All planning ought to be based upon reality.
It’s not easy for a person to be objective about themselves, or their location/operation.
Multiple HUD Code manufactured home producers and lenders reps have shared with the Daily Business News a similar observation.
What is that third-party, outside looking in observation? That the marketing and sales expertise is low at a number of manufactured home (MH) street and community based retailers.
Rephrasing, according to third-party MH industry observations by field reps, MH retailers and communities routinely need improvement.
It’s axiomatic that “you can not give yourself what you do not have.” As the clever saying goes, “you don’t know what you don’t know.”
When the same observation about a lack of marketing and sales skills is made time and again,
and the industry’s collective sales results are still well below historic norms,
it’s time to listen, and act upon it, isn’t it? Because all planning ought to be based upon reality.
Many of the expenses at a retail location are fixed, so lost sales opportunities are far more expensive than the modest investment in professional marketing and sales training.
Why Such Modest Results, When Opportunities Abound?
Week after week, MH industry and third party media reports indicate the tremendous need for affordable housing. There are good reasons to believe that the typical retail or community could increase sales by no less than a “factor of 5” — 500 percent or more growth potential.
That obviously being so, why are the results for manufactured home retailers so low? Especially when compared to the industry’s own past?
UMH President Sam Landy has stressed the personal responsibility of each business for marketing their own location. While Landy was talking about marketing, doesn’t that same principle obviously apply to selling skills and sales processes?
The other side of the responsibility coin is this. Some HUD Code producers today invest in their independent retailers and communities to various degrees, while others do little, especially when compared to the greater sales and production levels of the past.
HUD Code Manufactured Home Builders used to routinely provide all sorts of training and marketing for their independents. Sales results were often higher then too. Coincidence? Hardly.
The first video below makes the factual, reality-based case of how to begin to sell more homes.
The following video explains how a previously struggling location dramatically increased their business, after working with our consulting and coaching operation.
Yes, There are Other Factors
It’s a fact. No trade publisher in manufactured housing has reported on the other causes of the industry’s low sales levels more than MHProNews has. It’s important, even vital, for independents to recognize the trends and forces that caused the industry’s slide to its currently low levels.
At the same time, there are retailers and communities that have demonstrated success in precisely the same kind of circumstances that you and your peers have.
Once others have proven they can do something, it becomes easier to recognize that “if they can do it, then I can too.”
Or as Henry Ford brilliantly said, “Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.”
Hear what millennial and third generation partner Tom Fath said in his own words about why the process we teach works, and yields happy home owners.
Learn, Earn, Return
The savvy professional must have a never quit, can do, learn, earn, return mindset.
By yourself, or with the support of others, either way selling MH retailers and selling MH communities must do whatever is honest and sustainable that brings better results.
When the billionaires note the need to study issues (reading, research),
when successful companies bring in outside experts,
these are big clues for operations of all sizes.
Need a new or better:
sales system,
sales recruiting method for new team mates,
third party video interviews or
other channels of honestly, profitably earned new business?
Then call me at 863-213-4090, or email
As one of the most endorsed, recommended and best recognized professionals in manufactured housing, it pays to start your reality check with Tony right away.
Profitable change doesn’t often happen by mistake. Successful change occurs because someone makes it happen. ## (Marketing, sales, management, analysis, and commentary.)

(Third party images, cites are provided under fair use guidelines.)
award-winning consulting, publisher, web, video, recruiting, sales training, business development service provider. | | Office 863-213-4090 |
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Tony is a managing member and the co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC.