What Defines You and Your Future

Weekly TimBit Over the years I have observed many people and their reactions and responses to many of life's curves, roadblocks and successes. I include myself in these observations with the goal of trying to determine who I am, who I have been and who I am becoming. Sometimes it's a wonderful story that unfolds …

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Imagination – what’s possible for you?

Have you ever considered what great things you could accomplish in your life or who you could become beyond what you are today – if you had more time, resources, talent, creativity or opportunity? Let me explain – everything that exists today existed in someone's imagination before it became reality. Let me repeat – nothing …

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Do you really think you are secure in any area of your life? – Motivation Booster from Tim

Weekly TimBit –  Security is an illusion. Do you really think that people who have lost their home and all of their possessions in less than five minutes due to a tornado, hurricane or even a flood believed that this would happen to them? Do you think people who have saved for years and then lost …

Do you really think you are secure in any area of your life? – Motivation Booster from Tim Read More »

Maintaining Balance in Life

Weekly Quote    "Every day give yourself a good mental shampoo." Jordan   Weekly TimBit – Maintaining balance in life.   One of the challenging  issues facing many people today is the ability to maintain a sense of balance in their lives. It's impossible to have total balance in your life. There are just too many demands, …

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Thinking leads to Doing

Weekly Quote   "A man's way of doing things is the direct result of the way he thinks about things." Wallace Wattles   Weekly TimBit – Ever said the words – never – always?   Never – such a complex word regardless of whether it is used in an apparent positive or negative way. Have you ever …

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