As our industry’s professionals should know, words and their meaning matter. When you challenge special interests and the system, expect the system to push back. A reporter for the left-leaning New York Times discussed the origins and meaning of the term “deep state” in a video interview. The reporter explained the term “deep state” came from Turkey and Egypt, and was only used in the U.S. later. Left-leaning Foreign Affairs confirmed that in part, framing it as “The Deep State Comes to America published 2017/02/24. That report said in part that “In Egypt and Turkey, grand government conspiracies are a reality.” While trying to deny it was a serious thing in America, they noted that the “the months and weeks leading up to the summer 2013 coup d’état in Egypt that brought Mohamed Morsi’s presidency to an end, Egyptians encountered one economic challenge after another.” Sound familiar? Gas shortages and other issues were mentioned after the coup by the Egyptian “deep state.” “And then it was over. An economic crisis that had seemingly been months in the making disappeared almost overnight. A week after the coup, Ben Hubbard and David Kirkpatrick of the New York Times reported that gasoline was, suddenly, readily available. Was this just a coincidence — or was this the work of a secret cabal of military officers, intelligence operatives, and senior bureaucrats known as the “deep state”?
Not unlike purported ‘fact checkers’ that seek to debunk something – but sometime when closely examined, they point to evidence that contradicts or undermines their arguments – Foreign Affairs pointed out that American media sources across the left-right divide were using the term ‘deep state’ in 2017. “In recent weeks, news outlets as varied as Breitbart, Infowars, the Intercept, and AlterNet have run stories about an American deep state.” So wrote Steven A. Cook for Foreign Affairs, who said that Cook “is the Eni Enrico Mattei senior fellow for Middle East and Africa studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. His latest book is False Dawn: Protest, Democracy, and Violence in the New Middle East.” Ironically, ‘expert’ Cook tried to divert or deflect from the notion of the deep state in the U.S. has since been proven wrong, by whom? Once again, from more voices across the left-right divide, including anti-Trump Molly Ball at Time. Ball said a “cabal” of “thousands” worked to keep President Trump out of office in the 2020 contest and aftermath.
Years before, the late Ronald Reagan explained his view that if fascism would rise in America, that it would come from the political left. Our MHProNews look into that is linked here.
Obscuring reality is a tell of “Sabotage Monopolies” said Federal Reserve researcher James A. “Jim” Schmitz Jr. and three of his colleagues in reports found linked here and here. Schmitz and his colleagues related how manufactured housing’s part of the affordable housing market and profession was sabotaged – they said – by builders and forces that included HUD. That sabotage, they argued, was harming minorities, others with lower economic means, and was fostering avoidable homelessness. From a completely different perspective than MHProNews began, Schmitz and his colleagues came to similar conclusions. Coincidence?
Now, in what should be headlines all over the world, an amazingly important set of claims has been raised by a whistleblower from the World Health Organization (WHO). That WHO whistleblower alleges a seemingly fantastic (to some) set of claims that are connected to how the U.S. and global economy were upended in a case of vulture capitalism and the highest levels of international power. That should be headlines all over the world, but a check of Google reflects that the response is in fact muted.
That claim and the supporting evidence and rationale are what will be reviewed further below. Why? Because this is one more piece of the puzzle of the various ways that an Iron Triangle, Deep State, or whatever you want to call it has been manipulating the economy, legal, and political system for their own benefit while harming the interests of the vast majority of others. If someone cares about root causes, evidence, and following the money trail – much of which is done below – this matters.
Dr. Joseph Mercola is controversial and does not mind bucking the powers that be. He is the author of a New York Times bestseller, Taking Charge of Your Own Health. Mercola’s book, “Take Control of Your Health” has the subtitle of “Your Proven Guide to Peak Wellness and Ideal Weight.” Step out of your manufactured housing skin for a few moments. Imagine how upsetting it might be to numerous special interests in the weight loss, Big Pharma, or medical professional when a doctor begins to reveal how to take care of your own health for less and with better results? Don’t be surprised that Mercola is controversial.
Left-leaning Wikipedia says of doctor “Joseph Michael Mercola is an American alternative medicine proponent,” noting that the physician “markets dietary supplements and medical devices, some of which are controversial.”
Frankly, the two Mercola reports that follows this news analysis – if this writer had produced the story first – would be framed a bit differently. That is not a slam, it is a candid statement of reality. No two writers will communicate the same way. What Dr. Mercola says and what MHProNews sees as possible points that merit emphasis are not necessarily in conflict, but they are different. But that difference is part of the spice of life.
Following Dr. Mercola’s report, there will be additional information, more MHProNews Analysis and commentary.
