“Legacy Georgia’s Hurricane Liquidation in Eatonton is going to be the biggest MH sale of the Fall,” said Casey Mack Legacy Housing Corporation in charge of Marketing | Web | Dealer Programs. “The countdown is on with less than 42 days to go!”

They are running several weeks ahead of plan, Mack said, “we appreciate your [MHProNews] team’s help in getting the word out — it’s been fantastic.”
Their promotion began about 2 weeks ago. Third-party site statistics today indicate that articles on the topic have drawn more than 8,000 hits. Based upon feedback from the field, part of the reason may be the opportunity to get new home inventory that’s priced right and is ready to go, when other producers are several months out to get a new order.
“We’re just under the half-way mark for this event, even though there’s 42 days to go. Our room block, once it is filled, we can’t get any more rooms. So those who want to stay overnight should consider acting sooner,” Mack said in reply to a follow up question from the Daily Business News.
That was part of a series of messages that came yesterday, so the count down to the big event continues.

A multi-year Legacy Housing retailer said the following, “Legacy is a partner you can grow with long term. Very good product, they have special retail financing programs, and a liberal floorplan [wholesale financing] program for their dealers too,” said Gus Rodriguez, a principal at Tejas Homes.
The event will include their popular tiny houses – which has drawn national attention – plus single and multi-sectional HUD Code manufactured homes.
Huge New Factory-Built Home Wholesale Liquidation Event Announced
Mack added some details, saying “Our hotel room block is filling up — rooms are first come-first serve…” Additional information, to RSVP so to ensure your spot and your free hotel room can be done by clicking on the banner, below.
To learn more about Legacy Housing, see the article linked below. The Daily Business News is told that factory tours of Legacy’s giant facility are available prior to the event. ## (News, event update, and commentary.)
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