
Breathe, let go. And remind yourself that this very moment…

Breathe, let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you really have.”  O. Winfrey. Are you a person who spends your time in either the past or the future? Or can you just live one day, one moment at a time and not worrying about the future and fretting over the past? Well as a quick FYI as someone who does weekly research on a variety of topics one thing I have learned over the years is that people who; are positive, optimistic, laugh more, smile more, have more fun and spend their mental life in the present live an average of 10-20 years longer, get sick less, and just pass away in old age rather than due to some life threatening illness. The past is dead, there is nothing you can do to change anything there, but you can use what you learned to better use in your present. The future is a blank slate and who knows what will be in it when we get there? Oh, sure we can plan, set goals, work hard, pray, have faith, believe etc. Nothing in the future – no matter how hard you worked for it is a guarantee. Everything is temporary – your car, home, job, friends, financial status, your life, results from your effort etc. Don’t believe me – tell me what you have that is permanent – oh sure – your life – but it too will end one day, your marriage – again it will end when one of you leave here. The happiest, most successful, contented and healthy people on the planet today – are what I call “present living folks.” If you are not there yet you might want to add it to your 2024 “To Do” list.

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.” H. D. Thoreau. I don’t think he is referring here to the “Cloud” – it didn’t exist during his lifetime. So, what was he implying? Well, I am sure each of us could explain his intent from our own perspective and each of these might be a bit different so let me give you my quick response. Planning, preparation, thoughtfulness, hoping, praying, doing research, and seeking guidance before you embark on any potential or future journey, dream or activity that will require any or all of these in order to end with success is always a wise first step. An example – building a new house. Yes, you want the walls even, the ceiling waterproof, the rooms the right size and the floors even but if you rushed through the construction of the basement or foundation, you might have some issues with the previous items. So, is the foundation or base the most critical part of the overall construction? Well, I will tell you sooner or later if it is not constructed correctly you are going to have some issues with some part of the house above. How about building a pool? Do you think this approach applies? How about if you are starting a new business, a new career or even a new life in some area or with someone? As an experienced traveler through life – five things I have learned matter – pre-planning, wisdom, the foundation, the right action and a willingness to keep learning, growing and correcting along the path.