For now, one should keep in mind while reading Mercola’s report the apparent and easily documented ties between Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway, Bill Gates, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
It should be noted that concerns about the economic, media, and political power/influence wielded by Buffett and Gates have been raised by a range of voices across the left-right spectrum. Indeed, Buffett himself said that his class has made war and that his class has won that war. Was that mere humor? Or was it straight talk? Since Buffett doubled down on his own expression on class warfare and how elites like himself have already “won,” that you should be kept in mind while reading this.
For centuries, part of warfare is disinformation. The first casualty of war is often the truth, said Winston Churchill who was hardly the first to say so.
As a last set of the predicate insights to preceded the series of evidence-backed revelations by Dr. Mercola and that WHO whistleblower, liberal attorney turned award-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald has flatly warned about the nexus between big corporate interests, big tech, big media, the intelligence services, powers within government (think “deep state”) and the rise of authoritarian rule in America. Corporate power and government power working together are part of the classic description of “fascism.” Propaganda is a common feature of fascism. Propaganda and psyops are part of modern as well as ancient warfare. “Sabotage monopoly” practices that obscures the truth are a more common way that monopolistic powers harm our Republic was understood by thinkers that Schmitz and his colleagues referenced from the first half of the 20th century.
Note that the top lines Dr. Mercola provides are not all that MHProNews finds relevant about his reports for our profession and for our nation at large. Said differently, do not just read his summary. Read his entire report. Then, if you are really feeling the urge to dig deeper, follow his linked evidence. Let all that he alleges – based on evidence and follow the money – sink in. Because this has absolutely impacted our profession and essentially all others too.
This graphic below – part of our market report last night – is useful in understanding the full meaning of Dr. Mercola’s timely report.

Mindful that words and their meaning matter and shape our understanding of ‘reality,’ with no further adieu, here are two back-to-back and interrelated reports from Dr. Mercola’s reports from the Mercola website, shown as “fact checked” and used with permission. It will be followed by related insights from Facebook’s billionaire leader, Mark Zuckerberg and others.
WHO Insider Blows Whistle on Gates and GAVI
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola March 19, 2021
- The WHO has turned global health security into a dictatorship, where the director general has assumed sole power to make decisions by which member states must abide
- According to a long-term World Health Organization insider, Bill Gates’ vaccine alliance, GAVI, is directing the WHO
- GAVI is headquartered in Switzerland. In 2009, GAVI was recognized as an international institution and granted total blanket immunity, including immunity against criminal sanctions. It is also exempt from paying taxes
- In 2017, Gates asked to be part of the WHO’s executive board — like a member state — because of his funding. While the “one-man nation-state of Gates” was not officially voted in, it appears he may have been granted unofficial power of influence
- Swissmedic, the Food and Drug Administration of Switzerland, has entered into a three-way contract agreement with Gates and the WHO. It appears other WHO member states have entered into this three-way agreement as well
OK folks, today you are in for a real treat. We have presented many of the pieces previously, but this will help put them in the proper perspective. That is the phase we are in now. We have the facts, we just need to understand what they mean and interpret them properly.
This is a really important article. It catalyzed my understanding of what the heck is going on. The facts are obvious; the entire response to the global pandemic was facilitated by the World Health Organization. Their recommendations were followed lock-step by virtually every government on Earth.
No one will dispute this fact. The next data point is: Who controls the WHO? Some will dispute this, but the evidence is pretty clear and solid. It is Bill Gates, who became the WHO’s biggest funder when then-President Trump removed U.S. support last year.
What does Gates have to benefit from controlling the WHO? How about the best investment he ever made, with many tens of billions of dollars running through his “nonprofit” GAVI Vaccine Alliance? The maniacal suppression and censorship of any inexpensive natural alternative for COVID-19 makes perfect sense now.
These natural therapies, nebulized hydrogen peroxide being the best example, would be serious competition for the vaccines. If everyone knew that these remedies were readily available, highly effective and practically free, who would risk their life for a vaccine? Virtually no one. It all makes perfect sense.
With that framework, enjoy the information our team has compiled that expands on this general concept. Every day we are putting the pieces of the puzzle together, and the more pieces we fit together, the sooner you will see the bigger picture. More to come in the very near future.
OK folks, today you are in for a real treat. We have presented many of the pieces previously, but this will help put them in the proper perspective. That is the phase we are in now. We have the facts, we just need to understand what they mean and interpret them properly.
This is a really important article. It catalyzed my understanding of what the heck is going on. The facts are obvious; the entire response to the global pandemic was facilitated by the World Health Organization. Their recommendations were followed lock-step by virtually every government on Earth.
No one will dispute this fact. The next data point is: Who controls the WHO? Some will dispute this, but the evidence is pretty clear and solid. It is Bill Gates, who became the WHO’s biggest funder when then-President Trump removed U.S. support last year.
