Wacky Wednesday (LoL)! Biden then Gaslighting 2.0 as Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) CEO ‘Dr. Lesli Gooch’ Named ‘2024 Women of Influence’ by Wheeler-Led HousingWire-Why? Plus MHMarkets

Sarah Wheeler, “Editor in Chief at HousingWire” has known since about Wednesday Oct 6, 2021, that there are concerns about Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) CEO Lesli Gooch, Ph.D. But let’s hold that for a few minutes. It is Wednesday once more. Chris Plante routinely explains that Wednesday is Hump Day … Continue reading Wacky Wednesday (LoL)! Biden then Gaslighting 2.0 as Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) CEO ‘Dr. Lesli Gooch’ Named ‘2024 Women of Influence’ by Wheeler-Led HousingWire-Why? Plus MHMarkets