U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (NH-D) Jon Tester (D-MT) Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) Backed Manufactured Housing Community Sustainability Act of 2024-Manufactured Housing Institute Silent; MHMarkets


“Montanans in every corner of our state have told me they are being impacted by rising housing costs and a shortage of supply, which is why it’s more important than ever that we use all the tools at our disposable to ensure we maintain our existing affordable housing stock,” said U.S. Senator Jon Tester (MT-D) per his press release provided below. “The housing crisis is hitting low-income Americans the hardest, including tenants living in manufactured home communities,” stated Senator Richard Blumenthal (CT-D) according to the press release provided below from Senator Jeanne Shaheen (NH-D) in Washington, D.C., “The Manufactured Housing Community Sustainability Act of 2024” is cosponsored by U.S. Senators Jon Tester (MT-D) and Richard Blumenthal (CT-D). Perhaps with no sense of the irony, WBUR reported on 7.4.2024 that the “bill introduced by New Hampshire Sen. Jeanne Shaheen in Washington last month aims to take a homegrown approach of counteracting the housing crisis nationwide” by creating “a tax benefit for owners of manufactured housing communities, also called mobile home parks, when they sell the community to a resident-owned cooperative or nonprofit.” Senator Testor is expected to face a tough reelection battle, with left-leaning Yahoo saying: The red-state Democrat from Montana is drawing contrasts with the Biden administration as he fights for his political survival.” Pew Research in October 2020 said: “Just 4% of registered voters [who] support Trump or Biden and a Senate candidate from the opposing party.” The MIT Election Lab said in 2022 that: “Critics of the practice [of straight ticket voting] argue that it makes it nearly impossible for third-party candidates to gain traction…” That inside politics noted, while ROC USA, a member of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), has raised awareness about the “Manufactured Housing Community Sustainability Act” and Prosperity Now has spotlighted prior versions of that bill, it seems that MHI itself has been silent on the matter, one of several facts that will be illustrated and explored in Part III of this report. The history of this legislation, the troubling business practices that have fueled the calls for this and other legislation at the state and federal level and their common link to members of MHI and/or their state association affiliates will also be explored following the press releases and the text of the bill, which attached below as a download.


Part I

Senators Shaheen, Tester, Blumenthal Introduce Legislation to Support Manufactured Housing Communities

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) is reintroducing the Manufactured Housing Community Sustainability Act, which would encourage manufactured home park owners interested in selling the community to sell the land to their residents, rather than another landlord or a developer. If signed into law, this would allow more Americans to stay in their homes and protect them from excessive rent increases. More than 20 million Americans live in manufactured homes across the country, and in New Hampshire, there are more than 140 resident-owned manufactured housing communities, typically known as “manufactured home parks.” The bill is cosponsored by U.S. Senators Jon Tester (D-MT) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT).

“Residents of manufactured communities often own their homes but don’t own the land that their homes sit on, increasing their risk of displacement when parks close or rents rise,” said Senator Shaheen. “Every family should feel safe and secure in their homes, and my bill would help preserve affordable housing and empower residents in manufactured home parks to buy the land they live on and stay in their homes.”

“Montanans in every corner of our state have told me they are being impacted by rising housing costs and a shortage of supply, which is why it’s more important than ever that we use all the tools at our disposable to ensure we maintain our existing affordable housing stock,” said Senator Tester. “Manufactured Housing Communities have provided affordable places to live for Montanans and folks around the country, and I’m proud to introduce this commonsense bill to help more Montana families and seniors remain in their communities. I’ll continue to do all I can to boost housing supply across Montana and ensure that folks who call our state home can continue to do so.”

“The housing crisis is hitting low-income Americans the hardest, including tenants living in manufactured home communities. Manufactured homes provide affordable and quality housing, yet often homeowners are subject to unfair and predatory practices including rent increases and community closures. The Manufactured Housing Community Sustainability Act protects homeowners from these destructive tactics and gives residents the housing stability and peace of mind they deserve,” said Senator Blumenthal.

“The New Hampshire Community Loan Fund applauds Senator Shaheen for her leadership in creating housing solutions through the introduction of the Manufactured Housing Community Sustainability Act,” said Steve Saltzman, President and Chief Operating Officer of the New Hampshire Community Loan Fund. “Manufactured housing, which represents an increasingly rare opportunity for affordable homeownership, is an essential part of the solution to the affordable housing crisis. In New Hampshire, 149 parks have converted to Resident Ownership which has preserved nearly 9,000 affordable homes. This bill will reinforce and strengthen this successful model by incentivizing park sellers to sell to the residents of the community and, in turn, ensuring the homes within those parks remain affordable for years to come.”

Specifically, the Manufactured Housing Community Sustainability Act would create a 75 percent federal tax credit offsetting capital gains if the property is sold to a resident-owned cooperative or nonprofit.  This economic incentive would help create more of these empowered communities and keep more families in their homes, while protecting the long-term viability of this important sector of our nation’s affordable housing market.

The full text of the Manufactured Housing Community Sustainability Act can be read here.

Senator Shaheen is a leader in the Senate working to combat housing instability, including by securing federal investments in New Hampshire’s many manufactured housing communities. Recently, Shaheen applauded action by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to help preserve and revitalize manufactured housing with the launch of the Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE). Shaheen helped introduce legislation to make the PRICE program permanent and supported $225 million for PRICE in the Fiscal Year 2023 funding bill. Shaheen has also introduced the Fighting Homelessness Through Services and Housing Act to help local governments reduce homelessness as well as a bicameral bill that would protect the rights of residents of manufactured housing communities.  ###

Part II



As part of his continued efforts to improve access to housing in Montana, U.S. Senator Jon Tester introduced the Manufactured Housing Community Sustainability Act, legislation to allow more Montanans to stay in their homes and protect them from excessive rent increases by incentivizing manufactured home park owners to sell land to residents rather than another landlord or developer.

“Montanans in every corner of our state have told me they are being impacted by rising housing costs and a shortage of supply, which is why it’s more important than ever that we use all the tools at our disposable to ensure we maintain our existing affordable housing stock,” said Senator Tester. “Manufactured Housing Communities have provided affordable places to live for Montanans and folks around the country, and I’m proud to introduce this commonsense bill to help more Montana families and seniors remain in their communities. I’ll continue to do all I can to boost housing supply across Montana and ensure that folks who call our state home can continue to do so.”

Tester’s Manufactured Housing Community Sustainability Act would create a 75% federal tax credit offsetting capital gains if the property is sold to a resident-owned cooperative or nonprofit. This economic incentive would help preserve more manufactured housing communities and keep more families in their homes, while protecting the long-term viability of this important piece the affordable housing market.

Tester has been Montana’s leading champion for tackling rising housing costs and bolstering the state’s housing supply. Last week, Tester secured $10.2 million in Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Grant funding to improve housing and critical infrastructure in East Helena. Earlier this year, Tester secured more than $16 million for housing programs across the state to increase the supply of housing for Montanans. In November, Tester introduced his Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for Community Enhancement (PRICE) Act – legislation that would revitalize Montana’s affordable housing supply by establishing a manufactured housing community improvement grant program.

In September, Tester also introduced his bipartisan Rural Housing Service Reform Act of 2023 – legislation which would improve federal rural housing programs, cut government red tape, and strengthen the supply of affordable housing across Montana.

Full text of Tester’s bill can be found HERE. ##


Part III – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary 

In no particular order of importance are the following added and related facts, insights, and analysis to the text of the bill per Senator Shaheen’s website is linked here.

1) Neither press release above mentions that this bill has been periodically proposed for some years. According to GovTrack on 9.8.2024 was the following information.

  1. Bills & Resolutions
  2. S. 4475 (117th)
  1. 4475 (117th): Manufactured Housing Community Sustainability Act of 2022


Jun 23, 2022
117th Congress (2021–2023)


Died in a previous Congress

This bill was introduced on June 23, 2022, in a previous session of Congress, but it did not receive a vote.

Although this bill was not enacted, its provisions could have become law by being included in another bill. It is common for legislative text to be introduced concurrently in multiple bills (called companion bills), re-introduced in subsequent sessions of Congress in new bills, or added to larger bills (sometimes called omnibus bills).