What does Gates have to benefit from controlling the WHO? How about the best investment he ever made, with many tens of billions of dollars running through his “nonprofit” GAVI Vaccine Alliance? The maniacal suppression and censorship of any inexpensive natural alternative for COVID-19 makes perfect sense now.
These natural therapies, nebulized hydrogen peroxide being the best example, would be serious competition for the vaccines. If everyone knew that these remedies were readily available, highly effective and practically free, who would risk their life for a vaccine? Virtually no one. It all makes perfect sense.
With that framework, enjoy the information our team has compiled that expands on this general concept. Every day we are putting the pieces of the puzzle together, and the more pieces we fit together, the sooner you will see the bigger picture. More to come in the very near future.
WHO Insider Speaks Out
In July 2020, four German attorneys founded the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee (Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss1).2,3 In the video above, the founding members, led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich,4 interviews Astrid Stuckelberger, Ph.D., a WHO insider, about what she discovered about Bill Gates and GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance.
Stuckelberger has served as deputy director of the Swiss national program of aging since the 1990s, and is the president of the WHO-funded Geneva International Network on Ageing.
According to her bio,5 she “is an internationally recognized expert on issues related to evaluating scientific research for policymakers, in particular in health and innovation assessment, pandemic and emergency management training and in optimizing individual and population health and well-being.”
She’s also a published author, with a dozen books to her credit, as well as more than 180 scientific articles, policy papers and governmental and international reports. Stuckelberger points out that much of the research done was and still is highly politicized and primarily done to support and justify political decisions.
For the past 20 years, since 2000, she’s been involved with public health at the WHO, and was part of their research ethics committee for four years. In 2009, she got involved with the WHO’s international health regulations.
Stuckelberger points out that the whole purpose of WHO’s international health regulations is to prepare member states to be ready for a pandemic, to be able to not only prevent outbreaks but also respond swiftly when an outbreak occurs. However, the WHO has actually been actively preventing and undermining this pandemic preparedness training.
The Center of Corruption
According to Stuckelberger, Switzerland is at the heart of the corruption, largely thanks to it being the headquarters for GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, founded by Bill Gates. In 2009, the GAVI Alliance was recognized as an international institution and granted total blanket immunity.6
As explained by Justus Hoffmann, Ph.D., one of the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee members, GAVI has “qualified diplomatic immunity,” which is odd, considering the organization has no political power that would warrant diplomatic immunity. Odder still is that GAVI’s immunity clauses go beyond even that of diplomats. GAVI’s immunity covers all aspects of engagement, including criminal business dealings.
“GAVI is a nongovernmental organization that is allowed to operate without paying any taxes, while also having total immunity for anything they do wrong.”
“They can do whatever they want,” Stuckelberger says, without repercussions. The police, for example, are barred from conducting an investigation and collecting evidence if GAVI were to be implicated in a criminal investigation. “It’s shocking,” she says. GAVI is also completely tax exempt, which Stuckelberger notes is “very strange.”
Essentially, GAVI is a nongovernmental organization (NGO) that is allowed to operate without paying any taxes, while also having total immunity for anything they do wrong, willfully or otherwise. This is rather unprecedented, and raises a whole host of questions. It’s particularly disturbing in light of evidence Stuckelberger claims to have found showing that GAVI is “directing, as a corporate entity, the WHO.”
Furthermore, documents cited by Stuckelberger show the WHO has assumed what amounts to dictatorial power over the whole world. The director general has the sole power to make decisions — including decisions about which tests or pandemic medications to use — that all member states must then obey.
“They can do whatever they want,” Stuckelberger says, without repercussions. The police, for example, are barred from conducting an investigation and collecting evidence if GAVI were to be implicated in a criminal investigation. “It’s shocking,” she says. GAVI is also completely tax exempt, which Stuckelberger notes is “very strange.”
Essentially, GAVI is a nongovernmental organization (NGO) that is allowed to operate without paying any taxes, while also having total immunity for anything they do wrong, willfully or otherwise. This is rather unprecedented, and raises a whole host of questions. It’s particularly disturbing in light of evidence Stuckelberger claims to have found showing that GAVI is “directing, as a corporate entity, the WHO.”
Furthermore, documents cited by Stuckelberger show the WHO has assumed what amounts to dictatorial power over the whole world. The director general has the sole power to make decisions — including decisions about which tests or pandemic medications to use — that all member states must then obey.
The Nation-State of Gates
What’s more, Stuckelberger discovered that, in 2017, Gates actually requested to be part of the WHO’s executive board — like a member state — ostensibly because he gives them so much money. Indeed, his funding exceeds that of many individual member states.
