Wisdom – the blending of – information, knowledge, experience, truth, reality, maturity -to achieve dreams, goals, life purpose, inner peace and happiness.
Each week I share a simple truth that can help you live with faith, courage, integrity, peace, purpose and success.
This week’s topic – Fun
In a high stress – fast paced – technology driven world – most people today tend to take life far too seriously. We are not guaranteed another day let alone another year so why not turn off your mobile device, disconnect your TV, play hooky and just do something you have been putting off for weeks maybe even years. Have some fun today. It doesn’t matter how you define fun. Just have some. You will be better able to face the struggles, problems, challenges and trials that life throws your way. While you are at it, why not brighten someone else’s day as well. Do something to bring a smile to their face, make them laugh or help them have some fun. You both will feel better.
Live wisely this week,
Tim ##