JUL 19, 2017 Earlier Version — Introduced

This activity took place on a related bill, S. 1581 (115th).

SEP 26, 2019 Earlier Version — Introduced

This activity took place on a related bill, S. 2571 (116th).

JUN 23, 2022 Introduced

Bills and resolutions are referred to committees which debate the bill before possibly sending it on to the whole chamber.

Read Text »


2) MHProNews has monitored and previously reported on this legislation since early on in its legislative history.

https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/owner-alert-dnc-vice-chair-rep-keith-ellison-introduces-national-manufactured-home-community-bill/ Official photo, Keith Ellison, (D-MN). Text and collage credit, MHProNews.


3) Prosperity Now, a left-leaning nonprofit that routinely has one or more attendees at certain MHI meetings, produced what they called a ‘one page’ (though it is two pages) summary of the bill at this link here. From that document is the following.

The Frank Adelmann Manufactured Housing Community Sustainability Act

(H.R. 3296) sponsored by Rep. Keith Ellison


Traditionally referred to as “mobile homes,” manufactured homes are a vital aspect of American affordable housing stock for many working families, as well as the elderly and rural  In fact, more than 17 million Americans live in manufactured homes across the country and are typically located in communities commonly known as “mobile home parks.”

While residents of these communities typically own their home, they very often do not own the land under their homes. This division of ownership has led to homeowners being displaced due to community closure. Eviction or closure of manufactured home communities is very disruptive to residents. Residents may be unable to pay the thousands of dollars it takes to move their home, and many homes are unable to be moved. Even if a home could be relocated, it is very hard to find another location. These mobile homes are in many cases not mobile and serve as the permanent residences of some of the lowest income homeowners in the country.

In the past two decades, a national network of housing providers have helped residents purchase and manage these communities as a cooperative or a nonprofit-owned development in order to preserve this crucial source of affordable housing.  Under this model, homeowners and/or renters can choose to act democratically to gain ownership as a cooperative or through a nonprofit in order to avoid displacement and ensure housing security.

Through cooperative or nonprofit ownership, members continue to own their own homes individually. They also own an equal share of the land beneath the entire neighborhood. Everyone has a say in the way the community is run, and major decisions are made by a democratic vote by a member-elected board of directors. These resident-owned cooperatives have thrived, protecting thousands of homeowners from the threat of eviction, investing in critical communal infrastructure and facilities, all while building a sense of community among neighbors.

Nationwide, there are more than 1,000 of these stable, permanent ownership cooperatives – or nonprofit-owned developments — in more than a dozen states. In New Hampshire, more than 25 percent of manufactured home communities are owned by residents. In Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Washington, Montana, Oregon and Minnesota, resident-owned cooperatives and/or non-profit ownership have flourished.

However, these successful cooperatives represent only a small portion of our nation’s manufactured housing communities; in fact, only two percent are resident or non-profit owned.  The structure requires the willingness of the commercial owner/operator willing to their residents in the first place.

Given the lack of marketplace incentive, property owners are often reluctant to sell to the community. Rather than help contribute to the growing cooperative model, property owners are more inclined to pass the property on to their heirs, avoiding capital gains taxes. …”


4) From that same Prosperity Now document is the following.


Legislative Summary of the Frank Adelmann Manufactured Housing Community Sustainability Act, (H.R. 3296)

This commonsense legislation creates an economic incentive in order to promote the resident owned cooperative model that has proven a successful tool in states like Minnesota and New Hampshire to protect affordable housing options and encourage homeownership. 

The Manufactured Housing Community Sustainability Act approach is based on successful provisions in some state tax codes that incent sales of land to mobile home communities. For example, in Montana, a 50 percent or 100 percent of the gain recognized from the sale or exchange of a manufactured home community is excluded from adjusted gross income or gross income for state tax purposesi.

