If the 36-page illustrated and footnoted research document by Peter Navarro, an ally of President Donald J. Trump, is taken seriously, it presents a picture of serious levels of voter fraud on behalf of the Biden-Harris ticket. That research and others indicates that months before that voter fraud occurred, the Democratic legal and political machine was laying the groundwork for the ‘art of the steal.’
When Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt tried to press his “New Deal” policies, the Supreme Court was a check against plans that could have been deemed unconstitutional. To counter that, Roosevelt came up with the plan to “pack the court.”
Here is how History describes it – “During the previous two years, the high court had struck down several key pieces of New Deal legislation on the grounds that the laws delegated an unconstitutional amount of authority to the executive branch and the federal government. Flushed with his landslide reelection in 1936, President Roosevelt issued a proposal in February 1937 to provide retirement at full pay for all members of the court over 70. If a justice refused to retire, an “assistant” with full voting rights was to be appointed, thus ensuring Roosevelt a liberal majority. Most Republicans and many Democrats in Congress opposed the so-called “court-packing” plan.”
But the mere threat of packing the Supreme Court – the heat that the justices felt – appeared to be enough to cause the justices to ‘see the light’ Roosevelt’s way. Again, History says that “before the [Roosevelt supported] bill came to a vote in Congress, two Supreme Court justices came over to the liberal side and by a narrow majority upheld as constitutional the National Labor Relations Act and the Social Security Act.” Over time, Republican justices retired, and the high court shifted Roosevelt’s way. Packing the court was not done, but the threat seems to have helped Democrats at that time.
Fast forward to 2020.
That historic incident sheds light on the claim that Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts supposedly made heated arguments with his colleagues not to accept the Texas-led challenge to the 2020 election. The allegation is that Justice Roberts argued that taking the case would lead to riots. While that claim was denied by the U.S. Supreme Court, perhaps the various fears among most of the justices on the U.S. Supreme Court – including, but not limited to court packing, riots, or other possible threats of violence – were enough to get what many scholars thought was a sound constitutional argument favorable for the Trump legal team to get declined. The evidence, as in so many other cases, was not seriously considered, if at all.
When the courts won’t act, what is left? Plenty, says Michigan GOP player, councilman and businessman, Matthew Seely.
Why does that matter? Because even though there are other active court cases, Matt Seely made the point that Congressional lawmakers have the ultimate say over which state electors’ ballots to accept, and which comes into sharp focus. There is no need for any court in that process. It could shape up as GOP vs. Democratic lawmakers.
An executive summary might look like this.
While some think that plan will not work, because Speaker Nancy Pelosi has the majority in the House, that is not how the constitution set the process up for this January 6th showdown. More on that below in MHLivingNews.
The Art of the Deal? The Path to 4 More Years…
But the following are arguably the heart of the matter.
- On January 6th, Vice President Mike Pence is deemed the “president” of a joint session of the U.S. House and Senate.
- On the U.S. Senate side, each senator gets one vote. Pence would be the tie breaker, if needed.
- On the House side, each state gets one vote per delegation. There are some 30 Republican states, per one source, and 20 Democratic states.
- Rephrased, according to the 12th Amendment to the Constitution, as things stand, if each party ‘holds party unity,’ then Democrats will lose the votes.
- First, at least one GOP lawmaker from the House and Senate must object to accepting the electors votes from the disputed battleground states, where election fraud is claimed.
- Then, the voting takes place as to which electors’ ballots – Trump-Pence or Biden-Harris’ – are accepted and thus counted to see who actually won the Electoral College.
So, if GOP party unity is held, President Trump and VP Mike Pence get four more years.
While there could be legal challenges in the wake of such a move, the Constitution is clear. It would be difficult to picture how the majority of the Supreme Court could find the above in any way flawed.
Again, the bottom line is the scenario above – all legal and constitutional – would give President Trump and VP Mike Pence 4 more years.
POTUS Ronald Reagan’s –
‘When Lawmakers Feel the Heat, they See the Light’
What is necessary to insure the above? As President Trump has indicated, guts for the GOP to act in unity.
What can everyday citizens like you do to cause the GOP lawmakers in the House and Senate to see the light? Make them feel the heat.
President Trump plans to hold a rally in Washington, D.C. on January 6th. But ideally, in our view at MHProNews, it makes sense for pro-Trump supporters to call their representative and two senators and insist that they support the rejection of disputed Biden-Harris electors and the accepting on January 6th of pro-Trump-Pence electors.
Ronald Reagan said at various times during his career variations on the phrase ‘When lawmakers feel the heat, they see the light.’
There are other paths to a Trump-Pence victory, as Matt Seely’s video above explains.
But the one that everyday citizens have the most influence over is arguably this path. Flooding the Congress with calls to reject the electoral Biden-Harris ballots from states where serious evidence of voter fraud exists. By rejecting those disputed ballots – which logically are not legal – and accepting the Trump-Pence slate of electors and their votes, the 45th President wins.
Doing so has numerous advantages to manufactured housing professionals and the nation at large.
Failure to do so has numerous threats, not the least of which are going into a Biden-Harris administration where taxes will rise, sanctions and pressures on China, Iran, and Russia get lifted, the Second Amendment gets hamstrung, and the billionaires and bosses of big tech, big media, and big money reign.
Hate socialism and communism? You don’t have to live in a battleground state to call your elected officials, if any of the three are in the GOP. Call or message your one or two GOP U.S. Senators and your Republican House Representative. Tell them you want 100 percent support in rejecting the contested Biden-Harris electors and you want the pro-Trump-Pence electoral ballots counted instead.
Then have your family and friends do the same.
When all GOP lawmakers feel the heat, they will see the light.
Update 12.21.2020 1:49 PM ET

To learn more see the MHLivingNews feature below. Don’t miss todays postscript, following the headlines.
With no further adieu, let’s turn to the headlines from the reports on the week that was, December 13 to 12.20.2020.
What’s New on MHLivingNews

What’s New in Washington, D.C. from MHARR

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What’s New on the Daily Business News on MHProNews
Saturday 12.19.2020

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Thursday 12.17.2020

Wednesday 12.16.2020

Tuesday 12.15.2020

Monday 12.14.2020

Sunday 12.13.2020

It is not over until the fat lady sings, is the politically incorrect reminder that is an allusion to classic dramas performed as operas.
Knowledge is potential power. Hiding knowledge from the masses is thus a reverse kind of power. That is why those who control big tech, social media, and mainstream news have such influence.
It is also why the billionaire class has arguably invested in media and tech to the degree that they have, to influence the narrative.
MHProNews monitors talk radio. Early in the week, there were a number of despondent callers among pro-Trump supporters. But by the end of the week, there were more and more callers that were talking about this January 6th challenge when the joint session of the U.S. Congress meets.
Make your rep and Senators feel the heat. Do it by phone and or mail.
The contact link to find your elected officials is here.
This is much like a second 2020 election. The outcome is going to depend on which side wants it the most. Your voice can be heard by a phone call or message. Then, have your friends and family do the same.
No matter what some say, it is not over. BTW, there are signals in Washington that more will come out this week about the foreign role – specifically about Communist China – in the next week or so. Stay tuned.

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By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.com.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
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