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In ancient times worry was depicted in hieroglyphics as a wolf sinking its teeth into the neck of a man. How right they were.

What is worry? Well essentially I’s a concern for some aspect of the future that you feel you have no control over, are concerned about and/or you are not sure you can handle the circumstances that show up tomorrow. Why do people worry? But first let me ask you – are you a worrier? No? Do you ever worry? Never.

Come on folks – every human at some point worries about something – their health, their money, their career or business, their reputation, their security or their relationships.

Medical evidence has indicated in numerous studies that a mindset of worry is one of the major causes of poor health, relationship issues and poor or no inner peace and happiness.

I once read a study years ago that indicated that 80-90 percent of the things people worry about never actually happen. So if this is true why do we waste mental time on this negative thought process that steals from the joy of today and life?

A few questions –

Are you a worrier? A lot, everything, sometimes, never, it depends?

What are the things you worry about most? Why? How frequently?

Has a mindset of worry had a negative impact on any area of your life?

Do you know a worrier? How does this life approach affected them?

Worry is wasted energy. It is living in the future. It is trying to have control over stuff we can’t control. It steals your present moments and over time in looking back I will guarantee that you will say one day – “Why did I spend so much time worrying about – whatever?”

In His Service, Tim