It’s a page from a newspaper published during the ousting of the Shah, and the coming to power of the once exiled Ayatollah Khomeini, an Iranian Shia Muslim religious leader.
The red outlines around the Farsi text are modern. They reflect the feelings of those in Iran reacting today to the many broken promises made back then.
Some of those circled red pledges are:
- In the Islamic Republic, there is no dictator.
- You don’t have to wear a hijab (women).
- Water and electricity will be free.
- Don’t buy a house. Everyone will get a house.
- Mullahs shouldn’t be president.
- Marxist and others can speak their ideas (implied freedom of speech).
- Ladies should enter the political field.
- Islam is a democracy. The Islamic Republic of Iran is free and democratic.
- If Farrah kills the Shah, we will excuse her.
Not written on that newspaper page, but among the promises made verbally during the run-up to the ousting of the Shah, was this. Because of the nation’s oil wealth, checks would be delivered to your Iranian home monthly.
That was then. Today, the young in Iran are often hopeless.
They are often so poor, and electricity is so costly, that many live with a single lightbulb on in their home.
Owning a home is a dream most will never attain.
While this video just posted on YouTube isn’t true for all in Iran today, but it’s true for far too many. You don’t need to know Farsi to understand the tragic images.
What Does This Sound Like?
Look at Venezuela. Look at what a decade of failed socialist promises there has yielded. Recall that too was based in part on broken oil wealth promises?
Think of the Bernie Sanders campaign. How much free stuff was he promising?
Think about the promises some billionaires and politicos are making today about “universal income.”
Revolutions are funded.
Revolutions often begin with false promises.
It’s been 100 years since the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. The Bolsheviks arrested and killed Russia’s Tsar, and the creation of the communistic Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) resulted. Communism led to the death of some 100 million people. Adolf Hitler was terrible and caused millions of deaths, but what the communists did in sheer numbers was even worse. All evils like those should be condemned.
George Soros recently transferred $18 billion to his Open Society Foundations. They claim to support ‘democratic’ causes globally.
There are those on the right-of-center media that claims Soros money helped organize and fund anti-Trump protests across the country. The left and Soros’ people routinely deny that claim.

AntiFa has reportedly met with ISIS and Al Qaeda in Europe, per JihadWatch four days ago.
There are voices on both the left and the right that say that America is not only divided, but is in the midst of a cultural, and political upheaval.
The economy is improving, yet for almost a year since the election, there have been non-stop efforts to derail the president and his America First, pro-American Business, American Workers First agendas.
There are those who want to defend America’s promise of liberty and justice for all. They want to promote free enterprise and constitutionally limited government. We do too. Then, there are others that say that’s all lie, and they are #resist #resistance. There are other groups to be sure.
Freedom isn’t free. It never has been. It never will be.
What does this have to do with you and your business or profession? Everything. Example; have you wondered what MHAction is all about?
You can be wealthy, but if the wrong people come to power, you can lose it all – including your life – in short order.
If you think that supporting those that want to seize power will protect you, here’s one more lesson from this historic Iranian newspaper.
The photo of the man near the center is a person who allegedly killed many on behalf of the incoming Islamic Republic. He was later killed himself.
Freedom isn’t free. Siding with the revolutionaries isn’t free.
Beware of those making false promises.
Throughout history, such promises have routinely not worked out well for the people who believed them.
Look at Iran. Look at Venezuela, where people are starving. Look at Russia’s revolution 100 years ago.
It’s a dangerous world. The ignorant and non-engaged are pawns in the hands of those who want to bring about change in a very undemocratic way.
We publicly supported draining the swamp a year ago, and the swamp today is naturally fighting back.

A letter I published over a year ago was on the Trump campaign site until after his election. It’s still on hundreds of other websites, mostly conservative ones.
“What we learn from history is that people don’t learn from history.”
– Warren Buffett.
Let’s hope that Mr. Buffett is very wrong in this case on that observation of his.
“History is for human self-knowledge…the only clue to what man can do is what man has done.
|The value of history, then, is that it teaches us what man has done and thus what man is.”
― R.G. Collingwood (The above two quotes are from Goodreads, the next is cited from Wikipedia.)
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
– George Santayana
Freedom isn’t free.
Don’t believe those promising something for nothing. Don’t let your friends, fellows, family, or colleagues believe the something for nothing promises some are making today.
Don’t believe me? Have that Iranian newspaper translated for yourself.
It’s your freedom – and that of millions of others – that are at the heart of the struggle taking place in America today.
“We Provide, You Decide.” (C) ## (Historic, news, analysis, commentary.)
Note 1: Danny Ghorbani, the third person in this video above, is also of Iranian
(Persian) origins, living here in the U.S. for decades. Notice his tone towards President Trump?
(Image credits are as shown above, and when provided by third parties, are shared under fair use guidelines.)
Editor’s note 2: Soheyla was born in Iran, educated in Europe as an MD, and came to the United States. Her and her husband, L. A. “Tony” Kovach are the co-founders and managing members of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC – the parent company to MHProNews, MHLivingNews and various business development services to the manufactured home and factory built housing industry. Along with their son, Tamas (pronounced “tah mash”), they’ve become well known at events like Louisville, Tunica and most recently, Deadwood.