Like Stuckelberger says, this is truly incredible — the idea that a single man would have the same power and influence over the WHO as that of an entire nation. It’s a brazen power grab, to say the least. While there’s no evidence that Gates was ever officially granted the status of a member state, one wonders whether he doesn’t have it unofficially.
One thing that raises Stuckelberger’s suspicion is the fact that Swissmedic, the Food and Drug Administration of Switzerland, has entered into a three-way contract agreement with Gates and the WHO. “This is abnormal,” she says.
Essentially, in summary, it appears that when he did not get voted in as a one-man nation state, Gates created three-party contracts with member states and the WHO, essentially placing him on par with the WHO. As mentioned earlier, whatever the director general of the WHO says, goes. They’ve effectively turned global health security into a dictatorship.
The question is, is Gates the real power behind the curtain? Does he tell the director general what to do? When you look back over the past year, it seems Gates has often been the first to announce what the world needs to do to address the pandemic, and then the WHO comes out with an identical message, which is then parroted by world leaders, more or less verbatim.
As noted by Fuellmich, it’s becoming clear that many private-public partnerships have been hijacked by the private side — and they’re immune from liability. “This has got to stop,” he says.
A complete review and overhaul of the United Nations, which established the WHO, is also required as the U.N. has done nothing to prevent or rein in undemocratic and illegal activity. As noted by Fuellmich, we probably need to reconsider whether we even need them.
Changed Definition of Pandemic Allowed Health Dictatorship
In the interview, they also highlight the WHO’s role in setting the stage for a global health dictatorship by changing the definition of “pandemic.” The WHO’s original definition, pre-2009, of a pandemic was:7,8
“… when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in several, simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.”
The key portion of that definition is “enormous numbers of deaths and illness.” This definition was changed in the month leading up to the 2009 swine flu pandemic.
The change was a simple but substantial one: They merely removed the severity and high mortality criteria, leaving the definition of a pandemic as “a worldwide epidemic of a disease.”9 This switch in definition is why COVID-19 was and still is promoted as a pandemic even though it, at no point, has caused any excess mortality.10,11,12
We now have plenty of data showing the lethality of COVID-19 is on par with the seasonal flu.13,14,15,16,17 It may be different in terms of symptoms and complications, but the actual lethality is about the same. Yet we’re told the price we must all pay to keep ourselves and others safe from this virus is the relinquishing of our civil rights and liberties.
In short, by removing the criteria of severe illness causing high morbidity, leaving geographically widespread infection as the only criteria for a pandemic, the WHO and technocratic leaders of the world were able to bamboozle the global population into giving up our lives and livelihoods.
WHO Rewrites Science by Changing Definition of Herd Immunity
The WHO has also radically altered the definition of “herd immunity.” Herd immunity occurs when enough people acquire immunity to an infectious disease such that it can no longer spread widely in the community. When the number susceptible is low enough to prevent epidemic growth, herd immunity is said to have been reached.
Prior to the introduction of vaccines, all herd immunity was achieved via exposure to and recovery from an infectious disease. Eventually, as vaccination became widespread, the concept of herd immunity evolved to include not only the naturally acquired immunity that comes from prior illness, but also the temporary vaccine-acquired immunity that can occur after vaccination.
However, in October 2020, the WHO upended science as we know it, revising this well-established concept in an Orwellian move that totally removes natural infection from the equation.
As late as June 2020, the WHO’s definition of herd immunity, posted on one of their COVID-19 Q&A pages, was in line with the widely-accepted concept that has been the standard for infectious diseases for decades. Here’s what it originally said:18
“Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection.”
The updated definition of herd immunity, which appeared in October 2020, read as follows:19
“‘Herd immunity’, also known as ‘population immunity’, is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached. Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to it.
Vaccines train our immune systems to create proteins that fight disease, known as ‘antibodies’, just as would happen when we are exposed to a disease but — crucially — vaccines work without making us sick.
Vaccinated people are protected from getting the disease in question and passing it on, breaking any chains of transmission. With herd immunity, the vast majority of a population are vaccinated, lowering the overall amount of virus able to spread in the whole population.”
After public — and no doubt embarrassing — backlash, the WHO revised its definition again December 31, 2020, to again include the mention of natural infection, while still emphasizing vaccine-acquired immunity. It now reads:20
“’Herd immunity’, also known as ‘population immunity,’ is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection.
WHO supports achieving ‘herd immunity’ through vaccination, not by allowing a disease to spread through any segment of the population, as this would result in unnecessary cases and deaths.
Herd immunity against COVID-19 should be achieved by protecting people through vaccination, not by exposing them to the pathogen that causes the disease.”
