There are reports that one or more busloads of Antifa members infiltrated Pro-Trump, #StopTheSteal rally attendees. If so, it is possible those Antifa members were involved in the storming of the Capitol Building. Given the state of news media, it may be difficult to predict if what emerges on that question will be objectively answered soon, but perhaps time will tell. As several sources have noted, Trump rally attendees are overwhelmingly historically peaceful. That noted, four people died on the Capitol yesterday, which will be another matter that bears investigation.
Violence by Antifa on the south side where Trump supporters were told to March to. Supporters stopped the breakage but he started again later. MSM keeps saying it’s Trump’s not.
— Emma Right (@emmbeliever) January 7, 2021
The “retreat” by Capitol Police that allowed the occupation for several hours of parts of the Capitol Building also bears examination, per informed sources. Given that they knew this protest was coming weeks in advance, are thoughtful people to believe that “mostly peaceful” protesters forced law enforcement out of the way? Or was there some coordinated plan, as some are speculating?
BREAKING: Former FBI agent on the ground at U.S. Capitol just texted me and confirmed that at least 1 “bus load” of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false Trump flag ops
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) January 6, 2021
They didn’t “breach” or “storm” the capitol building THEY WERE LET IN………
— Supporting Brexit – Job Done, Brexit Won! (@EUVoteLeave23rd) January 7, 2021
While numerous members of the GOP House stood with President Trump, most of the GOP Senators did not after the Joint Session reconvened.
Senators who voted to object to the Electoral College vote:
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS), Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) and Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS).
— (@LifeNewsHQ) January 7, 2021
Wow @RepMattGaetz gives the speech of the day:
— Raheem Kassam (@RaheemKassam) January 7, 2021
There are allegations that Vice President Mike Pence had betrayed Lt. General Michael “Mike” Flynn, and yesterday turned against President Trump and by extension, the #MAGA base. Trump Campaign attorney Jenna Ellis said she was “deeply disappointed” in VP Pence.
Absolutely. The weak GOP leadership failed to enforce the Constitution in six states. We can make every appeal, but those with power failed to act righteously.
— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) January 7, 2021
Senator Rand Paul (KY-R) and President Trump both observed separately and in their own words that if the people’s voices are not heard, and they feel their voices and votes do not matter, that violence will become more likely. To what extent, that may have played into events in Washington is not yet clear, for reasons like Antifa infiltrators noted above.
Have you noticed were not talking about election fraud and election integrity now? Seems like this was well planned to shut everything down and run the clock out.
— Herschel Walker (@HerschelWalker) January 6, 2021
Saying that frustration over what roughly half the nation feels is a stolen election is not to encourage violence. Rather, it is to recognize the historic pattern that the Founding Fathers and others since observed. Indeed, it was to evert violence and the threat of oligarch-CCP friendly leaders controlling the federal government that motivated MHProNews strong call for lawmakers to #DoNotCertify.
We are the party of Law & Order – prosecute anyone who crosses that line to the fullest extent of the law.
— Eric Trump (@EricTrump) January 6, 2021
There may still be some legal options for the Trump Presidency, but they have obviously narrowed dramatically. But Trump the counter-puncher should not be lightly thought to be finished until and unless he exits 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. That noted, President Trump released the following statement this morning. “Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th.”
I am deeply disappointed in @Mike_Pence. The Constitution constrains, yes, and that’s why we worked hard to provide him with a constitutional option to protect election integrity.
BUT, he should not have been in that position—state leadership was cowardly first; SCOTUS was also.
— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) January 6, 2021
Statement by President Donald J. Trump on the Electoral Certification:
“Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th. I have always said we would continue our…
— Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) January 7, 2021
What becomes of the Republican Party is going to be a matter of hot debate. Some are already saying yesterday was “GOP Suicide” and/or that yesterday’s events reflected a “GOP Coup” – implying an Establishment revolt against the nominal head of the party, who is the sitting president. There are arguments that a new political party is needed for conservatives and constitutionalists. An interesting analysis on that topic is found on the New American at this link here.