In North Carolina, a similar tax incentive is available when a community owner transfers the land comprising a manufactured home community in a single purchase to a group composed of a majority of the manufactured home community leaseholders or to a nonprofit organization that represents such a group.ii In Washington, a qualified sale of a manufactured home community is exempt from excise taxes on real estate.iii

Specifically, the Manufactured Housing Community Sustainability Act:

  • Provides a tax incentive for owners of manufactured home communities to sell to their residents.
  • Creates a 75 percent federal tax credit on the sale of the property. For example, if the owner sells the land to a resident cooperative, instead of paying $150,000 on a $1 million gain, the owner will only pay $37,500.
  • Includes a provision to ensure the long-term viability of the cooperative communities in order to prevent the tax incentive from being used for unfair gain by either the buyer or seller.


i Mont. Code § 15-30-2110 ii N.C. Gen. Stat. §§ 105-130.5, 105-134.6, iii Wash. Rev. Code § 82.45.010. …”


5) By contrast to the information above, the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), which is supposed to be providing ‘news’ and ‘advocacy’ for “all segments” of manufactured housing has the following information on 7.9.2024 about this pending legislation.



Meaning, even though this legislation has been on tap since 2017, MHI has on the date and time shown no information for media, researchers, industry professionals or others about this pending bill. Yet it is MHI that collects dues from the manufactured home community (MHC) sector. So, the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR), which is a producers’ focused trade group and says as much, MHI offers nothing to that community segment of the industry they and their state association affiliates are collecting dues from.




6) What about MHI linked bloggers and trade publishers? The following reveals that MHInsider, which along with their sister brands MHVillage and Datacomp are owned by Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS) that has an official (Patrick Waite) on the MHI executive committee and another (Ron Bunce) on their board, is silent on the topic of this bill. Yet on this date, per their website, MHInsider claims: “MHInsider is the leading information source for the manufactured housing industry, providing the manufactured housing news, legislative updates, operational insight, data, statistics, and trends for manufactured housing professionals.” Apparently, based on this example and others linked below, not so.



TheRulesAre SimpleTheyLieToUsTheyKnowWeKnowTheyAreLyingMHVillageMHInsiderDarrenKrolewskiUnveilsSoberingClaimHowToWasteGoodMoneyOnMarketing-PlusMHVilleStock$MHProNews

a) BTW, based upon SimilarWeb results linked below. MHProNews’ main cPanel (we have over a dozen) data for June 2024, compared to their annualized data as revealed below indicates that MHProNews has some 254.71 times more pageviews from just one cPanel’s data than MHInsider. MHProNews has a dozen other cPanels’ serving our website. Yet, MHI CEO Lesli Gooch is among MHInsider’s contributors, as are other MHI linked ‘luminaries.’


It is a fair question to pose: would MHInsider get as much traffic as it does if not for periodic MHProNews fact checks and references, such as this report provides them? Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report and others on MHProNews can be clicked to expand. Click the image and follow the prompts. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection, you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts.


b) MHProNews previously revealed such lopsided dominance in traffic and engagement by using MHInsider’s own page counter. After fact checks like the one below, MHVillage’s MHInsider suspended the public visibility of their pageview function.




The above is a flashback, but an accurate one. Despite fine glossy looking magazines, and a nice-looking website, MHInsider has apparently never caught fire. MHVillage moved MHInsider from being part of their main website to having their own website. MHInsider’s traffic has fallen sharply, per SimilarWeb.


7) MHInsider is arguably an apt example of the efforts of manufactured housing industry insiders to create faux illusions. MHI’s own website’s traffic did not dropped as sharply as MHInsider’s, but MHI traffic did fall per SimilarWeb-38.94% from last month.” While propaganda and paltering aren’t always easy to spot, years of MHProNews fact check of MHI have perhaps taken a toll on MHI and their allies. That noted, it would not be surprising if some go to MHI’s website after a fact check and see if matters are as reported. MHProNews provides evidence and dates so that our fact checks and analysis stand the tests of time and scrutiny.


It is a fair question to pose: would MHI’s website get as much traffic as it does if not for periodic MHProNews fact checks and references, such as this report provides them? Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report and others on MHProNews can be clicked to expand. Click the image and follow the prompts. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts.


8) According to left-leaning Bing’s AI powered Copilot is the following.

BingCopilotAI-Screen1.3.2024MHLivingNewsThe Manufactured Housing Community Sustainability Act was introduced in response to concerns about the well-being of residents in manufactured home communities.”