WHO’s Recommendation of PCR Test ‘Intentionally Criminal’
Stuckelberger also shocks the Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee by pointing out that twice — December 7, 2020,21,22 and January 13, 202123 — the WHO issued medical alerts for PCR testing, warning that use of high cycle thresholds (CT) will produce high rates of false positives, that the CT value should be reported to the health care provider and that test results be considered in combination with clinical observations, health history and other epidemiological information.
Yet since the beginning of the pandemic, it has pushed PCR testing as the best way to detect and diagnose infection. This, she says, makes it intentionally criminal. The January 13, 202124,25 medical product alert was, incidentally, posted online January 20, 2021, mere hours after Joe Biden’s inauguration as the President of the United States.
In this alert, the WHO stressed that the “CT needed to detect virus is inversely proportional to the patient’s viral load,” and that “Where test results do not correspond with the clinical presentation, a new specimen should be taken and retested.”
It also reminds users that “disease prevalence alters the predictive value of test results,” so that “as disease prevalence decreases, the risk of false positive increases.” The alert goes on to explain:26
“This means that the probability that a person who has a positive result (SARS-CoV-2 detected) is truly infected with SARS-CoV-2 decreases as prevalence decreases, irrespective of the claimed specificity.
Most PCR assays are indicated as an aid for diagnosis, therefore, health care providers must consider any result in combination with timing of sampling, specimen type, assay specifics, clinical observations, patient history, confirmed status of any contacts, and epidemiological information.”
Taking a patient’s symptoms into account and using a scientifically defensible CT count should have been routine practice from the beginning. It just didn’t fit the geopolitical narrative. Since the start of the pandemic, the WHO has recommended using a CT of 45,27,28,29 which guarantees an enormous number of false positives, and therefore “cases.” This alone is how they kept the pandemic fearmongering going.
The scientific consensus has long been that anything over 35 CTs renders the PCR test useless,30,31,32 as the accuracy will be a measly 3% — 97% are false positives.33 By finally recommending lower CTs and more precise criteria for diagnosis, the WHO engineered an assured end to the caseload at a desired time. Coincidentally, the next day, January 21, 2021, President Biden announced he would reinstate the U.S.’ financial support for the WHO.34
Time to Put an End to the Global Health Mafia
The WHO was created as a specialized agency of the U.N., established in 1948 to further international cooperation for improved public health conditions. It was given a broad mandate under its constitution to promote the attainment of “the highest possible level of health” by all peoples.
It is now beyond dispute that the WHO is beyond compromised. Because of its funding — a large portion of which comes from the “one-man nation-state of Gates” — it fails to complete its original mandate. Worse, WHO serves corporate masters and through its dictatorial powers is essentially destroying, not improving, the health of the world.
In June 2010, the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) issued a report35 on the WHO’s handling of the 2009 pandemic of novel influenza A (H1N1), which included the recommendation to use a fast-tracked vaccine that ended up causing disability and death around the world.
PACE concluded “the handling of the pandemic by the WHO, EU health agencies and national governments led to a waste of large sums of public money, and unjustified scares and fears about the health risks faced by the European public.”36
Specifically, PACE found “overwhelming evidence that the seriousness of the pandemic was vastly overrated by WHO,” and that the drug industry had influenced the organization’s decision-making — a claim echoed by other investigators as well.37,38,39,40,41
The Assembly made a number of recommendations, including greater transparency, better governance of public health, safeguards against undue influence by vested interests, public funding of independent research, and last but not least, for the media to “avoid sensationalism and scaremongering in the public health domain.”42
None of those recommendations were followed and, if anything, the WHO’s mismanagement of public health, thanks to private-public partnerships with NGOs such as GAVI, has only worsened. Other reports, two published in 201543,44 and one in 2017,45 also highlighted the WHO’s failures and lack of appropriate leadership during the 2013 through 2015 Ebola outbreak in West Africa.
While the WHO is recognized as being uniquely suited to carry out key functions necessary in a global pandemic, experts at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and the Harvard Global Health Institute, have pointed out, years ago, that the WHO has eroded so much trust that radical reforms would be required before it can assume an authoritative role.
Yet here we are, still, and no reforms ever took place. Instead, the corruption festered and metastasized, and the WHO turned into a power hub for the technocratic deep state that seeks to assume power and control over all nations.
As noted by Fuellmich, we probably need to take a long hard look at the WHO and the U.N., and decide whether they’re even worth saving. At bare minimum, the disproportionate influence by private vested interests, disguised as NGOs such as GAVI, must be thoroughly investigated and routed out. ##
Next by Mercola, is this related report.
