“How liars create the ‘illusion of truth’” was a BBC article published by Tom Stafford that opened with these words (bold in the original). “Repetition makes a fact seem more true, regardless of whether it is or not. Understanding this effect can help you avoid falling for propaganda, says psychologist Tom Stafford. Stafford’s BBC article continued like this. “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels. Among psychologists something like this known as the “illusion of truth” effect.” MHProNews has covered these issues previously in reports like the ones linked below. For reasons that will become clearer to many regular and new readers, it is worth exploring this ongoing challenge in this fresh news-analysis. Business platforms such as Investopedia have published reports on the Illusory Truth Effect which are challenges for businesses and investors caused by propaganda and big lies. The acclaimed docudrama Shadows of Liberty dealt with the subject of misleading or deceptive narratives that can be carried by mainstream and social media. Meaning, there are ample examples that this is a genuine issue that merits industry understanding and attention, which both major trade groups serving our profession have to various degrees dealt with, as will be reflected further below.

Part I – Stafford on Illusory Truth, Examples of the Big Lie and Insights on How These Issues Impact U.S. Public Policy – Including, But Not Limited to Affordable Housing
Jumping ahead in the BBC’s article by psychologist Stafford about the illusion of truth effect, he continued as shown.
Recently, a team led by Lisa Fazio of Vanderbilt University set out to test how the illusion of truth effect interacts with our prior knowledge. Would it affect our existing knowledge? They used paired true and un-true statements, but also split their items according to how likely participants were to know the truth (so “The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on Earth” is an example of a “known” items, which also happens to be true, and “The Atlantic Ocean is the largest ocean on Earth” is an un-true item, for which people are likely to know the actual truth).
Their results show that the illusion of truth effect worked just as strongly for known as for unknown items, suggesting that prior knowledge won’t prevent repetition from swaying our judgements of plausibility.”
Obviously, that illusory truth effect applies to manufactured housing as well as to the broader issues in American society. Note that when Stafford referred to Nazi Germany, that is a reference that can go back to the 1920s. For a century or more, there has been some level of understanding in Europe and in the U.S. on the methods of mass manipulation of the public. But as the history of the Nazi German era, for instance, reminds us, not everyone fell for the ‘party line.’ Many may be misled or deluded, but others see the misinformation for what it is.
In yesterday’s report, MHProNews opened with several mainstream news headlines on the affordable housing crisis. Each of the three mainstream media reports on housing had a common feature. None mentioned manufactured homes at all. One might ask the question. How can a news outlet publish a report on the issue of affordable housing that fails to mention the most proven form of permanent affordable housing in the U.S. today?
Obviously, failing to mention affordable manufactured homes in a report on affordable housing skews the insights.
The sobering reality is that problematic reporting on the affordable housing crisis happens on a routine basis. Near the end of yesterday’s report, a reporter’s remarks to MHProNews regarding the affordable housing crisis were noted. That reporter spoke of “platitudes” being mouthed by people who talk about solving the affordable housing crisis, but do not actually do anything of substance to address the issue. That reporter’s remark about platitudes merits some definitions, found at the link here.
MHProNews also noted in yesterday’s deep dive that on a daily basis, often several times a day, MHProNews surfs the Bing news feed for topics dealing with affordable housing and manufactured homes (among other subjects). Some of the headlines – from respected news and information sources – are almost outrageous, they are so misleading. A few are linked here as examples.
So, it is apparently not enough to merely point the finger at the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), even if some of the blame may fall on them. Because there are others that have missed the mark too. Public officials should shoulder some of the blame, as the report yesterday indicated. Some media outlets carry responsibility. Corporate leaders, who hold sway over MHI’s board are also a factor, as Bing’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered Copilot indicated in yesterday’s report.
Famous Example of Highly Disputed Realities
More than 60 years have elapsed since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (D). It is startling to some observers that millions still find the subject of the Kennedy assassination of such keen interest, but to others it is more like common sense. That infamous event was recorded on video. It occurred in a very real sense on the national stage. President Lydon Banes Johnson (D) appointed the Warren Commission, and the Congress later investigated the murder of Kennedy. Those are two examples of branches of the federal government that have obvious contradictions in their findings. Other researchers revealed still more contradictions. Adding to the controversy is that decades after the event, some information is still classified by the federal government, so apparently significant information is not available to the general public.
That example makes the point or offers the takeaway that contradictory information exists on a wide range of issues, not just affordable housing.
Another example is that near the top of the most popular articles on MHProNews in our recent eblast is the one linked here which answers the question, which came first the chicken or the egg?
