Do people walk their talk?
My lady friend and I were talking the other night, she is a tremendous inspiration for me I might add, about a simple yet profound topic – do people walk their talk?
My lady friend and I were talking the other night, she is a tremendous inspiration for me I might add, about a simple yet profound topic – do people walk their talk?
I am not immune to all of the stuff that is happening in the world, believe me, but I for one can tell you that giving up or in to the world and its negative influences will serve no useful purpose in your future…
For years I have set specific goals every year and every year I either exceed them or fall short of them so I am beginning to wonder why should I bother taking the time to set these goals in the first place?
Words of wisdom for this week, by Tim Connor. As 2009 comes to a close and I consider all of the disappointments, mistakes unrealized dreams as well as…
During the past few years I have written a number of articles about invalidators. But I was considering this concept this weekend and it occurred to me that there are…
Today, more than at any time in history, I believe being a successful manager, executive, business owner or supervisor requires an active imagination, creative vision, problem solving and, to quote the popular phrase, thinking out of the box…
Change is constant. Change is increasing at a faster pace than at any time in history.
Never – such a complex word regardless of whether it is used in an apparent positive or negative way. Have you ever said, I will “never” do that, say that again?
The pressure is on and management is breathing down your neck to finish the year on a positive note and hit or beat your number for the year. I know the feeling…