Are you winning or losing the Manufactured Housing Revolution?

If you have read the book The Manufacturing Housing REVOLUTION published by and edited by L.A. Tony Kovach, you are well aware of why he chose to title the book as he did. If you haven’t read it yet, I encourage you to purchase a copy today and devour every page. There are over 500 years of industry wisdom and experience represented in this unprecedented volume!

The Manufactured Housing REVOLUTION

As one of the contributors, I’d like to whet your appetite with a few ideas as to why I believe the factory-built housing industry is in the middle of a revolution and needs the guidance and vision of The Manufacturing Housing REVOLUTION to be the winners.

The Manufactured Housing REVOLUTION Book Cover

Every entity either grows or withers and dies. There are no exceptions.

Just look at the numerous organizations that have failed in the past ten years, many of them well-respected organizations while they were alive and well. But hidden beneath the surface of every organization that perishes is a dysfunctional attitude, belief or some wrong mindsets that cause it to fail.

During the past 24 months, and for over a decade, the manufactured housing industry has had its share of casualties. Many of these organizations did not have to die. So, why did they? And are there others on the radar that will fail in the coming months or years?

There are three reasons why any business entity fails:

  • Ego dominance (my way is the only way),
  • arrogance (my way is the best way; nobody can tell me…),
  • and/or failure of the owners or management team to continually re-invent the business to conform to current trends, circumstances, consumer buying patterns and the economy.

Any one of them can have a significant negative impact on the health and long-term success of your business.

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In any revolution, there will be winners and yes, there will be losers. It’s your decision as to the future you create for yourself and your business. After more than 35 years of consulting with hundreds of organizations around the world, I will tell you that your history will not guarantee your future.

Make no mistake: This industry is in the middle of a revolution, and I would offer has been for a number of years. It just took the team at to put an accurate label on the phenomenon of what is actually happening.

The Manufactured Housing REVOLUTION book back cover

First of all, why is this industry in a revolution?

In my recent book Corporate Disconnect, I discuss the breakdown between the various levels in an organization: senior management, middle management and the rank and file employees who do the work. This disconnect can be found everywhere in today’s world: in government, a church, a family, an association and yes, an industry. What has been developing for years in the manufactured housing industry is an increasing disconnect between the manufacturers, their representatives, the customers, the community owners, the financing organizations and anyone else involved. Sure, many organizations regardless of their position or role, can and will succeed, but only to the degree the industry succeeds. The reverse is also true: an industry succeeds to the degree that the businesses in it are successful.

What you have witnessed is a breakdown between the various groups within this industry. By contrast, I believe that has become so successful so quickly is because its singular purpose is to unite and strengthen the entire industry and improve the public perception of this industry’s importance and value to everyone who is involved, directly or indirectly.

The time for a positive revolution is now. In fact, it is long overdue. And you can get on board now or you can watch as the train leaves the station. The choice is yours.

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The Manufacturing Housing REVOLUTION will show you how to win this revolution or at least not become a casualty. For instance:

  1. Reinvent yourself and every aspect of your business. This doesn’t mean you throw away everything you have learned or done, but it does mean you give up your attachments to markets, products, policies, procedures, etc. Things have changed and will continue to change. But the real issue is not change itself, but the increasing pace of change. You have less time to respond to market and consumer changes today than at any time in history.
  2. Let go of your ego and its need to control. It’s time to be more flexible and willing to let go of sacred cows or anything that’s holding your organization back or preventing it from growing profitably.
  3. Start reaching out to other members in the industry for guidance, counsel, help and feedback.
  4. Start seeing your organization as an integral partner to anyone and everyone who is involved in this industry.

The REVOLUTION is happening all around us so join the winning Manufactured Housing Revolution team. You can do this in numerous ways: Buy The Manufacturing Housing REVOLUTION. Apply and implement what it presents. Contribute to by way of feature articles, guest blogs, comments… and more. Advertise. Become a sponsor.

Act now to succeed or become an historic statistic. The choice is yours. # #

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Tim Connor, CSP