There is a human thirst to know. What is true? What is real? That is why news or specialized information sites exist. Because people want to know the truth of things.
Psychologist Stafford said in that BBC article: “How liars create the ‘illusion of truth’” that “this shows something fundamental about how we update our beliefs – repetition has a power to make things sound more true, even when we know differently, but it doesn’t over-ride that knowledge.” Meaning, repetition of a falsehood could be persuasive. Which is why people need to seek the truth and also repeat the truth when propaganda or misinformation is being deployed.
Stafford noted why is it true that misinformation often repeated can often ‘override’ even known truths? Psychologist Stafford explained. “The answer is to do with the effort it takes to being rigidly logical about every piece of information you hear. If every time you heard something you assessed it against everything you already knew, you’d still be thinking about breakfast at supper-time. Because we need to make quick judgements, we adopt shortcuts – heuristics which are right more often than wrong.”
So, that effort needed to check against known information when some person, organization or source says something you know to be untrue can be abused by those with an agenda.
Obviously, those with a self-serving agenda don’t want people to know the full truth of a subject. Those with an agenda would rather people avoid some interesting or even critical piece of information.
So, in a real sense, the internet and the information ecosystem have become a kind of battleground for competing narratives on a range of subjects.
Stafford observed this. Note the British spelling of recognized.
Once we know about the effect we can guard against it.”
Stafford wraps up by saying this.
“But part of guarding against the illusion is the obligation it puts on us to stop repeating falsehoods. We live in a world where the facts matter, and should matter. If you repeat things without bothering to check if they are true, you are helping to make a world where lies and truth are easier to confuse. So, please, think before you repeat.”
Being aware of these challenges in discerning reality, MHProNews and MHLivingNews routinely provides more facts, carefully cite sources, and then applies expert analysis which is spelled out and often cross-checked using Bing’s AI powered Copilot or other sources. While our articles have gone from hyper short to often longer in length, our audience has responded well to this shift. Apparently, facts, evidence, fact or ‘reality’ checks, and analysis are routinely valued by readers. Our pages per visitor on MHProNews are routinely higher than mainstream media sites like CNN or Fox, even though our articles are routinely longer.
Big Lies, Illusory Truths, and Manipulative Propaganda
This phenomenon occurs in our personal lives too. Social media is routinely used to share or project some event or image about a person’s life, or to share some viewpoint that an individual may have on a given subject.
As an example, a ruthless billionaire may want to burnish his or her image, and so they give away money to some charity. That makes news. It is posted on social media. But what the charity does with that money may or may not be quite so charitable as the image manipulators want others to believe. Plus, that ruthless billionaire gets a tax deduction for the donation. An illusory image is created. This is reasonably well known on dating sites, where it is often expected that someone is stretching the truth or outright lying about their ‘personal profile.’
As AI becomes more common and deep fakes or other examples suggest faked or illusory image manipulation become more widespread, various rip offs and con jobs to the tune of billions of dollars annually are occurring in the U.S. alone.
As MHProNews previously mentioned, elderly nearby neighbors were scammed out of a tidy sum of money by the con artists abusing the phone, a faked voice of a relative asking for help with legal fees on an issue that never occurred, and a courier to pick up the money that was scammed. The sheriff’s department said about that incident that such swindles are becoming common. Law enforcement officials stress it is a multi-billion dollar a year problem and that the criminals involved are difficult to catch.
So, creating so-called illusory truths – otherwise known as big lies – are common. It was an important part of the rise to power of Adolf Hitler in what became Nazi Germany. Big lies and the illusory truth effect was part of the rise to power of Marxists in Russia. Millions believe that elections have been ‘stolen’ using the illusory truth effect in foreign nations and here in the U.S.
Properly understanding this troubling yet fascinating reality is that it can be useful for a marketer of manufactured housing. When a manufactured home sales professional grasps that the typical person they encounter is very likely to be misinformed on manufactured housing, almost any chance meeting could become an opportunity to do new business. That should be the subject of a separate report.
Properly understanding the big lie or the illusory truth effect is also necessary to better navigate the modern political and business landscape. In their own ways, examples can be provided of both major industry trade groups dealing with this phenomenon, as will be explored further below.
MHI – Example on the Illusory Truth Effect, Followed by MHARR on the Illusory Effect
An argument could be made that to some extent, MHI had previously acknowledged this “illusory truth,” misinformation, or big lie effect too. One reason that MHI for a time had their annual industry fact sheet or “industry overview” was apparently because they wanted to demonstrate that they were doing something to educate the public about the truths of manufactured housing versus the myths and mistaken notions all too commonly held about the industry.
That noted, oddly, those manufactured home industry overview or “quick facts” documents have been removed from the public side of the MHI website.
Note: to expand this image below to a larger or full size, see the instructions
below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