We cannot preserve a republic if those in power fail to protect it. What happened to standing up honorably and putting God, country, family above one’s self?
This is not over. We have to restore election integrity in our nation and with it, our founding principles and values.
— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) January 6, 2021
The warnings of Patrick Byrne about turncoats inside the White House ring louder than when MHProNews first reported that in the report linked below.

An array of political questions and insights remain to be discovered. In no particular order of importance:
The president has numerous options to declassify information that could be devastating to not only ‘president select’ Joe Biden, but also Senator Kamala Harris (CA-D) and numerous insiders in the government that include both Democrats and Republicans. Time will tell if or how he might use a combination of intelligence information and other legal tools that are still at his disposal.
- Will the House or cabinet act to remove President Trump from office?
- Will the president preemptively pardon himself, his family, and his supporters?
- Will President Trump pardon Julian Assange and others?
- Because if the 45th president accepts on some level an exit, then Democrats have already signaled that they are coming for him, and they are being joined by some among the Establishment anti-Trump Republicans.
What will become of small businesses in a looming takeover by an administration that is clearly in the pocket of big businesses, Silicon Valley, and big corporate media?
What will happen to gun owners as a Biden-Harris-Beto-O’Rourke “Hell, yes, we are going to take your AR15s” regime takes power?
Will more #MAGA types migrate from Twitter to Parler or from Facebook and YouTube to other more conservative friendly social media like Rumble? Will President Trump form his own media options, and/or join other efforts that are already underway?
Mary Walter on Washington’s WMAL noted that yesterday was the Feast of the Epiphany. How will religious leaders, who were already sounding the alarm, respond to unfolding events? What lessons can be learned from the dark revelations – a kind of reverse epiphany – among GOP leaders that should have had the president’s back, for the sake of their mutual supporters?
Let us clearly emphasize that if yesterday’s breach of the Capitol Building was led by Antifa instigators, it can hardly be blamed on President Trump or the vast majority of pro-Trump supporters. #MAGA, #JerichoMarch, and #StopTheSteal should be able to hold their heads high. Nor should they think it is ‘over’ over for reasons noted and that may emerge in just the coming days.
That noted, a potential invasion of migrants from the south, and a more Communist China friendly regime looms if Biden-Harris are permitted to take office. With Communist China increasingly cracking down on dissidents in their own nation, and given the ongoing threats of more viral, hacking, economic, or other asymmetrical and propaganda warfare – as well as actual potential combat by Communist China to take Taiwan, for instance – God help us all.
Several once conservative mainstream media outlets like Fox News already turned against President Trump pre-election. Will others now follow? If – heaven forbid – the Trump Presidency ends like this, what will he do next?
It is a time for sobering discernment and prayer. But it is also a time to realize what MHProNews published some 10 months ago, namely, that the party is over. America as millions thought they knew it has been proven to be a mirage that could be stolen because of a relatively few but powerful ‘special interests.’ Some of those are heavily engaged in our profession.
Additional Information, more MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
There are claims that the election in Georgia was rigged, much the same as the November 2020 voting was. That concern noted, John Solomon’s Just the News reflected these points. “Rapidly coalescing in the wake of those defeats are two explanations which point fingers alternately at Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell and President Donald Trump, with pundits and pollsters arguing that one or the other proved decisive in scuttling the GOP’s narrow chance at maintaining control in the Senate in the first half of the Biden administration.”
“McConnell in the days leading up to the election received significant criticism for his refusal to hold a clean vote on increasing the latest round of COVID-19 stimulus checks from $600 to $2,000, a measure championed by President Trump with broad bipartisan support,” the report continued.
Daniel Payne wrote that “The majority leader referred to the provisions derisively as “socialism for rich people,” though he did attempt to hold a vote on the $2,000 checks as part of a package deal that would include an election investigation commission as well as repeal of a shield law for technology companies.
President Trump was highly critical of Senate GOP reluctance to pass the $2,000 checks. “Unless Republicans have a death wish … they must approve the $2000 payments ASAP. $600 IS NOT ENOUGH!” he tweeted in late December.”
