The Praeger University video series tend to be in the 5- to 7-minute range. They visually condense their subject matter in a well sourced, engagingly presented way by an informed person or expert.
Tens of millions of views of Praeger videos have occurred. These are generally items that could earn a ‘G’ rating, although perhaps some might be ‘PG,’ using the film industry’s rating system guide.
On the eve of Thanksgiving, AAA says that record numbers will be on the road. While the stock markets have been sliding, the economic numbers are good.
In fact, as the president and members of the Trump Administration often say, the unemployment rates are at multiple-decade or all time lows. There are more employed today than at any time in history. The U.S. is more energy independent than it has been in years. Incomes are rising for individuals and businesses. Investments are up, and so on.
Couched in the language of this popular holiday, there is much to be thankful for, although there are several concerns that the Daily Business News on MHProNews has noted too.
There is no gain, say fitness enthusiasts, without pain. As every mother knows, there is pain in childbirth, but there is also joy in the wake of the event.
From our MHProNews team, and our supporters to you and yours, we wish you the blessings of a good, safe, and true Thanksgiving. Gobble gobble! ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
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