
A healthy attitude is contagious, but don’t wait to catch it from others.

Over the years I will bet thousands if not millions of books have been written about ‘attitudes.’ I will bet that hundreds or even thousands of speakers, trainers, bosses, entrepreneurs have stressed the importance of proper attitude management. So, I will do my best to not be redundant here and take a slightly different road. When you spend time around people you like, love, respect or just enjoy their company you can also be receptive to their negatives – thoughts, ideas, choices, values, beliefs and yes attitudes. Attitudes are the foundation or trigger that create, determine or cause our actions, decisions and choices, thus the consequences. If they are grounded in negatives – the outcome, to some degree, will be negative. And why? Because attitudes like other traits or beliefs can be contagious. Think for a moment about a ‘Human Iceberg’. What’s above the surface that everyone can see about you- decisions, personality, actions, education, self-esteem, likes, choices, dislikes, opinions, hobbies, responses to life fears and favorites of all kinds etc. But, what’s below the surface that only you are aware of that cause, contribute or are a foundation of those that you display for everyone to see above the surface of you? Values, beliefs, fears, thoughts etc. are, the contributors to the formation and support of a person’s attitudes. A quick example. You are afraid of heights, so you don’t climb ladders, go to the top of special places or things etc. I don’t know why you are afraid unless you tell me and if you don’t, I will always only see your action and will always wonder why you act a certain way. The ‘why’ only belongs to you below the surface. So – I see the attitude and its outcomes but have no clue why you act this way. OK, one more quickie. You are shy and don’t talk to strangers, even ones who cross your life path. Why? I don’t have a clue but it’s causes are below the mental surface that I don’t have access to, so your attitudes are yours – and their causes – good or bad – only known by you.

“A healthy attitude is contagious, but don’t wait to catch it from others.” T. Stoppard.