While fact checks by MHProNews of those MHI produced fact sheets revealed some apparent errors that we editorially encouraged MHI to fix, having them available to the public was better than not having them free to the public.
So, with those fact sheets no removed since MHI’s website makeover, what does MHI do now for free public education on their website? Some 2 decades have elapsed since the MHI commissioned Roper Report revealed just how poorly the public perception of manufactured housing could be, nevertheless, MHI pulled their own fact sheets and made them for members only. While educating members is okay, isn’t educating the public necessary too? Did the public suddenly completely get it about manufactured housing and are now lined up at the doors of retailers and communities from coast to coast who seek affordable housing? Have state or local public officials suddenly totally embraced manufactured housing?

MHARR on Illusions, Misinformation, and Manufactured Housing
MHARR has deftly raised the illusory truth effect in their own way. One of MHARR’s President and CEO Mark Weiss, J.D., “Issues and Perspectives” or IPs, whose first few words in the title included the Illusion of Motion.

MHARR’s Weiss also demonstrated in an IP how Freddie Mac’s own claims on the millions of needed affordable homes pointed to their own failure to supply those homes by failing to provide the necessary chattel lending support.

The illusory truth effect or the big lie is not a subject that MHProNews has directly raised with MHARR’s leaders. But as these examples reveal, they have all but said that the illusory truth effect or the big lie is a serious subject.
Consider this remark by former MHI VP Danny Ghorbani and MHARR’s founding president, CEO, and now their senior advisor. Ghorbani said: “To overcome the industry’s zoning and consumer financing woes, this so-called post-production representation (i.e.: MHI) needs to do more than hold meetings, issue talking points, engage in “photo ops,” or publish newsletters full of braggadocio and boasts, but bereft of any tangible results.” Ghorbani, in other words, is saying that an illusion is being manufactured by MHI of action on issues when data often tells a different story.

Some illusions are shattered when results as measured by new home production are examined. Stafford’s encouraging a close look at facts is thus supported by what MHProNews has been doing for our readers for years. Or as award-winning journalist and author Sharyl Attkisson said, check your facts. Follow the money trail. Those principles are how someone can help sort out agenda driven narratives from reality.

Ghorbani’s remarks point to an illusion that has been created by MHI leaders to purportedly mislead many of their own members, others in the industry, and beyond. But that begs the question: why? Why would MHI feel the need to mislead? Because the people that run MHI, as Copilot confirmed in the report linked here, are apparently in the business of consolidating the manufactured housing industry. To consolidate the industry, those MHI insiders apparently believe that limiting production and new development is a benefit to their goals. So, superficially, several things that MHI and MHARR same look similar on the surface. It is only when someone goes deeper that the nuances and distinctions emerge.
MHARR has pointed out through their White Paper and other reports that claims of support for manufactured housing by public officials or MHI touting such programs often fail to “reach the ground.” It is, in that failure to reach the ground metaphor, like a sprinkle that isn’t really a rain that doesn’t really do much to water the soil.

