Month: October 2010

Mid Week Motivational Booster – 10/27/10

Quote for the week “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” – Sir Winston Churchill Weekly TimBit One of the critical skills for ongoing success is the ability to bounce back from adversity. Sooner or later in life everyone experiences failure, disappointment, setbacks, or loses the …

Mid Week Motivational Booster – 10/27/10 Read More »

You’ve got two choices – whine or get busy…

“The Wright brothers flew right through the smokescreen of impossibility.” ~ Charles Kettering Tim is a globally renowned speaker and trainer and the best selling author of over 75 books including the international bestseller Soft Sell with sales over one million copies and in 23 languages. Please feel free to forward this Weekly Tip to …

You’ve got two choices – whine or get busy… Read More »

The single best approach for achieving greatness – are you using it now?

Words of wisdom for this week. “There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult.” ~ Warren Buffett Can a personal coach or mentor accelerate your career progress? Everyone who has ever achieved greatness had help – outside and non-partial guidance to help them break through barriers, resistance and …

The single best approach for achieving greatness – are you using it now? Read More »