

While that may or may not be an influence on anyone on Team Trump, and the following may or may not either, it is a matter of record that this publication supported Trump publicly 3 times. One of those times was published on the original Trump campaign website, see the screen capture below. When President-Elect Trump repeatedly promises to ‘drain the swamp,’ aren’t corrupt connections between corporations, nonprofits, and their unwarranted influence over regulators an area that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Trump himself have decried? Hold those thoughts for now.
2) Regarding Parts 1, 2, and 3 – starting in reverse order with the MHI ‘news’ item, in fairness, at first blush their post seems quite professional. They made some of the same points that MHProNews did in our report linked here that was posted on 11.23.2024.
3) However, there appears to be evidence that MHI backdated their post to 11.23.2024. As the screen capture with the date/time stamp added at the time by MHProNews below reflects, on 11.26.2024, there was no such post visible on that date in MHI’s home page news section. MHProNews has for some years done screen captures of MHI’s website, precisely to document their arguably deceptive methods, which are among the reasons we created the parody logo of MHI as the Machievellian Housing Institute and others that include the Monopolistic Housing Institute (MHI). This writer for MHProNews asked Donald Trump Jr. in a room with hundreds of delegates listening how important antitrust action is at an national meeting in May 2023. Without hestitancy, Don Jr. answered that it was the #2 or #3 most important issue in the U.S.

4) On the date and time shown below, MHI has only one search result for Scott Turner. The short video of HUD Secretary nominee Turner was apparently not posted on the public side of their website until on or after 11.26.2024, and then their post was seemingly slyly backdated to 11.23.2024. So, it would seem that the first public act by MHI with respect to Turner is arguably an act of subtle deception. As the screen capture and collage elements below notes, the call out boxes, MHProNews third-party fair use logo, MHI parody logo and the date/time are added by MHProNews.

5) But in fairness to MHI, and so Turner doesn’t feel lonely, he is hardly the first person that has been deceptively dealt with. MHI is credibly accused by past and current members as well as others of being ineffective at their claimed goals, while they seem to be working just swell for their Establishment-friendly insiders. While claiming to be nonpartisan, there is ample evidence that the Biden-Harris (D) agenda was favored over Trump’s. Examples are found in the reports linked below.

6) A deep dive into the affordable housing crisis origins and the world of manufactured housing was published by MHProNews on Monday, 12.1.2024. That research with expert analysis included detailed insights by economists and officials associated with various segments of the Federal Reserve system plus that of others. It goes step-by-step into issues that MHI is supposed to care about, but has largely ignored, or on one case, even slammed.

7) Flashing back to the Obama-Biden era, some at MHI postured opposition to what Berkshire unit leader Tim Williams at 21st Mortgage Corporation dismissively called the progressive ideology or agenda. Williams has served MHI as a chairman and he still sits on the MHI board.

8) But while Williams was posturing (paltering?) against the “progressive ideology” to MHI members (the slide above was from a presentation by Williams at an MHI event and that was subsequently provided by 21st to MHProNews shortly afterwards at our publication’s request). But Williams’ boss Warren Buffett was playing footsy with “progressive” President Obama. Buffett supported Obama in both of his campaigns.

9) Munger Tolles, and Olson (MTO) partner and Berkshire (BRK) director Ron Olson, an attorney with insights into antitrust law, was asked to comment repeatedly about purported antitrust violations involving Clayton, 21st Mortgage, and MHI. Olson declined a response. Other attorneys with connections to MHI, Clayton Homes, or Berkshire Hathaway have also declined comment. Not just once, but over the course of years.

10) Trump is said to have a long memory about who are his friends, who are his fake friends, and who are his enemies that may make nice more recently only because it was becoming apparent that Trump might win in 2024.

While Buffett officially sat out endorsements in 2024, his longtime ally William “Bill” Gates III reportedly gave $50 million to back the Kamala Harris campaign, which is of course his right, so long as campaign finance laws permit the form of such large donations.

