It is important to be fair and balanced. This video has had some 1.6 million views since it was first posted on YouTube on Mar 3, 2017, almost 2 years ago.
To be precise, there have been 1,603,008 views as of the time of this Daily Business News on MHProNews post. It should be self-evident that the frame for this narrative is a positive one. After all, how do you get access to interviewing the world’s currently 3rd most wealthy man without some assurance that the video you will produce is going to be a positive?
Here’s what the video page says: “Known as the “Oracle of Omaha,” Buffett is one of the most successful investors of all time. His Berkshire Hathaway owns more than 60 companies, including Geico, Duracell and Dairy Queen. The son of a U.S. congressman, he first bought stock at age 11 and first filed taxes at age 13. He has committed to giving more than 99% of his fortune to charity. So far he has given $28.5 billion. With friend Bill Gates, he launched The Giving Pledge, asking billionaires to donate their wealth.”
We link below various reports on Berkshire Hathaway’s manufactured housing brands, and some of the more important reports published here on MHProNews or on MHLivingNews.
The billions he’s given away is perhaps more complicated than it is made to sound. But that will be covered at another time. Suffice to say for now that they are largely stocks given to foundations. According to the producers of the documentary, the causes they have supported are as shown. They reflect Buffett’s left-wing, “progressive” political posture.
Among the items mentioned or shown in this video?
- The Moat
- Circle of Competence
- Kevin Clayton and Clayton Homes are briefly shown
- Bill and Melinda Gates
- Family life
- Charlie Munger, Buffett’s partner and Berkshire Hathaway Vice Chairman
- Value Investing.
- The Solomon Brothers crisis.
- That he says that he is an agnostic, plus details about his marriage and personal life.
There’s more. The Daily Business News on MHProNews may revisit this video later, on a slower news day. For the rest of the story, see the related reports, linked below. That’s this morning’s manufactured home “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use,” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
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