So reads a posted reader’s comment on the Elgin Courier.
The reader was commenting on the New Trail subdivision, “northeast of Elgin,” per the Elgin Courier.
That comment wasn’t the sole one expressing such concerns.
“BHansen” posted, “This is not at all what this ‘subdivision’ looks like. What false advertisement. Where can we post pictures to show what a mess this really is?
Not only is this a disgrace to the community but especially to the people who live around this area and have to look at the disgust daily.”
The local media stated that “Commissioners accepted the roadways and drainage improvements in the New Trail subdivision northeast of Elgin as complete to county standards during a regular meeting last week.”
The road and required work were reportedly done to standards, but were met with an “uproar” by local residents.
“New Trail and Frederickson Lane, off highway 95, was not met with a warm reception, the paper politely reported, “after it was revealed that mobile homes [sic] would be allowed on the lots in the subdivision. After delaying a vote of approval for a few months, commissioners were forced to approve the subdivision plans in December of last year.”
“The uproar caused by the subdivision contributed to an overhaul of the county subdivision regulations, which were approved by the court earlier this year,” the Courier stated.
TexasGal posted, “The photos used as not any way near what trash is put in out there on New Trails. Owners should start restricting property or Elgin will look like a 3rd world country very soon. It’s disgusting.” The photos shown are the ones the local media published, and which presumably drew the comments shown in this report.
As a study by Foremost published on MHLivingNews reported, the use of the terminology “mobile home” and “trailer house” are going up. As stories such as this one reveals, NIMBY style resistance is arguably rising.
With the affordable housing crisis raging, the share of manufactured housing as a percentage of new homes has declined in recent years, compared to the total of all single-family housing starts. Who says? Published data compiled by MHProNews from the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI).
Are there proven solutions to such challenges?
But experience shows that to undo the years of harm that were allowed to occur, local level efforts are needed.
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