“All 2018 MHI membership payments are due by end of the January. We look forward to welcoming your company back as we continue to make important strides within the manufactured housing industry,” reads MHI’s latest appeal for renewal of the dues of their members.
The second sentence begs the question, what strides?
Given their previous “MHI Zen,” and “Got Clout?” claims, where’s their documented, measurable success?
How would they answer the following questions?
Stating the obvious that they ignored: emails sent to Congress are not success, legislative passage is.
After about 6 years, and millions spent, why do they have exactly nada to show in the way of accomplishing their own main goal?

One graphic – below – could sum up MHI’s documented failure to advance the industry’s agenda.

MHI totally ignores that they passed on a negotiated deal that could have given everyone in the industry relief from the MLO rule. See the emailed document within the report, linked below.
More important, they utterly ignore numerous, well documented concerns and claims, often made by their own current or past members. Many of those claims include documents from MHI’s own key members.
Manufactured Housing Institute VP Revealed Important Truths on MHI’s Lobbying, Agenda
Those claims include that they are working to promote their largest members, to the disadvantage of smaller ones and independents.
Why have they never publicly explained notable moves, like the one linked below?
HUD’s Pam Danner Announces former MHI VP Lois Starkey Joining HUD
Their latest emailed “MHI Spin” update, dated today, is arguably an example of more spin.

Given that they clearly tried to respond, in several ways, didn’t they enter into a written debate?
Given that their messaging in their emailed update today fail to address several issues their own members have raised, isn’t it a de facto admission that the claims and allegations against them – and the dominant MHI members – have merit?
Sources say they clearly made numerous attempts to appear to respond to their critics, without actually addressing them.
Why not do an open discussion/debate – video recorded, so the entire industry can see it – done next week at Louisville? We’ve emailed just such an invitation to Dick Jennison, and key MHI staff, which was copied to others. Let’s see if they take up the challenge, shall we?
If they do a video recorded debate, their members – and everyone in the industry – can have a better sense of the truth of their claims, as well as the many published concerns. Isn’t that fair before independent members have to write their MHI renewal, dues checks?
They’ve made it the issue with their infographic. Why pay dues to MHI? Many, the big boys, clearly will. But the independents? What’s in MHI for them?

Or is that too transparent for them?
Let MHI fact check the articles linked above, and respond to each one.
Or better yet, let their president debate their performance in public. “We Provide, You Decide.” ## (Fisking, analysis, commentary, fact check, news.)

By L. A. “Tony” Kovach, managing member,
LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC –
parent to MHProNews.com, and MHLivingNews.com.