Just the News said that “following Loeffler’s loss to Warnock and as Ossoff’s win over Perdue looked all-but-certain, Trump reiterated that criticism. “Your leadership has led you down the tubes,” he said at a massive rally in Washington that turned out in support of him and his presidency. “[Republicans said] ‘We don’t want to give $2000 to people. We want to give them $600.’ Oh great. How does that play politically? Pretty good?””
Robert Cahaly, a pollster who runs the Trafalgar Group polling operation, McConnell’s decision “the single biggest unforced error I’ve ever seen.” Cahaly said that Trafalgar Group polling found that 75% of Georgia runoff voters favored raising the stimulus amount to $2,000. He referenced an “apocryphal yet perennial Thomas Jefferson quote” — “Democracy will cease to exist when people realize they can vote themselves more money” — Cahaly added: “That’s probably true, but if you’re going to vote to give them money, you might want to vote for a bigger amount just before an election.”
The above review could be summed up like this. Numbers of the Republican Party’s non-Trump leaders made political calculations to toss away an assured path to victory that could have been deployed on January 6, 2021. That path was entirely consistent with the U.S. Constitution and legal precedents, as the reference from Harvard and other sources noted in the report yesterday made clear.

It is fair to say that President Trump was sabotaged as much by so-called allies as his opposition party. The attraction of the Establishment or “Deep State” and their corporate and billionaire interests ‘won’ by “selecting” – contrary to law and the will of some 75 million “America First” Trump voters. Millions of contacts by email, phone, and other messaging systems were largely ignored by elected ‘representatives.’
There may be a dark grace, a silver lining, to this shocking and sadly to millions illustration that the USA is more banana republic than the American Republic that the founders and presidents such as Abraham Lincoln sought to bequeath to We the People. If there are truly moderate Democrats in the Senate, that will soon become known as an arguably radical agenda looms, one outlined by Senator Chuck Schumer and Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the powers that be that are behind all of the politicians.
Some thoughts by other writers are worth pondering. Those will be followed by a brief postscript.
Robert Romano at the Daily Torch, wrote the following.

The House and the Senate will convene in a joint session of Congress on Jan. 6 to hear any and all objections to the Dec. 14 outcome of the Electoral College in favor of Joe Biden, with challenges expected in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
This is President Donald Trump’s last chance to reclaim the White House, but win or lose on Wednesday, the President has already served America with one of the most consequential single terms in our country’s history.
One area President Trump dramatically shifted U.S. policy was on trade. In 2016, Trump won the Republican nomination and narrowly defeated Hillary Clinton on promising to end the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), slapping massive tariffs on China and pulling out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Trump kept all of his promises, leaving the Trans-Pacific Partnership in 2017, ending NAFTA with the newly agreed U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) in 2018, 2019 and 2020, and even managed to get China to agree to a phase one trade deal with the 25 percent tariff on $250 billion of goods and another 7.5 percent on the remaining $300 billion of goods.
President Trump leveraged the tariffs and even threatened sanctions, and as a result, the U.S. trade in goods deficit with China is $35.6 billion lower in the first ten months of 2020 than it was in the first ten months of 2016, according to U.S. Census Bureau data, a 10.2 percent reduction and the lowest it has been since 2011.
In the process, unemployment hit a 50-year low as recently as Feb. 2020 before the Covid pandemic struck.
As a result of this success and thanks to President Trump’s leadership — not to mention the fact that the Blue Wall states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin fell in 2016 to Trump in the first place — a Biden administration would be hard pressed to rescind these policies without exacting a heavy political price, especially without major concessions from Beijing.
Here, President Trump taught America how to stand tough against Beijing, reorienting U.S. national security and economic policy to an America first strategy, benefiting U.S. households and wage earners the most — and this policy could be permanent.
On Dec. 2, Biden told Thomas Friedman in an interview, “I’m not going to make any immediate moves, and the same applies to the tariffs. I’m not going to prejudice my options.”
Biden added, “I’m not going to enter any new trade agreement with anybody until we have made major investments here at home and in our workers,” an apparent vague reference to restoring the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and a promise that will surely come to haunt Biden should he break it.