Definitions of Pandemics, Vaccines,
Herd Immunity All Changed
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola on March 22, 2021
- In recent years and months, the long-held definitions of three words all changed, with immense ramifications for public health policy in the midst of COVID-19
- WHO’s original definition of a pandemic from May 1, 2009, specified simultaneous epidemics worldwide “with enormous numbers of deaths and illnesses”; this definition was changed in the month leading up to the 2009 swine flu pandemic, removing the severity and high mortality criteria
- COVID-19 vaccines are technically gene therapies and did not meet the definition of vaccine, until Merriam-Webster’s vaccine definition was recently changed to — conveniently — include a description of the experimental gene therapies
- From June 2020 to November 2020, WHO changed their definition of herd immunity to imply that it’s a concept that only applies to vaccination, not naturally acquired immunity gained from prior infection
- The implication for society is that by putting out this false information, they’re attempting to change your perception of what’s true and not true, and perverting science in the process
In the last year, have you ever felt that you’re living in an altered sense of reality, where things you once knew to be true no longer are? It’s not in your imagination. In recent years and months, the long-held definitions of three words all changed, with immense ramifications for public health policy in the midst of COVID-19.
The even greater implication for society is that by putting out this false information, they’re attempting to change your perception of what’s true and not true, and perverting science in the process.
WHO Changed the Definition of Pandemic
What exactly is a pandemic? WHO’s original definition of a pandemic from May 1, 2009, specified simultaneous epidemics worldwide “with enormous numbers of deaths and illnesses:”1,2
“An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in several, simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.”
This definition was changed in the month leading up to the 2009 swine flu pandemic, removing the severity and high mortality criteria and leaving the definition of a pandemic as “a worldwide epidemic of a disease.”3
This switch in definition allowed WHO to declare swine flu a pandemic after only 144 people had died from the infection worldwide, and it’s why COVID-19 is still promoted as a pandemic even though plenty of data suggest the lethality of COVID-19 is on par with the seasonal flu.4
Vaccine Definition Changed
By referring to COVID-19 vaccines as “vaccines” rather than gene therapies, the U.S. government is violating its 15 U.S. Code Section 41,5 which regulates deceptive practices in medical claims. Per this law, it is unlawful to advertise:6
“… that a product or service can prevent, treat, or cure human disease unless you possess competent and reliable scientific evidence, including, when appropriate, well-controlled human clinical studies, substantiating that the claims are true at the time they are made.”
Further, you cannot have a “vaccine” that does not meet the definition of a vaccine. Up until recently, Merriam-Webster defined a vaccine as “a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease.”7
COVID-19 vaccines are not conventional vaccines made with live or attenuated viruses. They’re actually gene therapies. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are made with lipid nanoparticles that contain polyethylene glycol (PEG)8 and messenger RNA (mRNA).
mRNA are snippets of genetic code that carries instructions for cells to produce proteins. The definition of genetic is “relating to genes” and genes contain instructional code that tell the body what proteins to make. Therapy is the medical treatment of disease, so mRNA vaccines are very clearly gene therapy.
As noted by David Martin, Ph.D., Moderna’s SEC filings9 specify and stress that the FDA considers its technology a “gene therapy technology,” originally intended for cancer treatment. Its mechanism of action also confirms it to be gene therapy. The mRNA gene therapies currently being misleadingly marketed as “vaccines” turn your cells into bioreactors that churn out viral proteins to incite an immune response, and there’s no off-switch.10
Conveniently, since COVID-19 “vaccines” did not meet the former definition of vaccine, Merriam-Webster’s vaccine definition has recently been changed to include a description of the experimental COVID-19 gene therapies:11
“A preparation that is administered (as by injection) to stimulate the body’s immune response against a specific infectious disease:
a:an antigenic preparation of a typically inactivated or attenuated (see attenuated sense 2) pathogenic agent (such as a bacterium or virus) or one of its components or products (such as a protein or toxin)
b:a preparation of genetic material (such as a strand of synthesized messenger RNA) that is used by the cells of the body to produce an antigenic substance (such as a fragment of virus spike protein)”
Why They Don’t Want COVID Vaccines To Be Called Gene Therapy
Moderna’s SEC filings, which, in the video above, Martin claims to have carefully reviewed, specify and stress that its technology is a “gene therapy technology.” Originally, its technology was set up to be a cancer treatment so, more specifically, it’s a chemotherapy gene therapy technology.
As noted by Martin, who would raise their hand to receive prophylactic chemotherapy gene therapy for a cancer you do not have and may never be at risk for? In all likelihood, few would jump at such an offer, and for good reason.
States and employers would not be able to mandate individuals to receive chemotherapy gene therapy for a cancer they do not have, as it simply would not be legal.
