There are still remnants of the tornado in the yard around their new home, mostly pieces of their old MH, but it is difficult for Jose and Zuleyma Sanfillano to begin the clean-up with the memory of their lost newborn still fresh. “Sooner or later I will, but I feel like I’m not ready for it,” he said, as wfaa8abc tells MHProNews.
The Santillano family of five is now adjusting to their new home, with boxes and bags of clothing and other household items, all donated.
Over $100,000 was raised for two MH, the second one for the Gonzalez family, next door neighbors of the Santillano family in Blue Ridge.
“I was overwhelmed,” said Pastor Bruce Miller of Christ Fellowship in McKinney. “In four days, all the money was raised.” Two GoFundme accounts were utilized in addition to the churches’ direct efforts. “I had this sense of, ‘This is good! This is what God wants for us to be doing for each other,‘” Miller said.
Blue Ridge is in north central Texas, north of Dallas. ##
Photo credit: wfaa8abc–Manufactured home gifted to Santillano family in Texas)