We all want appreciation – from family, bosses, friends and sometimes even total strangers – with a simple – thank you. In a world that is rapidly becoming very self-absorbed the ability to show appreciation for even the smallest actions or behaviors is becoming almost obsolete.
I will guarantee that someone will do something for you today or you will do something for someone else that deserves a heartfelt show of appreciation and I’m not talking here about manners or simple courtesies, but the willingness and ability to let others know how much you appreciate them for who they are or what they do. Stop for a moment and think about someone you know that has failed to show you appreciation for something and while you are at it someone who deserves appreciation from you but has failed to get it. How do both make you feel? Regret? Sadness? Or something else?
Appreciation is not hard but it does take the right spirit and genuine gratitude and the ability to show it no matter the person or circumstances.
So let me ask you –
1) Who in your life deserves some appreciation from you?
2) What is preventing you from showing it?
3) Who has failed to appreciate you and how has that impacted your
relationship with them?
4) Do you consider yourself an “appreciative” person?
5) Who can you give appreciation to today that will add value to your life
and theirs?
In His Service, Tim