Our latest iteration of the MHProNews website is now a reality. There will be some fine tuning on this, by far the largest and most read trade media site in all of the ‘factory-built’ housing industry, with our special focus on manufactured homes.
It is axiomatic that as new information flows in, new understanding may follow. As times change, news and views industry trade focused websites ought to respond.
Third-party tech and other sources tell us that by far our largest audience are members of the manufactured home industry. However, those researching the industry such as investors, federal and other public officials, media, affordable housing focused nonprofits, as well as other builders are among those here too. That’s all good.
During an affordable housing crisis, some say that manufactured homes are increasingly being recognized as a key for potentially millions of Americans. There is evidence to support that contention. That should logically beg the question, why is the industry underperforming by so many objective measures? Given that the quality, durability and energy standards of HUD Code manufactured homes are federally regulated, that underperformance isn’t a product or production problem.
When this trade media was first launched, part of our goal was to foster sustainable manufactured home industry growth and acceptance. With growth and acceptance in mind, we later launched MHLivingNews.com. The two make a powerful combination that reaches the professional as well as the general public.
Every Sunday, as long-time regular readers know, we do a weekly headline recap. It includes some introductory topic and/or teasers for what follows.
In fairness, all media, organizations, and businesses have to do a certain amount of promotion. Others in the industry’s trade media or bloggers routinely do various forms of cheer leading. Some deliberately opt not to report on issues that we do, as one competitor recently admitted in writing, while simultaneously acknowledging – dare we say, praising?! – our work in holding the powerful in MHVille to account. See that, linked here.
Fact-checks and analysis of relevant, timely and ongoing issues performed here are unparalleled in our industry’s trade publishing. We’ve always done them, but as time wore on and various insights have become more clear, those had to be reflected to understand and properly report on the industry’s opportunities and roadblocks. That’s important if not imperative for those investors, professionals, advocates, and others that are seeking honest growth.
There is no single resource online today that even comes close to our audience engagement. That doesn’t mean we are perfect, as each typo (sorry) reminds us. It does mean that if you want to understand a perspective that’s widely recognized and is the most read, you are already reading where you will find it.
Since MHProNews and our sister site follow the facts, evidence, and the money, these aren’t merely opinions. We lay that the information in a systematic manner others can digest. Armed with evidence, reason, and data, we then invite readers to discern the truth and separate it from competing spin or hype – “We Provide, You Decide.” ©
Because no profession operates in a vacuum, we also uniquely provide a broader context for our industry every business day with our evening market and other periodic reports. Thus one of our slogans: “News though the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing.” ©
Our sincere thanks to our sponsors, clients, news tip sources, and all of our thousands of daily readers like you. Last month – June 2019 – alone we had over 1.762 million pageviews here. That high level of engagement dwarfs any of our competitors, or even several of them (all of them?!) combined.
We will soon complete our tenth year of publishing, and many more years of proven professional business development services to the industry. It is fair to say that we are experts. Some love us, other don’t, but they and those in between the extremes routinely read us because as the most read, which makes MHProNews the most relevant resource of its kind for industry professionals.
With no further adieu, let’s dive into the headlines from the week that was, 6.30.2019 to 7.7.2019.
What’s New on Manufactured Home Living News

What’s New in Washington, D.C. from MHARR
HUD Code Production Decline Continues | Manufactured Housing Association Regulatory Reform
Washington, D.C., July 3, 2019 – The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) reports that according to official statistics compiled on behalf of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), year-over-year HUD Code manufactured home production declined again in May 2019.
What’s New on the Masthead
America – the Story of US – Declaration of Independence – Masthead L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach
Millions of Americans were taught or acquired a sanitized or weaponized view of American history. Even those of us who focused on history in high school and at university were to varying degrees tainted by the perspective of instructors, pop culture, or textbooks.
What’s New on the Daily Business News on MHProNews
Saturday 7.6.2019
What’s Next in Affordable Housing, or for Manufactured Home Professionals and Investors?
Friday 7.5.2019
Strong U.S. Jobs Report, Markets Slide, plus Manufactured Housing Stock Updates
Tic Toc – July 4th, Tim Williams 21st Mortgage, John Greiner, JD, Graydon Law – Message Review
Thursday 7.4.2019
Wednesday 7.3.2019
Nobility Homes Bucks National Trends, Reported Serious Growth, plus Manufactured Home Stock Updates
Manufactured Housing Production and Shipments, Official HUD Data, Report for May 2019
Clayton Homes, Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance, New Online Ad Campaigns Revealed
Warren Buffett Donates Billions More, Behind the Curtain Impact on Manufactured Housing
Tuesday 7.2.2019
Retailers Lining Up, Eager to Lodge Antitrust Complaints, Plus Manufactured Housing Market Updates
President Trump Mulls Federal Action Intervening on Homeless Crisis in U.S. Cities
Monday 7.2.2019
Addressing Manufactured Housing Insanity, Unusual Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS) Tip
Unpacking New White House Council on Affordable Housing Initiative and Manufactured Homes
Sunday 6.30.2019
Insightful Quotes for Manufactured Home Business, Investors, and Professionals
That’s all she wrote, along with an assist from that other fellow, where “We Provide, You Decide.” © (Headline news recap, reports, analysis, fact checks, and commentary.)