While he has a point and we respect Robert F. Kennedy Jr., J.D., and reported on his campaign and RFK Jr.’s concerns about health, regulatory capture, Gates, and more prior to running as a Democrat and then independent before teaming up with Trump, there may be more to Gates’ campaign support of Kamala Harris (D) than just HHS related.
RFK Jr: “This week… Bill Gates made his first political contribution in history. He gave $50 million to Kamala Harris.”
“I’m quite sure that the reason that he gave that is he does not want me running the health system in this country, and looking into his business practices.”
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) November 1, 2024
Tim Walz today attacked @elonmusk for donating millions to help President Trump get elected.
Now we learn, Bill Gates donated $50 million to Kamala Harris’ campaign.
You won’t hear anything from Walz about that.
— Paul A. Szypula 🇺🇸 (@Bubblebathgirl) October 23, 2024
11) Gates has apparent links to the Civic Alliance that obviously worked to depose Trump in 2020, and Gates is also a sizable shareholder in Berkshire. The Gates Foundation has billions in Berkshire stock.
JUST IN: Warren Buffett gives away $4.1 billion worth of Berkshire shares to 5 foundations, and resigns as trustee at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
— CNBC (@CNBC) June 23, 2021
— (@Investingcom) February 26, 2024
Warren E. Buffett has donated 13.69 million shares of Berkshire Hathaway stock to five foundations with the highest contribution to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation at more that 10 million shares worth $3.6 billion.
— Business – Finance – Markets @equityin ⚡ (@equityin) June 22, 2023
‘Buffett has raised Berkshire’s cash levels to unprecedented heights. At $325bn, cash now accounts for 28% of Berkshire’s asset value — the highest level since at least 1990.’
— Jesse Felder (@jessefelder) November 8, 2024
12) The Civic Alliance’s role in the 2020 election controversies received too little attention, in the view of this publication. But while many in mainstream media ignored it, MHProNews spotlighted it and other questionable behaviors in 2020 that seemed to have clear ties to Berkshire-Buffett and Gates.

Expect little or none of the above to be mentioned on the MHI website and/or MHI-linked bloggers and trade media. There is still information that dribbles out periodically from the mountain of lies and deception that occurred in 2020.

13) But the insiders/outsiders game at MHI has been detailed by MHProNews over a period of years.
14) At some point in time Marty Lavin, J.D., who publicly supported Trump via MHProNews, was turned into an unperson by MHI. That despite the fact that Lavin was given a lifetime achievement award by MHI. But it isn’t just Lavin who was apparently wiped from their website. Several of their own past presidents and CEOs, vice presidents and others were erased too.

15) But Lavin wasn’t the only past or present MHI member that has lashed at the trade group for failure to stand up for the industry’s independents and broad (rather than narrow, special) interests.

16) In an extended off-the-record rant by a longtime MHI member to MHProNews, one company leader said that after former MHI president and CEO Chris Stinebert left MHI, which occurred just a few years after Buffett-led Berkshire bought directly into the industry, that MHI had turned into ‘secret society’ style behavior which ’empowered f-cking greedy’ insiders that had made MHI a tool for themselves. And in doing so, the image of the industry was also being undermined.

In hindsight, MHI’s Chris Stinebert’s parting message from MHI may have been a backhanded slap as he was heading for the exit before his NDA presumably kicked in. No wonder he and others are ‘unpersons’ at MHI?

17) Early in the Trump era, MHARR publicly detailed their concerns about MHI’s problematic behaviors. MHARR clearly stated that there was a need for a new post-production trade group, because MHI wasn’t getting the job done. Note that MHARR is a producer’s trade group, and more specifically, an independent producer’s of HUD Code manufactured housing trade group. So, while some overlap exists, MHI claims to represent both production and post-production interest. MHI would be akin to an automotive trade group that represents manufacturers, financing, retail, suppliers, etc. MHI would, per the logic of their own claims, be something like the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and a remodeler’s trade group rolled into one umbrella organization. And per MHARR, which boasts as its first president and CEO an award-winning ex-MHI VP, Danny Ghorbani, MHI has long been posturing rather than performing. So, during the Trump (R) Administration, and later during the Biden-Harris (D) regime, MHARR in their own words detailed their concerns with MHI and expressed those to public officials as well.