Yet, they’re proposing that all of humanity be forced to get gene therapy for COVID-19. If they actually called it what it is, namely “gene therapy chemotherapy,” most people would — wisely — refuse to take it. Perhaps that’s one reason for their false categorization as vaccines.
But there may be other reasons as well. Martin strays into conjecture, as we have no proof of their intentions, but he speculates that the reason they’re calling this experimental gene therapy technology a “vaccine” is because by doing so, they can circumvent liability for damages.
As long as the U.S. is under a state of emergency, things like PCR tests and COVID-19 “vaccines” are allowed under emergency use authorization. And, as long as the emergency use authorization is in effect, the makers of these experimental gene therapies are not financially liable for any harm that comes from their use.
That is, provided they’re “vaccines.” If these injections are NOT vaccines, then the liability shield falls away, because there is no liability shield for a medical emergency countermeasure that is gene therapy.
WHO Changed Definition of Herd Immunity
In June 2020, WHO’s definition of herd immunity, posted on one of their COVID-19 Q&A pages, was in line with the widely accepted concept that has been the standard for infectious diseases for decades. Here’s what it originally said, courtesy of the Internet Archive’s Wayback machine:12
“Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection.”
It should be noted that “immunity developed through previous infection” is the way it has worked since humans have been alive. Your immune system isn’t designed to get vaccines. It’s designed to work in response to exposure to an infectious agent. Apparently, according to WHO, that’s no longer the case. In October 2020, here’s their updated definition of herd immunity, which is now “a concept used for vaccination”:13
“‘Herd immunity’, also known as ‘population immunity’, is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached. Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to it.
Vaccines train our immune systems to create proteins that fight disease, known as ‘antibodies’, just as would happen when we are exposed to a disease but – crucially – vaccines work without making us sick. Vaccinated people are protected from getting the disease in question and passing it on, breaking any chains of transmission.”
On Twitter, research analyst Heather Taylor posted a screenshot with the two definitions — one from June 9, 2020, and the other from November 13, 2020 — clearly changed to imply that herd immunity, over the course of several months, suddenly became a concept that only applies to vaccination. “This still astounds me,” she wrote.14 Indeed, it’s a blatant corruption of science.
In a 2020 JAMA Patient Page on herd immunity, Dr. Angel Desai, associate editor of JAMA Network Open, and Maimuna Majumder, Ph.D., with Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, clearly explain that herd immunity may be achieved via natural infection and recovery, as has always been the case:15
“Herd immunity may be achieved either through infection and recovery or by vaccination … Achieving herd immunity through infection relies on enough people being infected with the disease and recovering from it, during which they develop antibodies against future infection.”
WHO’s Advice Flip-Flops Often
You may remember that in the early days of the pandemic, face masks were not recommended for the general public. In February 2020, Christine Francis, a consultant for infection prevention and control at WHO headquarters, was featured in a video, holding up a disposable face mask.
She said, “Medical masks like this one cannot protect against the new coronavirus when used alone … WHO only recommends the use of masks in specific cases.”16
Those specific cases include if you have a cough, fever or difficulty breathing. In other words, if you’re actively sick and showing symptoms. “If you do not have these symptoms, you do not have to wear masks because there is no evidence that they protect people who are not sick,” she continued.
In March 2020, the U.S. Surgeon General publicly agreed, tweeting a message stating, “Seriously people- STOP BUYING MASKS!” and going on to say that they are not effective in preventing the general public from catching coronavirus.17
As of March 31, 2020, WHO was still advising against the use of face masks for people without symptoms, stating that there is “no evidence” that such mask usage prevents COVID-19 transmission.18
By June 6, 2020, the rhetoric had changed. Citing “evolving evidence,” WHO reversed their recommendation, with Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO’s director general, advising governments to encourage the general public to wear masks where there is widespread transmission and physical distancing is difficult.19
Another example of WHO conveniently changing former truths to fit their agenda occurred in June 2020. During a press briefing, Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s technical lead for the COVID-19 pandemic, made it very clear that people who have COVID-19 without any symptoms “rarely” transmit the disease to others. In a dramatic about-face, WHO then backtracked on the statement just one day later.
On June 9, 2020, Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of WHO’s emergencies program, quickly backpedaled Van Kerkhove’s statement, saying the remarks were “misinterpreted or maybe we didn’t use the most elegant words to explain that.”20
Widespread asymptomatic spreading is the only reason that lockdowns and mask usage among the healthy make sense. For months, health officials have been perpetuating the myth of asymptomatic spreading to escalate fear. A landmark study involving 9,899,828 million residents of Wuhan, China, published in Nature Communications,21 found not one case of asymptomatic transmission.
Living in a Topsy-Turvy World
Over the course of recent years, and in some cases recent months, the long-held definitions of pandemics, vaccines and herd immunity have drastically changed to fit in with the new narrative being churned out by public health officials and mainstream media.
