Detour Ahead

You're headed to an important meeting and running a bit late and up ahead you see a sign that says – DETOUR AHEAD. You're first thought is Oh crap; I am going to be late. Ever been in that situation or something similar? We all have at one time or another – maybe not a …

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Walk Don’t Run

If you are over fifty years old I'm sure you are familiar with that old song, Walk Don't Run. If not, no problem just keep reading. Far too many people are rushing through life and heading nowhere. Whether it's behind the wheel, rushing through meetings or the lack of patience when it comes to life's …

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Brain clutter

The human brain is the most miraculous organ in the history of living things on the earth. I won't go into great detail other than to say that yours works non-stop every second of every day and its feats and tasks are truly miracles. It works for us constantly – however having said this it …

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Rock the boat

You don't have to be a sailor or even like the water to get my analogy here, I just love the concept. One of the major contributors to organizations not achieving their full growth and profit agendas is simply because many employees just continue to go along with policies, procedures, products and services that have …

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