What is the status of the “Manufactured Housing Community Sustainability Act” of 2024? What does Skopos Labs, GovTrack, or other similar sources say about the odds of passage? What is the history of this legislation? Is there a companion bill in the U.S. House, as there was in 2017? Has the language of the bill changed much since it was first introduced?

BingCopilotAI-Screen1.3.2024MHLivingNewsThe Manufactured Housing Community Sustainability Act of 2024 aims to encourage manufactured home park owners to sell the land to their residents rather than other landlords or developers. If enacted, it would create a tax benefit for owners of manufactured housing communities when they sell to a resident-owned cooperative or nonprofit1. The bill is cosponsored by U.S. Senators Jon Tester (D-MT) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)1. Here are some key points:

  1. Purpose and Findings:
  2. Tax Credit:
  3. History:
  4. Companion Bill in the U.S. House:
    • Information about a companion bill in the U.S. House is not explicitly mentioned in the sources provided.
    • Further research may be needed to determine if there is a companion bill in the House.
  5. Language Changes:
    • The language of the bill is not specified in the sources.
    • For detailed language changes, it’s best to refer directly to the bill text or official legislative records.

In summary, the bill aims to enhance affordable housing options and protect residents of manufactured home communities. However, additional research would be necessary to provide a comprehensive history and track any language changes since its introduction6. …”



Is it fair to say that lawmakers sometimes submit a bill that has little chance of being passed but may be a way of getting support from a specific constituency? And is it also fair to say that legislation needs to be passed by both houses of Congress in order for it to be enacted into law? And is it also fair to say that the odds of passage go up when it is submitted earlier in a legislative session than later?

BingCopilotAI-Screen1.3.2024MHLivingNewsCertainly! Let’s break down your questions:

  1. Submitting Bills with Little Chance of Passage:
    • Yes, lawmakers sometimes introduce bills that may have slim chances of passing. These bills can serve various purposes:
      • Messaging: They allow legislators to signal their stance on an issue or cater to specific constituencies.
      • Advocacy: Even if unlikely to pass, they can raise awareness and advocate for certain policies.
      • Negotiation: Bills can be bargaining chips during negotiations or part of a larger strategy.
    • However, most legislators aim for bills that have a realistic chance of becoming law.
  2. Legislation and Both Houses of Congress:
    • Absolutely! For a bill to become law, it must pass both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
    • The process involves:
      • Introduction: A bill is proposed in either chamber.
      • Committee Review: It goes through committees for examination, amendments, and debate.
      • Floor Vote: If approved in committee, it proceeds to a full chamber vote.
      • Conference Committee (if needed): If versions differ, a conference committee reconciles them.
      • Presidential Approval: If both chambers agree, the bill goes to the President for approval or veto.
  3. Timing and Odds of Passage:
    • Timing matters! Bills introduced earlier in a legislative session have advantages:
      • Fresh Start: Legislators are more open to new ideas early in a session.
      • Time Constraints: As sessions progress, time becomes scarce, and competing bills vie for attention.
      • Election Cycles: In election years, priorities shift, affecting bill passage odds.

Remember, the legislative process is dynamic, influenced by political dynamics, public opinion, and various factors. 😊📜 …”

a) MHProNews Notes that the headline from the mainstream media article below also may suggest something similar. That submitting a bill may be little more than political posturing.



b) MHProNews and our MHLivingNews sister site have reported for some years that the predatory behavior might be more speedily addressed by enforcing existing laws. There are several instances where legislation was enacted, and little or no expected benefits followed.





In the press release from U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) that reintroduced this bill it said in part: “The housing crisis is hitting low-income Americans the hardest, including tenants living in manufactured home communities. Manufactured homes provide affordable and quality housing, yet often homeowners are subject to unfair and predatory practices including rent increases and community closures. The Manufactured Housing Community Sustainability Act protects homeowners from these destructive tactics and gives residents the housing stability and peace of mind they deserve,” said Senator Blumenthal.” Is it fair to say that several Manufactured Housing Institute member firms are among those that have been accused of those predatory tactics by their own residents, mainstream media, and other public officials? Link results.