MHARR more recently has created what they viewed as the three main bottlenecks that are limiting manufactured housing. MHProNews in each of those topics has done its own analysis, with ours on that bottleneck topic linked below. MHARR’s report on those three main bottlenecks for manufactured housing is about half the length of this article to this point.
2024 Election and U.S. Public Policies, Including on Energy and Housing
It can’t be stressed enough how important the 2024 elections will be. It should be obvious that whoever controls the levers of government holds significant sway over a business or industry.
The automotive industry, for example, has suffered significant costs and losses due to the push for EVs = electric or battery powered vehicles. To be clinical, and not partisan, there was no such push for EVs under President Donald J. Trump. Those that wanted an EV during the Trump years were welcome to buy one. Those who didn’t want an EV could buy various types of gas- or diesel-powered vehicle.
By contrast, under Joe Biden and the Democrats, that has shifted dramatically in the past 3+ years. EVs are increasingly being mandated by certain states and the federal government. The losses for automakers producing EVs are reportedly in the billions of dollars annually. Politics, public policy, and business have obviously been impacted. That means investors have been impacted, consumer prices have been impacted. However modest, that is a factor that has contributed to rising cost of living.
That vexing and costly problem for the auto industry and EVs could be part of the future of manufactured housing with respect to the Department of Energy (DOE) Manufactured Housing Energy Rule.
At least rhetorically, both the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) and the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) each oppose the implementation of the pending DOE energy rule, saying it will add thousands of dollars to the cost of homes and that those costs won’t readily be recovered over time by hypothetically claimed modest savings in utility bills. But to paraphrase what MHARR has asserted, it isn’t just the significantly higher initial costs from the DOE rule that are harmful. It is the fact that the industry’s producers could be twisted and turned into building products that may or may not be practical to sell. Automakers and auto retailers have discovered EVs don’t sell as quickly. Some models are being sold at a sizable loss with each sale. Selling a high-cost item like a vehicle or a home a loss on a routine basis to make a sale is a recipe for going out of business for producers or retailers. That paragraph tees up the significance of the DOE energy standards topic for manufactured housing, which will be thrust ahead or likely stopped in its tracks depending on who occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Ave after Inauguration Day (January 20, 2025). When the Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC) voted to reject the DOE plan for manufactured housing that means that even consumer representatives voted against it.

The EV mandates or the DOE rule for manufactured housing exist in large part because harmful so-called manmade climate change is being asserted. While much of the public buys into the notion of man-made climate change, much does not. But even those who believe man-made climate change, per surveys, are routinely not willing to pay more than $10 monthly to compensate for it. But as the past few years have dramatically revealed through big deficits and the effects these mandates have had on fueling inflation, the push for transforming our economy into a so called ‘green’ energy economy is costing the average family thousands of dollars annually. That’s obviously much more than the $120 annually that believers in climate change are willing to pay.
As useful as that evidence-based analogy to the auto industry may be for manufactured housing, near the heart of that should be the question: is the issue of man-made climate change demonstrably true? Is climate change, as claimed by its proponents real? Or is it just a piece of agenda-driven misinformation that has been so hyped that millions believe in something that is demonstrably false? There are scientists and experts on both sides of that question, as the report linked below indicated. But that report also goes beyond the scientific debate and gives a simple way for anyone to come to recognize the truth of the subject.

Summing up to this point. There is a broad awareness among manufactured housing industry leaders about these challenges of information, misinformation, big lies, and the illusory truth effect.
Others may not have dealt with the topic in the same manner that this MHProNews report is addressing it, which is their right and in a sense can be useful. But there must be a recognition that reality matters. That facts matter. And thus, that misinformation or manipulation matters too.
The solution to misinformation isn’t censorship by some potentially agenda-driven bureaucrat. Rather, the solution to misinformation is good information. That is what the founders of the American Republic settled on when they established the First Amendment as the initial safeguard for individual liberty in the Bill or Rights or the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution, the nation’s highest law. MHProNews will periodically elaborate on this problem, because it is so critical to the future of our industry and our nation. Some related reports are linked herein, above or below. Some of the linked reports are flashbacks but are arguably still relevant. The Missouri vs. Biden case, in the second report linked below, is making its way towards a Supreme Court decision. MHProNews plans to keep readers posted.

MHProNews notes that left-leaning Noam Chomsky has been talking and writing about such issues since the 1980s in the book he co-authored, Manufacturing Consent. More recently, he elaborated on that in his Requiem for the American Dream.