18) MHARR publicly celebrated, in an arguably authentic manner, the Trump 1.0 administration. They saw Trump as a builder and businessman who would understand how federal regulators were thwarting the industry’s performance and how regulators were failing to follow the law. One of the ways MHARR leaders expressed that which was on the MHARR website in 2017 is shown below.
MHARR and MHProNews both celebrated Trump 1.0 and Dr. Carson’s appointment as HUD Secretary.
19) Another item from the MHARR website in December 19, 2017 is shown below. So, while MHARR, or any trade group, makes a good faith effort to work in a bipartisan or nonpartisan fashion, they did not fail to signal their hope for Trump 1.0.
20) But let’s step back a few years back to the Obama-Biden (D) administration. The problems facing the industry were many. Buffett supported President Obama (D) and Democrats were slamming the industry directly and indirectly in several ways that hurt consumers of affordable housing as well as independent producers, retailers, communities, and others. An example of that is shown below.

21) Disclosure. During the Dodd-Frank era, it is appropriate to disclose that this publication’s parent company and this writer were active members in MHI. This writer was voted by my peers to be a member of the MHI Suppliers Division board of directors. But as time moved on, and it became apparent that MHI was posturing more than performing, and apparent disconnects between MHI claims and their actions grew. So, based on evidence, MHProNews steadily pivoted from encouraging MHI to questioning MHI leaders.
22) In hindsight, instead of merely having Jennison correct his shocking remarks above, when MHProNews approached Tim Williams (BRK owned 21st CEO, prior MHI chair and still MHI board member) about Jennison’s stunningly disconnected remark above, it may have been better to nudge the man out the door…IF…their intent was to see the industry grow. But what Williams did, after the contact by MHProNews, was to have Jennison ‘clean up’ his remarks by clearly stating that the industry was capable of achieving and returning to shipments of 500,000 units per year, instead of under 70,000 the year that Jennison dropped the ball on video. Not only did Jennison more properly restate the industry’s potential, but he also took the time to praise this publication and this writer.

23) MHProNews later asked for Jennison and then EVP (now CEO) Lesli Gooch’s resignation or termination when it was discovered that they apparently okayed the issuing of an email to members that misrepresented a Senate hearing on Dodd-Frank involving manufactured housing. MHProNews was an MHI member at that time and MHI and/or MHI members were among our clients and/or sponsors.

24) Jumping forward before jumping back, since then, it has been learned that MHI’s CEO was apparently hired despite ample evidence (then and since) that she was operating under a cloud of conflicts of interests and sometimes intense protests. In current lingo, Gooch might be described as a RINO. It is inconceivable that MHI’s search committee that hired Gooch was unaware of these items shown below.

25) MHI’s manner for dealing with such inconvenient facts? Apparently, it included getting Gooch named as almost “a woman of influence,” which was laughable since MHI has not been able to get existing federal laws properly enforced under Democratic or Republican administrations. MHI leaders repeatedly decline comment on examples of the Illusory Truth Effect. A lie told once may just be a lie, but a lie told a 1000 times may appear to the under-informed be true. President-Elect Trump and his inner circle understand that illusory truth effect and the Big Lie all too well.

26) That is who CEO Gooch appears to be. A poser. That is who MHI leaders wanted to send to the White House during Trump 1.0. MHProNews’ calls balls, strikes, hits and home runs.

27) In fairness to Dr. Carson and others in the first Trump Administration, much more evidence has emerged during and since Trump left office. For example, MHI’s former chairman, Joe Stegmayer, once President and CEO of Cavco Industries and prior to that a Clayton Homes division president, was sued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). That probe began under Trump 1.0 and continued under Biden-Harris.

28) But such apparently illegal, corrupt, predatory, and/or problematic behavior has dogged several MHI insiders, not just Stegmayer. But the method for dealing with it seems to often include arranging for an award.

29) To illustrate just how shockingly problematic MHI linked leaders are, consider this Q&A with left-leaning Bing’s AI powered Copilot.

30) MHARR has called on federal agencies and Congress to investigate these kinds of concerns. From time to time, MHARR sums up the “bottlenecks” facing manufactured housing in a reasonably succinct report.

31) In both Trump-1.0 era FHFA listening sessions, and in Biden-Harris era listening sessions, this writer for MHProNews either traveled to Washington, D.C. or participated in virtual sessions as needed to publicly call out MHI and the evidence-based nexus between regulators and various corporate interests. If MHI could debunk these, they would have done so. But instead, an MHI member that attempted to debunk it ended up making several useful admissions before tossing in the proverbial towel.

Often individuals appointed to an office say the right things before the take the reins. They may say the right things afterwards. But if they fail to DO the right things, then it is simply what MHARR has called a shell game.

