Imagine a system methodology or modus operandi (M.O.) that win, lose, or a even a so-so outcome was still rewarded. Hold that thought for later.
Next, let’s turn to the Manufactured Housing Institute’s latest ‘news’ update to their members.
Using the ‘wheat and chaff’ approach to analysis, MHI provided two fairly useful downloads, linked 116th Congress leadership linked here and what federal agencies are impacted by the federal shutdown, linked here.
Those downloadable MHI fact-sheets open with objective facts – which can be useful in a variety of ways. Both MHI fact sheets close with some a type of self-promotion of MHI, arguably designed to position themselves favorably with their readers. Understandable. It should be noted that as was reported by MHProNews last year, some of these ‘MHI reports‘ are purchased by MHI from third-parties, and MHI ads some tailored items to make it more useful to themselves.
What’s Missing from the Latest MHI ‘News Update?’
Entirely missing from MHI’s January 9.2019 report is the fact that manufactured housing shipments have declined. See the screen capture/graphic from their email, below.

MHI will have to address that in their monthly shipments report, but based upon experience and some early clues we are obtaining, that is likely to be dry.
Update, since this article was first drafted, that economic shipment data report has come out…and is dry. More on that below too, but first, back to their 1.9.2019 emailed ‘news.’
MHI has a photo of Leslie Gooch, with a ranking Democrat. It extolled how they have relationships on both sides of the political aisle. That is something that every trade organization seeks to do, so it is nothing special.
MHI talks about the Duty to Serve, and financing issues.
Then, MHI promotes their networking and educational events. These are profit centers for MHI, as a look at the latest Form 990 reveals.
So what does even a brief look at their email reveal?
1) What the latest shipments data, and the trend for the last three months reveals, is that manufactured home production is down. During an affordable housing crisis, this has to be a serious red flag. It is embarrassing to MHI, if they claim to care about the industry. Here is their version of the latest shipment data. Note that there are no explanations made of why this is occurring, after years of hyping the industry about their promotional efforts.

2) If MHI’s lobbying, education, and promotion were as good as they claim, then the shipment and production data reveals that their efforts are not bearing any positive fruit. One must ask, who does that benefit? Which companies that are MHI members ‘win’ if other MHI member or non-member industry companies lose?
3) In the light of this analysis and fact check, what is apparent is that MHI has ignored the single most important topic for the day to day needs of the manufactured home industry. Namely, the numbers of new homes and sales. Everything else is arguably feel good, razzle dazzle, made to make them look important to those who are too busy to analyze these trends for themselves. This is arguably one of several reasons MHProNews is the runaway #1 trade media: who else among industry trade media is telling readers, investors, and advocates like it is? For example, see the linked textbox/image report below. Compare that to MHI’s. See which one is more useful to you as a professional or investor.
Manufactured Home Production Decline Accelerates in November 2018
Oligarchs and Buffett’s Buffet?
MHI insiders have made it clear that the networking portion of the events are pleasant. Being part of an educational panel is a status symbol. Getting an MHI award is seen that way by many too. Let’s look at those in reverse order.
A1) MHI awards are arguably disguised marketing for MHI. Companies that win an MHI award, often pay for a press release to make it clear that they won that MHI award. The award is mentioned on websites. So, for the fairly low cost of a trophy or plaque, for as long as the ‘winner’ of an MHI award uses that in their marketing, MHI gets ongoing adverting as a result. Awards are thus a cheap marketing investment by MHI, with long term returns.
A2) Furthermore, to someone who checks into the realties behind the MHI puffed up image, discovers facts like the ones shown below.
B1) The networking is pleasant and has some value. But it is also become known as the oligarchs and Buffett Buffet. Big inside companies that want to acquire smaller firms often do that cultivation at those networking events. So, smaller firms are arguably paying for the right to becoming a meal for a larger firm. Given the Buffett ‘value’ purchase mantra, the purported reason that the industry isn’t growing is as it could is because that keeps values of properties and businesses lower. So are MHI meetings thus Buffett’s buffet?
The Bottom Line? The MHI MO?
When it comes to MHI – and their allies – news, arguably caveat emptor applies. Let the buyer beware. A mix of facts, head fakes, and razzle dazzle red herrings may await.
There’s more in the related reports, linked following the bylines, offers, and disclosures.

A new national association is taking shape, former MHI members who left their group in disgust. Another new one is said to be forming. The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform is also formed from ex-MHI professionals. That’s reality. And that is this afternoon’s “News through the lens of manufactured homes, and factory-built housing,” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)

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