It goes without saying that life is a series of marathons, not just a single sprint.
- first home sale,
- that first business deal,
- that first new client,
are important. But once isn’t enough. Repetition is critical for learning. Systems that can more routinely produce the desired outcome are important too. That’s a form of repetition too. How do you keep from burning out, and balance your life for long term sustained success? We’ll take a brief look at that question via the new-for-you graphic below.
Work Life Balance
The work-life balance is a topic that gurus have talked and written about for years.
What our manufactured housing industry’s history sadly highlights is a trend that other industry’s have endured too. There has been a long-standing, multi-decade struggle between larger firms attempting to ‘rig the system’ against smaller operations and the masses of Americans of all backgrounds. They’ve done that by misusing politics, media, foundations, and other resources.
That’s not to say that everyone in those sphere’s are evil or corrupt, that would be as untrue as those who want to ignore the obvious reality that there is a level of corruption or “rigging of the system.”
What’s the solution? Part of it is education, and a good work-life balance.
The Difference Between Free Enterprise and Crony Capitalism
Stop and think for a few moments. Why is it that some of the richest people in America claim to support candidates who often openly support socialism?
The idea of ‘free stuff’ is tempting to millions who have not learned the lessons once taught in junior high school. “There is no such thing as a free lunch,” or TANSTAFL.
If socialism worked, North Korea wouldn’t have a basket case economy next to that of South Korea.
If socialism worked, the old USSR wouldn’t have fallen.
Warren Buffett and several of his peers know the value of history quite well. The free enterprise system helped make the wealthy, but they’ve also arguably abused the free enterprise system to get an edge over other smaller companies.
How is That Unfair Advantage Unwound?
The answer in part is educational, but it includes the proper work-life balance. Some get nervous about talking about spiritual, faith-based or political matters. Why? It wasn’t that long ago that it was a common topic. Why was it turned by those who pull-the-strings behind the scenes into something that was “politically incorrect?”
The work life-balance wheel posted in this tip can be download, and posted in frame in your office. There may not be another quite like it.
Every business needs a short, medium, and long-term strategy. For example, if political, civics and historic understanding is a once every 2- or 4-years brief event, then expect those who make it part of their long term strategy to gain an advantage.
As a business person or professional, you have to make your monthly overhead. That’s short term. Miss that overhead often enough, and you’ll be out of business or bankrupt.
This week, several new reports will be mixed in with other news items that will underscore the need for a sustained, short-medium and long-term work-life balance. Get a jump on it. Your sustained success depends upon it.
BTW, if you look at the first ‘related report,’ linked below, and scan our headlines, you may notice something. Virtually every week offers some level of ‘work life balance’ in our reports according to the principles spotlighted shown above.
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(See Related Reports, further below. Third-party images and content are provided under fair use guidelines.)
Tony is the multiple award-winning managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and
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Related References:
“Rent is Too Damn High,” But Why? MHVille Struggles & Solutions
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