From the more center-right is Hanne N. Herland, who has uniquely taken some of the facts presented by the left and shown how the apply to principles from the center-right, are items like the one below.

By sourcing information from across the spectrum, and then sorting out the facts from the agendas, MHProNews and our MHLivingNews sister site have provided a clearer picture of how these various facts apply to American life in general, the affordable housing crisis and other challenges, or manufactured housing more specifically.

We began this article with the quote: “How liars create the ‘illusion of truth’” by Tom Stafford for the BBC. That is an issue in England, Canada, Australia, Japan, China, Russia, Germany, the U.S., Mexico, or virtually any nation on earth. During an information age, we are being fed clever misinformation, deception, paltering, half-truths, and so-called “true lies.” Once professionals and the broader public are not only aware, but also realize that this is all too common and impacts you and others daily, then the foundation for positive change can more readily advance.

Part II – is our Daily Business News on MHProNews stock market recap which features our business-daily at-a-glance update of over 2 dozen manufactured housing industry stocks.
This segment of the Daily Business News on MHProNews is the recap of yesterday evening’s market report, so that investors can see at glance the type of topics may have influenced other investors. Thus, our format includes our signature left (CNN Business) and right (Newsmax) ‘market moving’ headlines.
The macro market moves graphics below provide context and comparisons for those invested in or tracking manufactured housing connected equities. Meaning, you can see ‘at a glance’ how manufactured housing connected firms do compared to other segments of the broader equities market.
In minutes a day readers can get a good sense of significant or major events while keeping up with the trends that may be impacting manufactured housing connected investing.
Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – 4.2.2024
- Costco begins offering Ozempic prescriptions to some members
- The market’s declines come after the S&P 500 notched its best first quarter since 2019.
- Dow falls nearly 400 points to continue second quarter’s weak start
- A General Electric employee walks past a logo, as French Economy and Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire take part to a meeting with managers and unions at the GE headquarter in Belfort, eastern France, on June 3, 2019. – General Electric has announced on May 28, 2019, his desire to eliminate more than 1,000 positions in France, including 792 in the Belfort entity that produces gas turbines and 252 in other entities dedicated to “support functions.
- The dismantling of GE, once America’s iconic ‘everything company,’ is now complete
- Elon Musk’s X names new head of safety, nine months after former safety leader’s exit
- Left to right, clockwise: Katy Perry, Stevie Wonder, Jon Bon Jovi, J Balvin.
- Katy Perry, Billie Eilish, J Balvin and more lash out against ‘enormous’ AI threats that ‘sabotage creativity’
- Retirement crisis looms as Americans struggle to save
- Former President Donald Trump paid cash for his $175 million bond, according to billionaire supporter Don Hankey
- Billionaire whose firm backed Trump’s $175 million bond reveals how the deal came together
- More than 75 employers were taking resumes and talking to prospective new hires at a career fair in Lake Forest, CA on Wednesday, February 21, 2024.
- US job openings edged higher in February as layoffs returned to pre-pandemic levels
- People check in their bags at the JetBlue Airways counter in the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport on January 31, 2024, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The company recently announced that it was considering implementing cost-cutting measures due to the forecasted decline in revenue and increase in costs.
- JetBlue’s new checked bag fees now depend on the day
- The Disney store in the Times Square neighborhood of New York, US, on Friday, March 29, 2024.
- The battle over Disney’s future is about to be decided in a high stakes board vote
- Tesla sales plunge far more than expected
- Global oil price hits seven-month high as Middle East tensions rise
- Jon Stewart rips into Apple, his old boss, on The Daily Show
- Ukraine’s AI-enabled drones are trying to disrupt Russia’s energy industry. So far, it’s working
- Russian court extends detention of US-Russian journalist working for Radio Liberty
- Inside Biden’s 2024 campaign media strategy that bypasses the Beltway press
- How Trump managed to lose $1 billion in net worth in a single day
- It’s jobs week. Here’s what to watch
- Baltimore’s economy has been humming. Then a bridge collapsed
- Biden administration points finger at Republicans for internet bill hikes
- Powerball jackpot ratchets up to $1.09 billion after no big winner Monday
- Half a million California fast food workers will now earn $20 per hour
- United Airlines asks pilots to take voluntary unpaid leave because of Boeing delivery delay