The following was once easily found on the FHFA website, but after they redid that section of their website during the Biden-Harris era, it is no longer as easy to navigate to, so MHProNews provides it as the link below. It paints a quick picture in 7 minutes.

32) The status quo benefits a select few, which is why the status quo exists. Trump understands this. He has spoken about it at rallies and in other venues. Trump isn’t alone, Democrats have spoken about the rigged system too. The question is, who is posturing or paltering and who is acting?

33) MHProNews began to expose the problems in manufactured housing while MHI was a sponsor and several prominent MHI firms were sponsors too. That cost us, but we did what trade media is supposed to do, shine a light on dim corners and behind the curtain behaviors that were either contradictory (e.g.: see the Tim Williams slam of the “progressive ideology” remark vs. Buffett-Berkshire-MTO’s embrace of progressive ideology in 7-8-9 above).

34) MHProNews went from being praised and a presenter at MHI events to arguably being effectively blacklisted by MHI in a manner that may violate antitrust laws. One example of MHProNews and this writer presenting at an MHI event is shown below, where the current president of MHI was a co-panelist, and all the other presenters were part of the MHProNews team at that time. Bob Stovall has since died, and Matthew Silver has since retired, but stays in touch.

35) That pushback and backstabbing by MHI and its insiders are arguably “over the target” reactions. It may take a half a day of reading to truly grasp enough of the nuances to realize just how corrupted MHI has become since the start of the Berkshire era of the industry. Underperformance benefits a few while others profit as smaller players get driven out. Meanwhile, the affordable housing crisis rages on, while MHARR and others attempt to get the attention of public officials to get them to hopefully do the right thing, which ought to be their job.

MHI’s response to the published concerns? Instead of answering the concerns directly, if they could do so, one of their surrogates attempted to organize a boycott of MHProNews, which is potentially an antitrust violation.

36) During the years that MHProNews’ parent company was an MHI member, Tim Williams/21st (again, Williams served as an MHI chair and still serves on a MHI board) provided remarks for publication that praised MHProNews and/or responded to concerns raised by MHProNews.
Fast forward to roughly this past week. Insiders in Washington, D.C. began what promises to be a wave of pardons to avoid federal prison for various purported or convicted corrupt and/or illegal acts. Corruption that is known has been documented by the House Oversight Committee testimony and others. These are known by those who pay attention.
With that level of corruption, why is it a surprise that MHI keeps posturing one thing, while doing another? Why is it a surprise that Biden-Harris era HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge refused to enforce a useful federal regulation that could cause a dramatic growth in manufactured housing if it were properly enforced? Fortunately, some of this has been video recorded by CSPAN.

37) While a Senator, Joe Biden (DE-D) co-sponsored the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (a.k.a.: MHIA 2000, MHIA, 2000 Reform Law, 2000 Reform Act). Yet, as he sat in the White House, did Biden see to it that Marcia Fudge followed the 2000 Reform Law’s “enhanced preemption” provision that if routinely enforced would overcome zoning barriers for manufactured housing? Apparently not. Yet, while George W. Bush (R) and his VP Richard “Dick” Cheney (R) were in the White House and the VP’s executive residence, Democratic lawmakers hit their appointee, then HUD Secretary Mel Martinez for failure to enforce enhanced preemption. Where is that history on MHI’s website?

As it should be apparent, there is a book’s worth of facts, evidence, and analysis that could be presented. MHI is either led by the most-inept people imaginable, and/or they are corrupt, self-serving and are part of the problem not part of the solution.
Notice: MHProNews is pondering a book at some point in the foreseeable future, presumably during the Trump Administration 2.0. The book would detail, illustrate, and footnote insights on the affordable housing crisis, the promise and hurdles that have faced HUD Code manufactured housing, the role of a range of nonprofits, the mainstream and specialized trade media, big tech and the various corporate and governmental forces that have arguably at various times colluded to suppress federally regulated manufactured homes. While we have been and remain Trump supporters, we are counting on Trump 2.0 to fix what wasn’t during his fresh “drain the swamp” and “enforce existing laws” term in office. Our record in supporting Trump, in exposing RINOs like former Congressional Representatives Adam Kinzinger (IL-R) or Liz Cheney (WY-R), and in spotlighting problems as well as successes is open for all to explore. With the U.S. ranking well down the list of nations in the rate of home ownership despite higher household income, there can and will be facts and insights that in our view could make such a project a best seller.

