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Living Wisely – Expectations

Expectations – 
One of the biggest causes of frustration and disappointment in life is the unrealized expectations of what life should give you and doesn’t.  It never will give you everything you want when you want it, so relax. You can never be happy attached to the expectation or outcomes you have in life.
To manage your expectations means, that you understand that life is just what it is.  Yes, you can set goals, plan, work and hope but in the end although these would seem to make sense, often life just doesn’t cooperate. We are all learning every day, either by accident, design, or on purpose, but we are all learning what life wants us to learn now.  So why not just flow with what is and learn to accept it all as a part of your unique journey through life.  I don’t mean that you should become a vegetable but that fighting only adds to your frustration.
Live wisely this week, Tim