Every Sunday morning for several years, we provide this popular week in review.
It helps answer the question, ‘What Just Happened?’ It will also suggest a few answers to a question that hasn’t been asked, what’s coming up in this week ahead?
Some of it is ‘manufactured drama.’
Some of it was arguably avoidable drama, as in the case of Cavco Industries, whose stock has tumbled over an SEC subpoena over trading by Joe Stegmayer, MHI’s Chairman and now ex-Chairman and CEO at CVCO.
On the plus side, there are more details linked about the Legacy Housing (LEGH) IPO below.
If you were out of town, you might have missed the MH Whistleblower…its both fun and serious.
Then there’s local drama, like the story about a manufactured home community owner who’s property is threatened with closure, but who is fighting back. That story includes local news video, and numerous exclusive comments from the targeted owner, and is linked below.
There’s a new move called NobleHomes, and #NobleNotMobile. That report is likewise linked below.
Then there’s the MHIdea, a blast at MHI from veteran manufactured housing independents in the retail sector. They’ve publicly said in their own words, enough of the failed leadership and monopolistic games by the big boys and their Arlington-based trade association. That interesting – historic – move and report are among those listed further below.
There are things to be thankful for, and in the spirit of the season, there’s a nice nugget we’ve published about MHI in a thanksgiving story found below.
There are good things shared from and about MHARR too.
Then there’s a report yesterday that will have thousands saying, ‘what’s that all about?‘ Facts are facts. One reader was laughing when he called, but another was ‘you’ve got to be kidding,’ No joke, the facts are what they are. And that report spotlighted facts, the money trail, and evidence that Omaha and Knoxville may have a hard time explaining away.
Then there’s a new Masthead on truth detection 101. If you want to learn how to spot a lie or a con job, it’s insightful, practical – and even inspirational – reading.
Among the vexing topics reported below is one about homelessness, because it is arguably being fostered by flawed policies. Our industry could be part of what fixes that problem. When the needs are so great, and one solution is obvious, why are manufactured homes bucking so many headwinds?
What just happened?
Discover it all for yourself. It’s awaiting your gaze and professional curiosity. The headlines of the week from Sunday 11.18.2015 until 11.25.2018 are all found below in the broadest, deepest, most read, trade media in all of manufactured housing.
A special word of acknowledgement to the Dick Jennison, from MHI, and Timothy W. Williams, of 21st Mortgage Corp. Yes, that’s code, but they should get it, and so will numerous others who are thoughtful readers of this report and what follows below.
Our thanks to you, and our thousands of readers who faithfully logged on daily during a holiday week for many. We thank our sponsors, clients, news sources, and all for making and keeping us #1 for MHVille “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use.” ©
With no further adieu, discover what just happened in over 20 linked reports from the week that was, all found below.
NOTICE: the page routinely displays better using a Microsoft Edge web browser or Apple’s Safari browser than in Google’s Chrome browse, which manipulates a website and content more.
What’s New on MHLivingNews
Giving Thanks for Mobile Homes, Manufactured Homes, Classic “Mobile Home Parks” and Manufactured Home Communities – manufacturedhomelivingnews.com
Americans overwhelmingly want a place that they can call ” home.” The adage, ” Home is where the heart is,” captures part of that deeply felt desire. The saying, ” a man’s home is his castle ” may sound dated to some, but is a wonderful reminder that home ownership represents security, pride, and independence.
The Latest from MHARR
HUD Publishes Final Revised RV Exemption Rule
HUD Publishes Final Revised Rv Exemption Rule | Manufactured Housing Association Regulatory Reform
TO:HUD CODE INDUSTRY MANUFACTURERS, RETAILERS, COMMUNITIES, STATE ASSOCIATIONS AND PRESS RE:HUD PUBLISHES FINAL REVISED RV EXEMPTION RULE The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has published a final rule in the November 16, 2018 Federal Register (copy attached) amending the exemption of certain recreational vehicles (RV) from regulation under the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (as amended) and related HUD standards and enforcement regulations set forth at 24 C.F.R.