In many ways, you’re living in a fog of war right now — a fog of COVID war — according to Jeffrey Tucker, editorial director of the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER).
During such a fog, “It is often unclear who is making decisions and why, and what the relationships are between the strategies and the goals. Even the rationale can become elusive as frustration and disorientation displace clarity and rationality.”22 Seeing through the fog is the first step to coming out of the battle unscathed.
The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) recently posted more than 50 video presentations from the pay-for-view Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination held online October 16 to 18, 2020, and made them available to everyone for free.
The conference’s theme was “Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century” and it featured physicians, scientists and other health professionals, human rights activists, faith community leaders, constitutional and civil rights attorneys, authors and parents of vaccine injured children talking about vaccine science, policy, law and ethics and infectious diseases, including coronavirus and COVID-19 vaccines.
In December 2020, a U.K. company published false and misleading information about NVIC and its conference, which prompted NVIC to open up the whole conference for free viewing. The conference has everything you need to educate yourself and protect your personal freedoms and liberties with respect to your health.
Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity. I was a speaker at this empowering conference and urge you to watch these video presentations before they’re censored and taken away by the technocratic elite. ##
End of articles from Mercola. ##

Additional Information, more MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
A Project Veritas leaked video was reported by right-of-center Breitbart on February 16, 2021. In that video, Mark Zuckerberg expressed concerns about the “long-term side effects” of “basically modifying people’s DNA and RNA…”
“I Share Some Caution on this [Vaccine] Because We Just Don’t Know the Long-Term Side Effects of Basically Modifying People’s DNA and RNA”
I wonder if @Facebook will remove this video of Mark Zuckerberg? #ExposeZuck
— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) February 17, 2021
Since, then, Zuckerberg has publicly switched course. Zuckerberg has promoted Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates along with their COVID19 related efforts.
Citing their parties, MHProNews reported about a year ago that COVID19 was going to be the greatest transfer of wealth in world history. Several of the billionaire-corporate class said that they expected fundamentally good companies to be undermined and thus become bargains as a result of COVID19.

No less important, COVID19 was part of the cover used to upend the voting system in America. Agree or disagree with President Trump and his policies, there nevertheless remains significant evidence that has not been fully vetted by any court. Instead, courts routinely punted on some technicality.
America’s economy and the rule of law are being undermined right before our eyes. Border crosses – no matter how heartbreaking their stories may be – are nevertheless entering the U.S. illegally. There are ripple effects from that, which include the following.
- COVID19 positive cases are being let into the U.S.
- HUD just acknowledged that homelessness is rising. It only stands to reason that more residents – legal or otherwise – will only increase demand for housing AND/or will result in more homelessness.
- Criminal activity follows this tragic incoming flow of human traffic. More drugs, sexual abuse, and other crimes follows.
- Millions are being paid not to finish the parts of the wall that were already funded by Congress.
- Tens of millions in hotel and other costs are being associated with this influx of humanity.
- A few cases of people on the terror watch list have been identified. Given that not all are getting stopped, how many more are coming into America?
There is more, but the insanity of what Washington’s Mall’s Chris Plante has dubbed “the Biden-Harris Junta” is just one of several policy shifts that logically has and will harm those on the lower end of the economic strata.

MHProNews and our MHLivingNews sister site have tackled topics directly but also tangentially connected to manufactured housing for years. In doing so, we have often been on page one – often near top of page – for searches on key topics that shed light on how America got into this current mess. Our profession and the manufactured home product is wildly misunderstood although it is the most proven type of affordable housing in modern American history. Why is it so misunderstood? What Mercola, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Glenn Greenwald, or Curtin or others have demonstrated is that there is a range of topics that have been manipulated. Rephrased, manufactured housing is not alone.

One might think that manufactured housing would be turned to more by public officials, given the need for more affordable housing. But as Schmitz and his colleagues have pointed out, HUD and builders are – in their view – part of the problem that has limited manufactured housing for decades.

When mainstream media, and other institutions have been undermined, it is precisely sources that are willing to stand up and challenge the official narratives become more valuable.

For manufactured housing, there is a pressing need for support for a new post-production trade group that can partner with the proven advocates at the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR).

Bottom line? The powers that be weaponized the system in their favor. Call it what you will, “deep state,” “the swamp,” the “rigged system,” the Iron Triangle, “sabotage monopolies” or whatever, there are both challenges but also opportunities in disguise that arise from these vexing issues. To learn more, see the related reports.

Stay tuned for more of what is ‘behind the curtains’ as well as what is obvious and in your face reports. It is all here, at the runaway largest and most-read source for authentic manufactured home “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
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