If you wanted to exhibit at the Tunica Manufactured Housing Show the end of March, it’s too late, says Dennis Hill of Showways. The 80+ manufacturer displays and 101 service and supplier booths have been taken, and registration to attend is already up 135 attendees over the same time in 2012—and the show is still a month away. Billed as the largest manufactured home show, a promotional piece that went to MH industry-wide businesses documents the seminars as well as outside entertainment venues, including a bus trip to famed Beale St. in nearby Memphis, and a Bloody Mary Mixer morning to begin Thurs. A special presentation will be delivered by a wounded war veteran from Homes for Our Troops, a non-profit that gathers dollar and material donations to provide housing for veterans with serious disabilities. The Tunica Show runs Wed. March 27–Fri. March 29, and is sponsored by numerous big hitters in the industry. Please click here for more information.