There is something to be said for having certain routines or rituals in your life, career and relationships.
Let’s look at all three.
Rituals in your career. These can be reading at a certain time of the day or night, (and for a certain length of time) relaxation time at certain times of the day or week, introspection time, study time, planning time, certain times of the day or week to call people, write notes or letters.
They can be special times for creative endeavors. I like to write between 5AM and 9AM when I am in town. I find I create some of my best work during these times. Routines do not steal from your creativity or spontaneous approach to life, they free up your other time for these productive activities.
Rituals in your relationships. Having a date night, a special time of the week or day for heart to heart discussions, special quarterly getaways, evening walks to catch up on the day, sending flowers – yes Virginia you can send a man flowers. I love receiving flowers although I don’t get many. Having special alone times for relationship building, improving communication, dealing with relationship problems. (Better to have a special time to deal with them than pretend they don’t exist and go to the movies. That’s a great way to avoid serious discussions.)
Rituals in your life. Getting up at a certain time every day. Going to bed at certain times. Only sleeping when you are tired rather than hitting the sheets every night at 11 whether you are tired or not. Working for a full 24 hours without sleep. Working for 2 weeks without a day off.
Get creative here, there are a thousand ways to develop rituals that can save you time and help you avoid added stress in your life. I run errands, when I am in town every day around noon. I can do that since I am in business for myself. I often find going to the cleaners is just as important as making another telephone call, especially if the suit I want to wear at my next speech is not in my closet.
Rituals. They are little things or major ones. They are important to you and need not be justified to anyone else. They help you feel more productive and in control. Try a few if you don’t have any, you might find you get more done in less time, have more fun and less stress.