Over the years, I have been brought to my knees a number of times facing problems, challenges and failure. I can tell you, with a great deal of personal certainty, that no one – and I mean no one – escapes this life without some adversity, problems or failure. The value in these is to learn and grow. There is another benefit as well: it tests your resolve.
Years ago, I was facing a serious personal and career crossroads. I was not doing well (probably an understatement). Now, I have lots of friends and peers who, on the surface, seem to just successfully float through life and their careers. At first glance, they don’t seem to have any real serious business, financial or career challenges. But, I can tell you, do not be misled by outer appearances. One of the differences between me and them is that I have developed the courage to share reality with my readers and audiences. I do not do this in search of pity or emotional support. I do it because I need the constant reminder that each of us has our own personal dragons we must slay if we hope to achieve success and happiness.
One thing I have learned is that sooner or later you have to draw a line in the sand. You have to say to yourself, “No matter what life gives me, I can handle it. I will not give up or in. Period.” I had one of those little talks with myself in 1991. It was the middle of the recession, and I was scrounging for every dollar I could find. I even spent a Sunday afternoon looking through the want ads for a job (after ten years as a full time speaker). But, as I was circling ads to investigate the potential, God spoke to me, his message was clear – “You teach resolve, wisdom, discipline, courage, persistence etc. and I throw you are curve and you are ready to throw in the towel. Practice what you preach or I no longer need you as one of my spokespersons anymore. Draw a line in the sand and carry on no matter what and watch what I will do for you.” These were not audible words but the message was loud and clear – draw a line in the sand. You know, friends, from that moment on, things started to get better – slowly at first, then more rapidly.
This doesn’t mean I am home free. It only means that I surmounted one more hurdle. And there will be others. I don’t like them, but I know I need them to get better, wiser and stronger. And so do you.
Have you drawn your line in the sand yet? Have you said, “No matter how tough it gets, I will not quit.”? If you have, I salute you. If you are waiting for some miracle, I will hope for you that it appears. If you are wavering, struggling or considering calling it quits, I would encourage you to remember one thing I learned over thirty years ago from one of my first mentors: he said to me, “Tim, the cost of failure is always higher than the cost of success. You will have to pay one of the prices. Which would you rather pay?”
A few questions;
1) Is there an area of your life where you have not drawn a line in the sand? Why not?
2) Things taking longer than you hoped or planned to get better, change or improve? How are you handling it?
3) Ever feel like quitting? Joint the club. But, it’s one thing to feel like it and another to do it.
In His Service,
Tim Connor