On Dec. 16, the United Steelworkers Union fired a warning shot in front of the Subcommittee on Economic Policy of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Development, with Legislative Director Roy Houseman, declaring, “The union sees a growing creep by academics and policy experts to encourage the incoming administration to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Often ‘experts’ try to highlight the agreement as containing China but our union has taken a close look at this effort to contain China and the TPP was an abject failure.”
Houseman added, “the rules of origin that the TPP contained were a barn door sized access for China’s manufactured goods. The Ways and Means committee minority report on the TPP in 2014 highlighted that depending on the rules, 35 percent of a vehicle would had to originate in the TPP zone, meaning up to 65 percent of a vehicle’s components could come from outside the party countries like China.”
Biden has several reasons to worry.
Biden voted for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1993 and permanent normal trade with China in 2000. And, as Vice President, under former President Barack Obama helped to negotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
In addition to his son Hunter Biden’s investment problems in China, Biden was instrumental in orchestrating sweetheart deal with Chinese President Xi Zinping (then Vice President of China) after meetings in 2011 and 2012 to bring Chinese companies to U.S. investors.
This culminated in a 2013 Memorandum of Understanding by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB overseen by the Securities and Exchange Commission, allowing 156 Chinese companies to be listed on U.S. exchanges with a market capitalization of $1.2 trillion, according to the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission.
This 2013 deal further capitalized production in China using child and forced slave labor. According to the annual report on forced child and slave labor by the Department of Labor Bureau of International Labor Affairs, any investment in Chinese companies producing textiles are made by child labor, artificial flowers, Christmas decorations, coal, footwear and garments and nails are made by forced labor, and bricks, cotton, electronics, fireworks and toys are made by child and forced labor. The Biden-Xi 2013 deal effectively made Americans slave holders, something Republicans would quickly remind him of.
Under Trump, Congress just unanimously passed legislation to begin delisting non-transparent Chinese companies from U.S. stock exchanges. That’s another policy that will be difficult for Biden to undo — no matter how much Wall Street squawks.
Then there are the ever-present crises of the Chinese crackdown on Hong Kong and the threat posed to Taiwan. Any moves by Biden to, say, rescind the tariffs that were reciprocated by China expanding its territories would be viewed as U.S. weakness — and be a political catastrophe for a Biden administration.
When it comes to China, especially if Trump is waiting in the wings for another potential run, Biden will have almost zero margin for error.”
President @realDonaldTrump supporters pulling Antifa terrorists away from building. There’s plenty of these videos. Why isn’t the #mainstreammedia reporting?
— Bernard B. Kerik (@BernardKerik) January 7, 2021
“Welcome to a Wilderness of Lies,” wrote Kurt Schlichter on Townhall early this morning.

Well, this is going to be cheery. Have you noticed that everything is a lie and a scam? Everything.
See, the problem starts when our elite realized that it could break the norms and betray the principles that we all thought we were all abiding by without accountability, at least for a little while. The Establishment realized that it can simply not enforce the norms, and then there will be a lag time while the normals continue on as if the norms were still in effect. It’s inertia – this is why you get these sad sack RINOs lecturing us on how we’re subverting the institutions when what we are really doing is pointing out that the institutions have subverted themselves.
It’s willful blindness to the corruption because the weakhearts don’t want to admit there is corruption because that would then require them to act. It’s easier to live on scraps.
As you read this, I expect that we will be hearing how the GOP blew Georgia. Either we lost Tuesday night – no delay in calling it for the commies! – or we’ll enter the endless recounts leading up to the inevitable Dem victory. I hope I’m wrong, but I doubt it. If I am, feel free to mock me for my lack of faith in the system. But then, sometimes you draw a five when you have 16 in blackjack. You just don’t bet on that happening.
I guess this is all necessary. The structures and institutions of American society have all been in place with little real change for nearing a century. Nothing lasts forever though, particularly when they are run by grifty idiots. The disruption caused by the tech revolution has helped speed up inevitable processes of change – you know, the creative destruction we hear about in unwoke economics courses. The institutions we relied on – our churches, the NFL, the political parties – are now focused entirely upon preventing that inevitable change. The lackluster losers who inherited their sinecures in these institutions (not literally but by being adopted into the establishment by going to the right schools) want to maintain a status quo that is great for them and poison for the rest of us.