What’s New on the Masthead of MHProNews
Failure, Success and Profitable Truth Detection for Manufactured Housing
Failure, Success and Profitable Truth Detection for Manufactured Housing
Everyone has had the experience of realizing that something that they had believed about a person, thing or group was untrue. There are scores of reasons that explain why and how that phenomenon of discovery occurs. But the reality is that it does happen, so it needs no more explanation than what’s just been given.
What’s New on the Daily Business News on MHProNews
Saturday 11.24.2018
Friday 11.23.2018
Dow Falls 178+ Points, Worst Thanksgiving Week Since 2011, Plus MH Market Updates
Public Official, ABC News, Manufactured Home Community Owner Clash Over Resident Concerns
Public Official, ABC News, Manufactured Home Community Owner Clash Over Resident Concerns
Take One – Data Driven U.S. Outlook in 2019 and MHVille
Thursday 11.22.2018
Yes, Thankfully There’s Times Manufactured Homes Earn Bipartisan Praise in Washington, D.C. Metro
Yes, Thankfully There’s Times Manufactured Homes Earn Bipartisan Praise in Washington, D.C. Metro
Giving Thanks for Manufactured Housing Independents, Applauding “MHIdea!”
Giving Thanks for Manufactured Housing Independents, Applauding “MHIdea!”
MH Silver Lining? Residential Construction Report, Oct 2018, per HUD, Census Bureau
MH Silver Lining? Residential Construction Report, Oct 2018, per HUD, Census Bureau
Fascinating Thanksgiving Factoid, Socialism Preceded Thanksgiving in America
Fascinating Thanksgiving Factoid, Socialism Preceded Thanksgiving in America
Wednesday 11.21.2018
MH Marketing Insights – Where are Americans Moving? U.S. Moves, by State – Charts, Video
MH Marketing Insights – Where are Americans Moving? U.S. Moves, by State – Charts, Video
Market Woes? No Recession, Says Goldman Sachs, Plus MH Equities Updates
Market Woes? No Recession, Says Goldman Sachs, Plus MH Equities Updates
#NobleNotMobile, New Contest and Video Program Launched, Exclusive Details
#NobleNotMobile, New Contest and Video Program Launched, Exclusive Details
What’s the Truth About Thanksgiving in MHVille?
Tuesday 11.20.2018
Manufactured Housing – MHVille, It’s Not a Matter Open to Interpretation
Manufactured Housing – MHVille, It’s Not a Matter Open to Interpretation
Builder Confidence Drops, Post Midterms, Affordability Concerns Rise
Builder Confidence Drops, Post Midterms, Affordability Concerns Rise
” Growing affordability concerns resulted in builder confidence in the market for newly-built single-family homes falling eight points to a level of 60 in November on the National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index (HMI) , ” writes Robert Dietz In a release to the Daily Business News on MHProNews.
MH Communities Reminder, Assistance Animals – HUD Order Levies Landlord Fine
MH Communities Reminder, Assistance Animals – HUD Order Levies Landlord Fine
Monday 11.19.2018
Investor Fright Bites FAANG, Drags Equities, Plus MH Market Updates
Legacy Housing IPO, Lending Tree, & New HUD Ruling Updates
16 Tons, and MH Whistleblowers
16 Tons, and MH Whistleblowers
We’ve entered a new era. But in some ways, it’s a throwback to decades ago, when thousands of workers resembled the message of the classic song, ” 16 Tons.” There was a time after slavery ended in the U.S. when workers in various markets – including, but not limited to those in mining – were essentially trapped in ‘company towns.’
Beautiful, Harsh, Priceless Realties from a Master Builder, Monday Morning Marketing, Sales, Meeting
Beautiful, Harsh, Priceless Realties from a Master Builder, Monday Morning Marketing, Sales, Meeting
Sunday 11.18.2018
Hedge Fund’s Cavco Move, and More from Inside MHVille
Together with thousands of honest MHVille pros of good will, we can make our industry achieve its great potential. That’s done by making American lives better, together. “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Sunday Morning, weekly headline news review, analysis, and commentary.)
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Related Reports:
The Coming Breakup of Berkshire? MHI? Plus Sunday Headline Recap 10-14-2018 to 10-21-2018