Facts are what they are and should not be over or under stated. For example, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA-D) is a formidable political figure, a potent fund raise, and the most powerful elected female office holder in the U.S. today.
All those points about Speaker Pelosi are realities.
But it is equally true that Alexandria Ocasio Cortez – @AOC – has more Twitter followers than Speaker Pelosi.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (NY-D)’s Twitter following is shown below. Clearly, he holds the most powerful chair on the Democratic side in the U.S. Senate.
But then consider Senator Bernie Senator (VT-I but caucuses with Democrats), who dwarfs the three above. One reading of this is that the further left a candidate or politico seems to be, the more Twitter followers that they appear to have.
Or look at the Twitter followers for Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA-D), who has an exploratory committee launched for the Democratic nomination for president in 2020. She has roughly an equal number of Twitter followers as Speaker Pelosi or Minority leader Schumer have.
What’s Up With That Headline?
This left-of-center MSNBC video does a decent job of running through some of AOC’s outline, and explains some of the reasons why it might not work out the way she claims.
What the video above doesn’t mention is that hundreds of billions of dollars have flowed into the U.S. since the tax cuts were passed in late 2017, and went into effect in 2018.
Those repatriated dollars brought money into the U.S. Treasury, and has provided huge pools of money that are being invested in various ways across the 50 states.
But facts don’t matter for millions who may not understand the ways that proposals like AOC’s could cost the nation.
The election cycle never stops in the U.S., certainly not at the federal level. No sooner than one election is completed, and the results are sorted out, the next election cycle is underway. Democrats could have 20 to 50 candidates that raise their banner for their party’s nominee for the presidency.
What the Twitter followers data suggests is where “the energy” is with significant portions of the “base” of the Democratic party. The experience of Venezuela is moot to those who don’t follow the facts.
One of the best defenses against having the economic shock that significantly higher tax rates would bring is education of those in your circle of influence.
Arguably no one in MHVille is providing more meat and potato intellectual meals for the reality checks needed to make more voters think. That’s this evening’s look at the trends that are causing concerns among some investors, which in turn have caused more uncertainty in the markets. It’s not the only thing, but it is a thing. “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)

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