As we have increased our reach via mainstream news contributing, the timing of such a project could be useful. Our penciled in target for such a volume would be 2026 or 2027, so that it could be a factor in the 2028 election cycle.

38) It is a disgrace that there is an affordable housing crisis in the U.S. While Frank Rolfe may be part of the problem himself, he nevertheless periodically points his finger at MHI and says things like there is no interest in solving affordable housing because the status quo benefits special interests. Rolfe may say things like ‘I blame MHI.’

39) MHI is silent on these matters. MHI’s so-called code of ethical conduct is a bad joke. CBS ran an episode of a popular show of their that had one of their fictional characters apparently based on Frank Rolfe. HBO’s satirical hit Last Week Tonight with John Oliver ran an episode misnamed “Mobile Homes.” Apparently every single bad actor in that episode had clear ties to MHI. A series of national antitrust suits by residents arguing collusion to fix pricing was finally launched, and the targets include multiple members of MHI.

40) Remarks from employees on of several MHI member insiders are eye-opening. Employees may work for a dark brand, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they like it or enjoy it.

41) Let’s sum up and draw towards a close while sprinkling in some added linked insights. Manufactured housing crashed in the 21st century from the last highwater mark achieved in 1998. Almost a decade ago, MHI’s president and CEO Jennison said that the industry could produce 500,000 new homes a year. But instead, this year, the industry may break past 100,000. That’s roughly 73 percent lower production than the industry had in 1998, even though the population grew since then.

42) An array of third-party research is available that helps documents the rise and fall of HUD Code manufactured housing.

43) Congress has held hearings as to why the 2000 Reform act that gave the industry “enhanced preemption” hasn’t been properly implemented. Kevin Clayton for MHI was one of the ones that testified. John Bostick of Sunshine Homes was among those who testified for MHARR at one hearing.

44) At another hearing, MHARR and MHI members also testified. The evidence and facts presented herein is discussed in those hearings.

45) Last year, Cavco Industries CEO William “Bill” Boor, then MHI vice-chair, but now MHI’s chairman, once again said that MHI wants to see enhanced preemption enforced by HUD. What are the odds that Eric Scott Turner never heard those words “enhanced preemption” while he was chatting and being video recorded by MHI in 2019?

46) Just a few months ago, short seller Blue Orca presented a paper on MHI member Sun Communities. Among the statements in that document was a quote that asserted that their CEO, Gary Shiffman, should be in prison. The stock slid and shareholders probes were launched as a result of Blue Orca’s evidence.

47) There are pages and pages of stunning and sobering concerns linked to a variety of MHI members and/or the parent companies of several MHI members. Media across the left-right spectrum have reported on aspects of this, but a 400-to-800-word report – no matter how good – that only covers a slice of the problem just doesn’t cut it in terms of painting the true but vexing picture.
So, when Federal Reserve members shined a light on why the industry once achieved tremendous results but has since floundered, that has a corporate, association, and federal failures linked to it.

48) An antitrust researcher, Samuel “Sam” Strommen with Knudson Law, has looked at these issues and concluded that MHI and several of their insider brands were apparently guilty of “felony” antitrust violations.

49) Unfortunately, antitrust can apparently get political. But the evidence has been there for over 5 years and the evidence only continues to grow.

50) One more time for emphasis and as a kind of summary. 3.5 years ago, the following was presented to the FHFA. One of their attorneys saw it, because this writer for MHProNews emailed with that attorney. In 7 minutes, it sums up key facts that brings these various threads together and into focus.
But there is 3.5 years of more evidence since then. The side-by-side between MHARR’s President and CEO Mark Weiss, J.D., and his response to interview questions and the response by MHI’s Lesli Gooch is revealing. As a reminder to the dark side of 21st century America beyond MHVille, keep in mind that multi-billion and multi-trillion-dollar scandals were allowed to fester until finally regulators acted. Let’s hope that Team Trump won’t wait.

Landing the plane, Danny Ghorbani, ex-MHI VP turned MHARR’s founding president and CEO said the following in an interview with MHProNews.

So, no wonder that MHARR has issued an “urgent” call on the Trump Transition team to look into the issues involved.

MHProNews will continue to shine a light on these and other issues as they emerge and as behavior by the exiting Biden-Harris or entering Trump-Vance team warrants. ##

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By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
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