BingCopilotAI-Screen1.3.2024MHLivingNewsCertainly! While not all Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) member firms engage in predatory practices, there have been instances where some manufactured home community operators have faced accusations of aggressive or unfair behavior. These allegations include:

  1. Yes! Communities:
  2. Berkshire Hathaway’s Clayton Homes:
  3. General Observations:

In summary, while not all MHI members engage in predatory tactics, it’s essential to address concerns and protect homeowners from unjust practices. 😊🏠

Learn more
12) There could be more explored on this matter, which readers can find by digging into the linked reports above and below. But as the MHProNews inquiry to Copilot reflects, it is the lawmakers that have pointed their finger at “unfair” and “predatory” companies.
“The housing crisis is hitting low-income Americans the hardest, including tenants living in manufactured home communities. Manufactured homes provide affordable and quality housing, yet often homeowners are subject to unfair and predatory practices including rent increases and community closures. The Manufactured Housing Community Sustainability Act protects homeowners from these destructive tactics and gives residents the housing stability and peace of mind they deserve,” said Senator Blumenthal.”
13) Copilot has made a point MHProNews has repeatedly made. Not every MHI member is predatory. But as Copilot said:
there is a common thread where aggressive or predatory practices intersect with MHI membership or state association affiliates.
Which may shed light on why Frank Rolfe, Dave Reynolds, and George Allen have failed to mention this bill meant to address “predatory” behavior on their respective blogs. Each are MHI members.
14) To learn more about the apparent patterns of MHI and their insiders, and how that intersects with problematic business practices, see the reports linked above and below.







15) Why does MHProNews (in conjunction with our sister site MHLivingNews) dominate in manufactured housing industry news, tips, and views pros can use? It is arguably due in part to factually accurate and reliable evidence. The known evidence strongly suggests that MHProNews traffic alone dwarfs that of all of our wannabe trade rivals ‘news’ – plus MHI’s website traffic – combined. Inquiring minds want to know, as the saying goes. By providing original sources, accurately quoted facts and evidence in context, professionals and others from across the spectrum of backgrounds can find the evidence and insights they seek or need.





Programming notes: several special reports, items from tipsters, and developing information is on tap in the days ahead. While MHI’s and MHInsider’s traffic is falling per SimilarWeb, MHProNews’ traffic has steadily risen over the last year, per-more accurate server harvested information from Webalizer. We value our sources and sponsors that make that statement accurate and possible and respect our readers by present facts and evidence that can be double checked for its accuracy.  You get the news here that others often can’t, don’t, or won’t publish.  The industry should be soaring, but instead it is snoring. What can be done? Stay tuned and dig deeper into the related and linked reports. ##



Manufactured Housing Production Up May 2024 per July Manufactured Housing Association Report but Data Reveals Cracks; Brief History of Trailer Houses-Mobile Homes-Manufactured Homes; MHMarkets

Much appreciation for the valuable (and often thankless) job that you [MHProNews] do. You have truly become the preeminent news source for the manufactured housing industry, and I wish you many more years of success.” – Darren Krolewski, senior executive with Datacomp, MHVillage, MHInsider. https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/white-house-releases-plan-for-housing-supply-affordability-hud-fhfa-trumpet-show-spending-but-avoiding-real-solutions-compare-contrast-mhi-endorsed-mhinsider-respon/


Part IV – Our Daily Business News on MHProNews stock market recap which features our business-daily at-a-glance update of over 2 dozen manufactured housing industry stocks.


This segment of the Daily Business News on MHProNews is the recap of yesterday evening’s market report at the closing bell, so that investors can see-at-glance the type of topics may have influenced other investors. Our format includes our signature left (CNN Business) and right (Newsmax) ‘market moving’ headlines for a more balanced report.

The macro market moves graphics below provide context and comparisons for those invested in or tracking manufactured housing connected equities. Meaning, you can see ‘at a glance’ how manufactured housing connected firms do compared to other segments of the broader equities market.

In minutes a day, readers can get a good sense of significant or major events while keeping up with the trends that may be impacting manufactured housing connected investing.


Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – 7.9.2024

  • Key takeaways from Fed Chair Powell’s testimony on Capitol Hill
  • Crowds are gathered outside of Meta Headquarters to protest Mark Zuckerberg and Meta’s censoring about Palestine posts on social platforms in Menlo Park, California, on November 3, 2023.
  • Meta will now remove some posts attacking ‘Zionists’ as a form of hate speech
  • The NGL app is displayed on a phone screen in this illustration photo taken in Krakow, Poland on January 19, 2023.
  • Popular app banned from hosting young teens in a groundbreaking settlement
  • Indicted RNC ‘election integrity’ official accused of dodging deposition in 2020 election defamation case
  • Boeing sold just three passenger jets in the past month
  • Dyson to axe around 1,000 jobs in Britain
  • The lawyers who stopped Elon Musk’s massive payday want $7 billion for themselves
  • Private jets crowd the tarmac at the airport near Sun Valley, Idaho, in 2022.
  • Welcome to the secret summer camp for billionaires
  • What a Trump presidency could mean for the dollar and the stock market
  • No room for privacy: How Airbnb fails to protect guests from hidden cameras
  • These states have some of the poorest Americans – and the highest homeownership rates
  • Chinese EV giant BYD to build $1 billion plant in Turkey
  • Justin Bieber to Mughal jewels: Ambani wedding transfixes India
  • Medical school is now free for most students at this top university after a $1 billion donation
  • Radio host who interviewed Biden leaves station after admitting campaign aides gave her pre-selected questions
  • LinkedIn billionaire bankrolls voting firm Smartmatic as it fights Fox News in 2020 election defamation case
  • Boeing agrees to plead guilty to defrauding the FAA but escapes punishment sought by victims’ families
  • Why McDonald’s killed this menu item
  • Columbia removes three deans from power for ‘very troubling’ antisemitic text messages
  • Early signs of dementia can show in your finances
  • Boeing timeline: Inside the air giant’s turbulent journey in recent years
  • Paramount, the media empire behind CBS and ‘Top Gun,’ agrees to merge with Skydance
  • ‘We don’t want to leave people behind’: AI is helping disabled people in surprising new ways


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click the image and follow the prompts.

In the business world, the rear-view mirror is always clearer than the windshield.” – Warren Buffett. That begs a key question. Why don’t more people LOOK at the rearview mirror more so they can learn more about the patterns that influence what’s ahead? Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report can be clicked to expand. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection, you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts. https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/in-the-business-world-the-rear-view-mirror-is-always-clearer-than-the-windshield-warren-buffett-mhville-leader-showcases-efforts-to-renew-american-dream-plus-sunday-weekly/


Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax – 7.9.2024

  • NY Times: Defiant Biden Is ‘Embarrassing Himself’
  • Israel at War
  • US Pier Returning to Gaza — Briefly — Before Being Pulled for Good
  • Malcolm Hoenlein: Hamas Making Truce Impossible |
  • Retiring IDF General Slams Settler Violence: This Is Not Judaism
  • Hamas: Gaza Escalation May ‘Collapse’ Hostage Talks
  • 3 Released by Israel Found Dead in Handcuffs in Gaza
  • IDF Steps Up Pressure on Hamas Amid Cease-Fire Talks
  • Bibi Sets Red Lines in Hostage Talks With Hamas
  • Gaza Destruction Likely Pushed Hamas on Demands
  • Israel Police Probe 3 Citizens for Hamas Execution
  • More Israel at War
  • Newsmax TV
  • Pilots Union Rep: ‘No Justice’ on Boeing Crashes
  • Biggs: Trump Lying Low as Dems Squabble |
  • John Moody: Pope Used ‘Certain Viciousness’ on Vigano |
  • AG: Residents Excited About Trump VP Decision |
  • Harris: Malpractice If Biden Hasn’t Had Cognitive Test
  • Luna: AG Garland Should Pay $10K Daily Fines |
  • Malcolm Hoenlein: Hamas Making Cease-Fire Impossible |
  • Toensing: Dems Won’t Use 25th Amendment |
  • Comer: Is Biden’s Doc Protecting Himself? |
  • Napolitano: Jan. 6 Rulings May Prompt Resentencing |
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  • Newsfront
  • Embattled Biden Welcomes NATO Allies in D.C. Ahead of Pivotal Speech
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