Mid-Week Motivational Boosters 9/1/10

Quote for the week
“Life is just one damned thing after another.”
~ Hubbard

Regret weighs tons. Living with words spoken or unspoken, deeds done or left undone, and actions taken or not taken is one of the biggest burdens many people carry with them through life, and some to the grave.

To live each moment in life with a happy perspective and disposition requires that we live in such a way that there is no need to carry regret into the next minute, let alone the next year. Why do people choose to live with regret? A better question is why do people act or speak in such a way that requires them to experience the constant negative pull of regret in their life? My friends, if I had an answer to that one, I wouldn’t be sitting at my computer slaving over each word. I would be cruising the Caribbean on a 60-ft dream yacht.

I, too, have known the sting of regret. I can only tell you that living with it will not let happiness and peace into your life. Regrets will be like a long shadow darkening the way ahead, as well as the path behind you. Their stretch is well into the future, and they cloud your past with pain, anger, resentment, grief, blame, or fear.

What regrets are you living with today?

The Art of Thank You, Leas

Copyright: 7/2010 – Tim Connor, CSP