Joe Biden* is the quintessential example of this, a failed retread with zero accomplishments promising business as usual with a veneer of wokeness slathered on top of it all. He wants to hold on to his ruins. He’ll entrench his corporate masters and do everything he can to stifle the potential for reform and dissent. Remember when dissent was patriotic? Now, the media’s whole job is to angrily reaffirm the divine right of our garbage elite to rule us.
BREAKING: All the people in power are good and wise and benevolent and competent and to say differently is treasonous sedition of treachery! Film at 11.
And they have carefully cultivated a class of drones to support them. You see them on the street, healthy people wearing face diapers as they walk alone. They can’t all have immunity conditions. Most are just brainwashed, and eager to be. There’s this funny outtake of The Office where they elaborately prank Dwight to think he is in the Matrix, and they offer him the blue pill that sends him back into the false reality or the red pill that opens his eyes. He asks for the blue pill. And that’s what so many of the losers who are our fellow citizens want, desperately. They yearn for a blue pill to make the reality go away.
It never occurred to me until recently that maybe a lot of people don’t like freedom. Maybe they are happy enough with Netflix, Trader Joe’s chardonnay, and serfdom.
I told you this was going to be cheery.
And yet I have long-term optimism even if I have short-term predictions of chaos. History doesn’t just stop. There’s no locking us into this forever. And enough of us are woke that we remain a threat to the garbage status quo and the mutants who run it.
It’s easy to focus on the bad – a Mitt Romney or a tool like that useless Georgia secretary of state – to draw our attention and become a focus for our anger, but look at the bigger picture. We have more squared-away folks out there doing our work now than ever before. The GOP, which we will not abandon because in a two-party system you can’t really start a new party, has been dragged kicking and screaming our way. Oh, not completely, not even close. But it is moving our way over time. The Jeb!s and Nikki!s think they stand to inherit it when that mean old Trump leaves. Nope. Not happening.
This is a long war. If you want a quick win, you won’t get it. If you think some sort of magic even is going to fix everything, wrong. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Our Rome won’t be torn down and rebuilt in one either.”
In 2011 Teachers stormed and occupied the Wisconsin State Capitol because they were made about Scott Walker. This got shockingly a much different media spin.
— Adam (@AdamThinks123) January 7, 2021
The COVID-19 bill is an absolute disgrace. Included in the 5000 pages of the bill:
$85.5M for Cambodia
$134M for Burma
$1.3B for Egypt to buy Russian Military equipment
$25M for Pakistan gender programs
$505M for Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras…
— Eric Trump (@EricTrump) December 23, 2020
There will be waves of propaganda ahead. We said last spring not only that the “Party was Over…” A higher tax, more regulation friendly regime is apparently coming. Smaller business, employees of those independent firms, are going to be issues to watch and navigate.

But MHProNews also stressed that Bio-Econ-Propaganda War had begun in earnest.

That sadly proved accurate. Indeed, as a pending report will reflect, much of the topics raised here in the last 12 months and before have held up under even turbulent events and the test of time.
With God’s help and ongoing inputs from readers and sources, our aim will be to continue to shed light and bring hope to what could be a sobering future in the next several years. It will require a cagey resistance to stop the big business-big government and pro-Communist China axis that has emerged into the limelight.
Never forget the lessons of history, the light of faith and reason, and that this world is passing. There are still shrewd ways that people can act that are consistent with free enterprise, constitutional, and spiritual values. But let’s be candid. It is tougher if Biden-Harris and others like them take positions of power in Washington. It will take a #Resistence that is no less vigorous than what Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans mounted during the last four years.
Stay tuned, because what lies ahead will impact all professionals and citizens, your business interests, careers and all others included.

Despair is not the solution, repair of the Republic and prayer are. That’s a wrap on this installment of the runaway number one source for authentic “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
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